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Maximal Power Station B4-Y

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Maximal Power Station B4-Y is a Maximal-owned power station located in Cybertropolis. It supplies power to that area in the city that contains the Cybertropolis Maximal Data Archive and Predacon Transwarp Research Center D-F.


Theft of the Golden Disk

As part of a plan of Cryotek's to steal the Golden Disk, Backslash and Clamps, jointly Team Alpha, were sent to Maximal Power Station B4-Y. Their orders were to destroy it, berieving power from the Cybertropolis Maximal Data Archive long enough for Megatron's party to get in and retrieve the Data-Con they were after.

While Clamps was applying explosives, a guard spotted him, but Backslash took him out. Amused, Backslash warned Clamps to watch his back in the future. Clamps didn't take this all too well, and when just a little later Backslash himself was caught by another guard while planting the final explosives, Clamps had him blown up with the station. Mission accomplished, he then left to await further instructions from Megatron. Theft of the Golden Disk

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