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Magna Stampede

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Magna Stampede is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family (via the 2003 Universe series).
A contempt for prancing ponies.

Magna Stampede is one of a long line of sacred Guardians of the High Council Estates. It is a role he takes very seriously, especially with the re-appearance of Decepticons on technorganic Cybertron.

Where his partner Stockade provides brawn, Magna Stampede is the brains of the pairing. He's incredibly smart and an expert in strategy and combat improvisation... but this is not to say he's a lightweight. He's also an expert in numerous martial arts, and his beast mode horn and robot mode vibro-scythe can pierce or cleave through most any armor.



Wings Universe

Magna Stampede had a falling out with Stockade, which deeply affected the latter. Apelinq's personal logs, 2014/06/18

During the Universe War, Primus, sensing great value in Magna Stampede and Stockade, attempted to recruit them for the Children of Primus, but Primax 509.28 Epsilon's reality membrane proved too tough to break, and they bounced back to their home reality in nanokliks. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/24

Beast Wars: Uprising

Magna Stampede of the Magna heritage was a Maximal dedicated to duty and honor, descended from the likes of Pyra Magna and other prestigious ancestors. As part of the Resistance during the Grand Uprising, he was partnered with his exact opposite, the volatile and rule-breaking Stockade, who had been a common street thug before the Uprising. Nevertheless, Stampede developed a great fondness for his partner, and it appeared to be reciprocal.

Stationed on the border of Harmonex and Damaxus, Magna Stampede became concerned when Stockade did not report in from her patrol. He went looking for her and ran afoul of the Vehicons, one of the first hives unleashed by the Builders on Damaxus. Stockade came to Magna's aid during the struggle, but was fatally wounded herself when a drone pierced her spark. Magna Stampede watched as his partner succumbed to the Vehicon nano-plague, slowly converting into a Tank Drone. His report was among the first bits of actionable intelligence High Command received about the dangers of the Vehicons. Derailment


Universe (2003)

Bringing Hammerpants to a battlefield near your home universe.
  • Stockade & Magna Stampede with Prowl & Terradive (Ultra Class, 2004)
Part of the third "official" wave of Universe Ultras (Universe has a few ".5" half-waves, which ultimately put this pack in the fifth set of Ultra releases, yes it's confusing), Magna Stampede is a redeco of Beast Machines "Basic" class Battle Unicorn, transforming into a technorganic unicorn. A dial on his beast mode's left shoulder activates an "attack" gimmick: rotating it forward makes his head bow forward for horn-stabby action, with a tension-spring making it snap back when released. (This feature is blocked in robot mode.)
We don't recommend you try this.
His mane and tail are a multi-part assembly that runs through his beast-mode back, becoming a massive battle-axe in robot mode. The on-package stock photography (seen at lower-right) shows the tail portion of his axe separated and held in his hand like a whip. While this is possible, the connection is very tight and is seemingly not actually meant to come apart, plus the instructions for either iteration of the mold make no mention of this. The connection does allow the tail to rotate freely, giving you a few more options for dynamic battle poses.
He was available only in a multi-pack with Stockade and the Mini-Cons Prowl and Terradive.


  • Magna Stampede's bio information comes from an unpublished—yet officially-approved—bio written by 3H. It is just one of many Universe profiles written and approved, but unpublished for whatever reason. Years later, the Facebook story pages "Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur" and "Ask Vector Prime" would canonize the Universe profile information.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Magna Stampede (マグナスタンピード Maguna Sutanpīdo)

External links


  1. December 9, 2024 Interview with Hasbro designer Brian Parrish on the "Triple Takeover" podcast, from their YouTube channel.
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