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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 4

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 4
Transformers Legends LG 04.jpg
漫画トランスフォーマーレジェンズ出張版 第4話
First published November 29, 2014
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Packaged with Legends LG04 Roadbuster

Tankor creates Whirl and Roadbuster to aid him in his plans. Dorvack? What's a Dorvack?


In his secret Bonapar Island base, Rhinox-turned-Tankor hasn't given up on his dream of turning back time to the '80s, and builds himself two new '80s-inspired robot allies, Whirl and Roadbuster. As he leads them to the city to continue his reign of nostalgic terror, he encounters Waspinator who claims to recognize his new cohorts. Before an impressed Tankor can explain that the pair indeed hails from a certain '80s mecha anime, Waspinator tells Rattrap that they're two of the Wreckers, an Autobot team from a British Transformers comic book. Whirl and Roadbuster are left confused by their new origin story, but Tankor's attempt to clarify that they're actually from "Dor-" is again interrupted by Waspinator enthusiastically teaching everyone present about the Wreckers.

As an annoyed Tankor chases Waspinator and Rattrap off, Whirl heads off on his own take some humans hostage, but an encounter with an innocent little girl causes him to have a sudden change of heart: placing the girl in his chest canopy, he declares that he's going to fight for her sake as a defender of justice! Announcing his intent to smash all evildoers, he immediately ends up battling Roadbuster, who remains loyal to Tankor and considers him a traitor. As the battle between the 1980s and 2010s continues, Whirl is admonished by the girl who tells him smashing things is bad.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This volume is sprinkled with references to Special Armored Battalion Dorvack in homage to Whirl and Roadbuster's origin, having some fun with the fact that they never appeared in any Japanese fiction or toylines up until Legends, leaving them more recognizable to Japanese fans as Dorvack mecha than Transformers characters.
    • Read in Japanese, "Bonapar Island" sounds very similar to "Bonaparte", another reference to Bonaparte Tulcas.
    • Under Tankor's command, Whirl and Roadbuster end their sentences with "dor" and "vack", respectively. (After defecting, Whirl changes his vocal tic to "whi".)
    • Finally, Tankor outright tries to say "Dorvack", only for the word to be covered both times by Waspinator's speech bubbles.
  • The little girl Whirl takes a liking to is based on his holomatter avatar from IDW's More than Meets the Eye comic series. In addition, Whirl himself is drawn with a yellow eye as popularized by that series, despite the fact that his Legends toy has a red one.
  • Shades of Whirl's IDW personality also shine through in the form of his first-person pronoun of choice, ore-sama (俺様). The -sama suffix conveys honor and respect and is usually translated as "lord", "sir" or similar titles, so affixing it to yourself is tremendously self-aggrandizing and very much like something the loud-mouthed, rather arrogant IDW Whirl would do.
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