Madeline Pynch
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- Madeline Pynch is a human from the Rescue Bots portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Madeline Pynch enjoys being rich, so above all she's motivated by profit. This drive to make more money will override any sort of ethics she might possibly possess and lead her to pursue methods that regular folk would find possibly just a little dodgy. Her daughter Priscilla has not fallen far from the tree.
Rescue Bots cartoon
- Voice actor: Stacy Darrow (English), Renata Bertolas (Italian), Helena Coppejans (French), Maria Claudia Cardoso (Portuguese, season 2), Denise Reis (Portuguese, season 4), Kang Si-hyeon (Korean)
Learning that Blossom Vale was on top of gold-rich land, Madeline attempted to have the area purchased by her company, only for the Griffin Rock council to block the sale. She had to instead put another plan into action, using cellphones to hypnotize the townsfolk and have them mine the vale themselves. While in the area of the vale, Priscilla dropped her doll down a well, resulting in the town's rescue team being called in. Madeline made Chief Burns an offer for the Rescue Bots, but was turned down. Her plan to mine the vale went into operation and managed to reap some reward before the cell tower was brought down, breaking the hypnotic hold over the town's residents, and she reflected that the cellphones put out would have to be much stronger. Spellbound
Madeline was on the mainland during the dedication of the Pynch Square construction project, so Priscilla filled in. Rescue Dog Doctor Morocco contacted her to sell some alien technology he'd stolen from the Rescue Bots. Changes Madeline was turned down by the mayor for a permit to drill for oil off Griffin Rock. That didn't stop her drilling, of course. Odd Bot Out She was watching Huxley Prescott's report on the crash of the Griffin Rock Express when Doc Greene mentioned that some technology had been created under contract for a drilling company. The Griffin Rock Express
Pynch was approached by Doctor Morocco who proposed he steal the Rescue Bots for her and put them to work mining the gold under the island. Impressed by the technology he had to accomplished his task, she hired him and he successfully obtained the four Bots. Madeline supplied him with phasing technology for use during the mining, but when the Bots set off an explosion, she opted to cut and run to join her daughter in Paris, stealing Morocco's underwater base, the Nemo. Double Villainy Unfortunately, the Nemo had been holed by the explosion, and as it sank, Pynch was forced to evacuate in an escape pod. Rise of the Heroes Pynch gave the Nemo back to Morocco in exchange for the Verne device. The Last of Morocco
At some point Pynch's activities gained the attention of Optimus Prime, who had Quickshadow spy on her. Cody's 11 Returning to Griffin Rock, she embarked on a bid to secretly bankroll the redevelopment of the island into a huge vacation resort. Unfortunately as she was outlining her plans to some investors, she was spied on by Cody who was using Velgrox invisibility tech. Though the resort plan fell through, she gained access to the technology Cody had left behind as he escaped. Vanishing Returns
When one of her drilling rigs uncovered Energon, Pynch overheard the rescue team discussing its properties and discovered that the Rescue Bots were sentient. She had the Energon secured and developed into Pynch-Cells, then engineered a failure in the power grid across much of the US in order to better market her new product. The rescue team were able to infiltrate her compound and though she caught Chief and Heatwave in the act and threatened to expose the Rescue Bots' secret, ultimately the good guys managed to recover the Energon and the various tech she'd accumulated. Pynch attempted to escape, only to find herself being escorted to jail on Griffin Rock by Quickshadow, since her knowledge of the Rescue Bots' sentience would be useless there. Cody's 11