Ironfist (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ironfist" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ironfist (disambiguation). |
- Ironfist is an Autobot Lightformer from the Generation 1 continuity family.
For Ironfist, there is no greater work of art than an ingenious piece of weaponry. Others can have their metamorphic rock sculptures of unclothed human males or oil-based images of smiling females, but a tracer cannon that can take out a Decepticon battalion a hic away is (almost) all that Ironfist admires. Unsurprisingly, this Autobot gun nut gets into the thick of a battle, no matter what the terrain, so long as the action is fast and furious. However, Ironfist still finds the time to silently regard the weapons of war.[1]
In datanet circles, Ironfist is known by his user-name Fisitron. Fisitron is a dedicated Wreckers fan-boy and writer of the Wreckers: Declassified datalogs, an in-depth chronicle of their many dangerous adventures. They're his heroes. Ironfist hopes his passion for weaponry attracts their attention, but if he were ever to meet them, he'd probably faint from over-excitement.[2]
Sometimes he sounds like he's from Nebulos.
Contents |
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Last Stand of the Wreckers #1
“ | I fought my first campaign in the Manganese Mountains, where I spoke to Optimus Prime for the first and last time. He mistook me for somebody else. | ” |
—Ironfist, Last Stand of the Wreckers #4 |
Ironfist was constructed cold before the war began Last Stand of the Wreckers #4 and took a job in the Ballistics department of the Iaconian Mechaforensic Division. An enthusiastic but naive nerd, he didn't even know what a Decepticon was during the Clampdown. As well as his ballistics skills, he was famed for his nerdy love for Delta Magnus and the Primal Vanguard: buying any relic they ever touched, using Delta's catchphrase "glorious" all the time, and building a life-size model of Delta. (Flatfoot confiscated it.) Most of his workmates made fun of him, so Tumbler decided to be nice and pretend he shared Ironfist's hobby; Ironfist would then spend ages talking poor Tumbler's ear off about the bloody Vanguard. This hobby did come in useful though, when Tumbler needed a replica Matrix for a heist and Ironfist just happened to have one. An Intimate Beheading

Later, he finally laid eyes on the Decepticon badge just three days before Zeta Prime was killed. He took his first life before the war officially started and his next after Megatron activated the Nightmare Engine. Sometime after this, he also altered his head's design to look like a Primal Vanguard helmet. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4 After joining the Autobots, he apprenticed under Wheeljack before heading to the Manganese Mountains on his first campaign. It was there he designed Optimus Prime's signature laser rifle, although Optimus thought Ironfist's chief rival Skyfall was responsible.
He was subsequently stationed at the Kimia Facility, where he worked as a weapons designer and engineer. Ironfist's psyche profile Experimental weapons he created were widely used throughout the war, and while Ironfist enjoyed his work, he'd never allow himself to feel pride for causing the deaths of thousands. Over the course of the war, he lost his eleven closest friends, including Nautilus, and developed a deep hatred for the Decepticons. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4
When not designing weapons, Ironfist would spend most of his time in front of a computer screen. Ironfist's psyche profile
One big defining moment in his time was briefly seeing Impactor in action, raiding the Vosian Citadel. That drove him towards a deep, abiding fandom for the Wreckers Bullets and he became known online as their unofficial historian. Under the sobriquet "Fisitron", he cataloged, disseminated, and glorified their exploits through a series of 331 datalogs that became known as the Wreckers: Declassified series. Last Stand of the Wreckers #1 Ironfist's psyche profile They're very popular, though people have noticed he tends to repeat some phrases over and over (which fans call "Fisitronisms".) Bullets
He helped Skyfall get a job at Kimia and even let him use his workshop, and the two became friends. Strangely, sometime after Skyfall came along, Ironfist's invention Gideon's Glue (so horrifying that Ironfist himself destroyed it) ended up in Decepticon hands and suspicion briefly landed on him! Ironfist was exonerated though. Later, he used his influence to get Skyfall out of a Garrus-9 posting so he could keep enjoying his friend's company: he even promised him he could have his workshop if he ever died. Bullets
Shortly after that promise, in a horrible twist of fate, Bullets a lab accident embedded a prototype cerebro-sensitive bullet in Ironfist's skull, which began slowly edging towards his brain, leaving him with only a short time to live. Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 Just to make things worse, the Ethics Committee banned these bullets under Protocol III of the Non-Conventional Weapons Act, and use of them in future would be deemed a war crime under the Tyrest Accord. Committee member Trailbreaker openly expressed his disapproval of Ironfist for creating such weapons. Bullets
He would have lived out the rest of his life holed up in his lab until Prowl contacted him one day. Prowl had been keeping tabs on Ironfist and had read all the material he had written as Fisitron. Prowl informed Ironfist that Springer was forming a new Wreckers team, and that there was a space available on it if Ironfist wanted it badly enough. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4 Prowl had believed that since Ironfist knew he was going to die, he would make a good potential candidate to bypass suicide lock of Aequitas, the infallible guilt-determining supercomputer that was the heart of Garrus-9's justice system; the suicide lock meant that, if security was compromised, a volunteer would have to give up their life to get past its security codes. Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 Prowl pulled strings and as a result, Ironfist got to the front of the queue. Last Stand of the Wreckers #3 Ironfist's psyche profile
Ironfist was personally approached by Springer, via hologram, for recruitment into the Wreckers (he briefly thought he was seeing the Shimmer, the legendary being that heralded your death). Bullets However, Ironfist embarrassed himself when he started babbling on about what he thought the survival rate of the Wreckers really was, if one considered Rack'n'Ruin a single robot. Dead Men's Boots
Before his deployment, Brainstorm found out that Ironfist's cerebro-gun had been tampered with. Ironfist realized that Skyfall had done it and began to realize how many other things the bot had done, but departed Kimia without confronting his "friend". Instead, he set things up so that the instant he died, a recorded message containing proof of Skyfall's crimes would be sent to everyone following the Declassified feed. Bullets
Shortly thereafter, Ironfist found himself waiting with Pyro, Guzzle, and Rotorstorm to be inducted into the Wreckers from an outpost on the Igue-Moor Fuel Depot, Ironfist thought he'd test-run his new lightformer cannon. Unfortunately, he blew up one of the Autobots' local reconstruction projects, causing its overseer Dipstick to throw a fit.
Ultra Magnus's ship landed shortly, and Ironfist and the other inductees were greeted by several famous members of the Wreckers. Ironfist was practically beside himself when he identified Kup, but Verity Carlo noted that Kup "changes his oil like everyone else." And while Springer began to brief them, Ironfist fainted.
Eventually Ironfist's systems rebooted, and he immediately tried to downplay his reaction. But after some prodding from Guzzle, Ironfist resigned himself to an explanation. He revealed himself as Fisitron, the famous Wreckers historian and fanboy. As Ironfist began rambling, Topspin and Twin Twist were amused to hear that their files were classified. Ironfist was understandably embarrassed and excused himself. Last Stand of the Wreckers #1
On the way to Garrus-9, the ship encountered Impactor, who had just escaped from the prison. Ironfist and the other new recruits were forced to wait around in another room as Springer and Ultra Magnus questioned the Wreckers' former leader. They passed the time speculating on why Impactor was kicked out of the Wreckers and locked-up after a certain incident on Pova. Ironfist deeply believed that the "official" reason given for Impactor's incarceration was a cover-up, but he couldn't speculate on what had actually occurred. Later on, Ironfist was tasked with replacing Impactor's missing right hand. He rigged-up a harpoon-launching substitute for the former leader of the Wreckers, but decided not to take the opportunity to question Impactor on the real reason he was imprisoned. Soon thereafter, Springer held a briefing and revealed that Overlord had taken over Garrus-9 and was using it as his personal playground. In addition to liberating the place from Overlord and rescuing the Autobot prisoners still trapped within, Springer also announced a secondary objective. That was to secure something code-named "Aequitas", which was secreted somewhere deep within Garrus-9.

Once the plan to breach Garrus-9's defenses had been finalized, Ironfist gifted Guzzle and Pyro with cerebro-sensitive bullets he had brought along, much to Guzzle's delight. Ultra Magnus and Springer reviewed the security logs and noted Ironfist's previous blackout with some concern. Upon arriving at their destination, the Wreckers were split between two entry pods and launched from Ultra Magnus' ship. Ironfist's group consisted of Perceptor, Topspin, Pyro, Rotorstorm, and Verity, who had stowed away without anyone's knowledge. The pods breached Garrus-9's defenses and the pod containing Ironfist landed smack-dab in the middle of the "Pit"—Overlord's makeshift arena. Last Stand of the Wreckers #2
Ironfist and the others found themselves surrounded by dozens of Decepticons and Overlord himself. Rotorstorm tried to make light of the tense situation with a little joke, which no one save Overlord laughed at. Unfortunately, Overlord then showed his "appreciation" for Rotorstorm's sense of humor by blowing a hole in the Autobot's head. Perceptor ordered Pyro to protect Verity as he, Ironfist, and Topspin lunged for Overlord, but the three Wreckers were completely physically outmatched by the Decepticon powerhouse.
Upon hearing from Stalker that there were Wreckers in another part of Garrus-9 as well, Overlord broadcast a message across the entire prison, saying that any Decepticon that brought him the head of a Wrecker would be allowed to leave. It was apparently a very enticing offer, as the mob of Decepticons that had been watching nearby surged towards Ironfist and company. Perceptor managed to delay their advance by sniping a spare fuel tank they had brought along, and the Wreckers took the opportunity to dash away.
Once there was a bit of distance between them and the Decepticons, Ironfist sagged against a wall, head in his hands. The shock of Rotorstorm's death was setting in, and Perceptor tried to calmly urge him on. But Ironfist's illusions of being a Wrecker had been shattered by what he had witnessed just minutes before. He was in it for the dramatic heroics and adventures-he hadn't expected such a display of raw violence and gore. Topspin angrily slammed him against a wall and pointed out that while Guzzle, Pyro, and Rotorstorm were all officially voted into the Wreckers, there had been no such distinction for Ironfist. Topspin labeled him a glorified tag-along and told him that "people die in stupid, pointless ways. Deal with it." Ironfist snapped out of his funk and furiously told Topspin not to lecture him about death. Perceptor broke it up and told them they couldn't afford to get personal at the moment.
Soon, they found the chamber in which Aequitas was stored. Perceptor ordered Ironfist to stand guard as he attempted to breach the door. The stripped-down and ravaged form of Fortress Maximus was discovered plugged into it. While Pyro and Topspin disconnected Maximus from the door, Perceptor entered the proper codes to open the chamber. Ironfist quickly caught up with them to warn that the Decepticons were close to breaching the outer doors, but the Aequitas chamber had been opened by this point. The Wreckers walked in as Perceptor revealed Aequitas to them Last Stand of the Wreckers #3 and revealed their mission was to download all the information stored within its hard drive and make sure the Decepticons didn't get their hands on it.
When Topspin complained about this, Ironfist abruptly agreed and started to claim they should go. At that moment, Topspin began suffering the effects of vicarious perception, as his sibling Twin Twist was being tortured somewhere else in Garrus-9. Perceptor told Ironfist and Verity to watch over Topspin as he and Pyro worked on finding an access port for Aequitas.
Hearing the Decepticons still trying to breach the door from outside, Verity asked Ironfist to talk to her about something- anything to keep her mind off their predicament. Ironfist complied, telling her what he'd read about the Wreckers' showdown on Pova with Squadron X. Perceptor called for everyone to gather by the Aequitas console, informing them of the supercomputer's "suicide lock" and how it could only be bypassed by someone willingly offering up their own spark to the machine. Through process of elimination, Ironfist glumly realized it could only be himself or Pyro, the "second-stringers". Pyro adamantly refused to be the sacrifice, claiming that his life was ultimately the more valuable. Verity angrily told Pyro that Ironfist had as much right to live as he did. Ironfist lost his temper, but after a moment, he decided he was ready to die after all, just as he'd agreed with Prowl. But before Ironfist could do so, Topspin stepped up to the console and plugged himself in, killing both Jumpstarters and allowing Perceptor to log in.
Ironfist was selected by Perceptor to receive the contents of Aequitas' hard drive for safekeeping. Now having access to all of Aequitas' prisoner files, the full extent of Impactor's crime was revealed to Ironfist. As the Decepticons outside had almost breached the door, Perceptor revealed he could use Aequitas to activate the deterrence chips in the ex-prisoners' heads to kill them all. Pyro pointed out that this would also trigger the chip in Impactor's head. Perceptor put it to a vote, with Pyro voting against. Ironfist, the truth revealed to him, threw his vote in with Perceptor. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4
Verity made an impassioned plea to Ironfist and Perceptor, pointing out that no matter what Impactor did, the Wreckers as chronicled by Fisitron's datalogs would never take this course of action. Perceptor decided Verity was right and they would do things "the old fashioned way". Pyro volunteered to hold the mob of Decepticons off while the others escaped. Ironfist and Pyro shared a moment of understanding before they left him to his fate.
Ironfist told Perceptor that they had to stop by Garrus-9's weapon stores before joining the others, as he had a good idea. Verity asked Ironfist if Pyro could hold out for long, and Ironfist assured her that he would put up a good fight. Verity then asked Ironfist what he had learned about Impactor from the Aequitas download. Ironfist told her the truth about Pova, and Impactor's crimes.
They arrived at the battle just in time to save Springer from Overlord. Ironfist tossed Springer a giant gun procured from the weapon stores, and Springer emptied it into Overlord. Overlord promptly ripped Springer's face off and followed by blasting Perceptor, leaving just Ironfist and Verity. Ironfist warned the Decepticon to stay back; He had loaded the Gatling gun given to Springer with deterrence chips, which had now all been injected into Overlord. Since he had the whole of Aequitas in his head, he could remotely control all deterrence chips with his mind. With a mental command, Ironfist detonated the chips in Overlord, but suddenly clutched his head in pain and collapsed, suffering another blackout.
Ironfist came back online to find Overlord defeated, with Verity promising to fill him in later. Unfortunately, Ironfist died en route to Earth from a mechanical aneurysm. He managed to make a copy of the Aequitas data stored in a data slug, which Ultra Magnus eventually passed on to Prowl. Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 Unbeknownst to the Autobots, he also left a backup slug with Verity. In Word and Deed
At Kimia, Ironfist's recorded message ensured Skyfall was revealed as the amoral monster he was. Bullets His body was interred in the Zone of Remembrance at Debris, the Wreckers' home base. Zero Point On Earth, a mournful Verity wrote the last Wreckers datalog as "Fisitron", chronicling "The Wreckers' Last Stand". Last Stand of the Wreckers #5
Some time later, Ironfist's old workshop was offered to his mentor Wheeljack by Xaaron. Chaos Theory #1 A statue to him was erected within Kimia, though it suffered some damage during an attack by the Sweeps, Lamentations and was presumably destroyed with the rest of Kimia when it was later detonated by Lightspeed and Afterburner.
First Aid, a subscriber to Ironfist's Wreckers Declassified datalogs, would later use the subspace network formerly used to send Ironfist's datalogs to subscribers to transmit Delphi's patient survival statistics to its subscribers as a cry for help of sorts. Life After the Big Bang Ratchet and First Aid would bond over their love for Ironfist's writing and how both think a lot about how they could have saved his life. How Ratchet Got His Hands Back
Chromedome would later use mnemosurgery to change Overlord's memories of his defeat at Ironfist's hands, causing him to believe Ironfist had said "'Til all are one" before detonating the deterrence chips. This phrase was added to all of Overlord's memories of being defeated in order to insert Trepan's Trigger in his subconscious. Remembrance Day
When he left the Lost Light aboard the O Fortuna, First Aid's leaving present from Rewind and Tailgate contained a photograph of Swerve and Ironfist. The One Where They Go to Earth
After Impactor crashed the Debris directly into Tarantulas's Noisemaze, Ironfist's casket was one of the many that spilled out of the damaged space station. It crashed to the ground and revealed its late occupant, horrifying the nearby Verity. Sins of the Wreckers #5
Some time later on Luna 1, Red Alert misremembered Ironfist queuing to join the crew of the Lost Light alongside other incongruous characters, such as First Aid, Bumblebee and Ambulon. Last Light
Wings Universe
Before the war, Ironfist was a mere factory worker assigned simple tasks, but a defect in his construction had installed an unnecessary second data processor. In his spare time, Ironfist filled this processor with every minutia about munitions he could get his hands on. When Magnum stumbled across him during an unscheduled review of his factory, Ironfist was trying to put together a replica of the astoundingly complex BAMF-12602. Ironfist was fast-tracked to the Elite Guard and put on Metalhawk's team. Now a trained munitions expert, he proved skilled with explosives, though his simple beginnings kept him from grasping even the basic tenants of battlefield strategy. Without supervision, Ironfist was likely to dart into battle unorchestrated, guns blazing. Ironfist's profile in Club magazine #36

Metalhawk's team partnered with Thunder Clash's team to face a plague of Virulent Clones. Ironfist's explosives were particularly effective against their foes, though his fellow Elite Guardsman Dion was often covered in Insecticon goo as a result. He liked to call Dion "sailor," even though Dion kept reminding him that prior to the war he worked on the docks, not the ships. Ultimately, the Elite Guard was victorious over the Virulent Clones.
The two squads relaxed for a moment until Thunder Clash received a call from Magnum, ordering Metalhawk's squad to ferry Thunder Clash's to Space Port Bravo. The two squads then packed their gear onto the Hawk's Claw and headed out. Once at the spaceport, the two squads said their goodbyes, with Ironfist getting all emotional and foggy-opticed.
Afterward, Over-Run wondered out loud to the rest of the squad where they'd end up next. When Dion commented that he was eager to beat up some Decepticons, Over-Run asked chastisingly if Dion had ever seen a Decepticon up close before. Both Over-Run and Ironfist were puzzled by Dion stalking off angrily in response, with Ironfist wondering out loud if Dion had seen one before.
The squad soon re-boarded their ship and headed to Elite Guard HQ, where they found out that their next assignment was going to involve Magnum's newest special ops group. The Coming Storm: Part 2
These "Combaticons" joined Ironfist's group for debriefing on their trek to Median. It sounded like a boring mission, basically a peace exercise to placate the civilian council. Ironfist stopped paying attention during the discussion of Median's purpose, something about "deectology", but perked up suddenly when the topic of mining with explosives was broached.
Luckily(?), Median turned out to be more the Elite Guard's sort of mission than they originally thought. One of the relics uncovered in the dig was an urn containing the so-called "Heart of the Dragon". Based on the tech-specs recovered along with the urn, it apparently contained the laser core for a living weapon of ultimate potential, and had already come to the attention of some renegade Decepticons known as the Stormtroopers, who were caught casing the joint a few cycles earlier.
The Guardsmechs set up a perimeter in preparation for enemy invasion, and split into two squads to engage the intruders. Ironfist was teamed with Onslaught and the Combaticons, along with their security liaison, Strika. They secured Roadgrabber, the advance guard, but Rage and his Stormtroopers got past Metalhawk's Squad B, so Ironfist's squad prepared to repel them. Once they got in visible range, however, only half the Stormtroopers were present—they were using sensor ghosts to fool the Elite Guards ranged scans. With two Decepticons unaccounted for, Onslaught dispatched Ironfist and Vortex back to the urn chamber as a rear guard. The urn chamber was already raided, however, and Ironfist was caught off-guard by Aquablast's chemical cannon, and sent into temporary stasis lock for the duration of the battle.
After he recovered, the Autobots set off across the landscape to catch up with the Stormtroopers. They made their way inside the Metrotitan, Rage's mobile fortress, only to be confronted by a creature known as Brimstone. Rage had transplanted the laser-core into a small exo-frame for testing, creating a tiny dragon whose bite WAS bigger than his bark, and could decouple atoms to boot. The Elite Guard commenced a tactical advance to the rear with all due haste. Despite the urgency of the situation, Ironfist gleefully responded when Onslaught issued the greatest order he'd ever heard: "Ironfist, get all of your explosives ready." Several pretty colors and one large boom later, though, Brimstone was slightly charred, significantly angrier, but otherwise no worse for the wear. Ironfist and the others eventually escaped the Metrotitan only with the assistance of Drench, one of the Stormtroopers who wanted out, just before Brimstone's power overloaded completely, destroying the Metrotitan.
Following the mission, Magnum was comparing incident reports back at base and noted that Ironfist's contained only a single sentence. (Likely submission: "Thee explosion could've beeeen biggah.") Flames of Yesterday
Ironfist's team and the Combaticons continued working together over the following weeks, and Ironfist got another chance to blast off his arsenal during the mission against Shadowcaster. The Coming Storm: Part 3 Immediately the Combaticons disappeared, and Ironfist's team was ordered to try to hunt them down wherever they may be. Their search took them into some very unglamorous places, where the team was approached by a demented Empty which spoke cryptically of a "coming storm" where "rain will fall down" and the "thunder will deafen you" and where the "lightning will burn." After a bit of this, Ironfist's team grew weary of the Empty and left him.
But the Empty spoke true. Sentinel Major sent their team a distress call, as their Elite Guard headquarters was under attack. Metalhawk ordered his team back to base, where they met up with Ricochet on the outer skirts of the battle. He showed them a video feed of the battle's epicenter, where, bogglingly, the Combaticons had switched their allegiance to the Decepticons and had sieged the Elite Guard. Something about the Combaticons looked a little different than before, and, sure enough, the reason for this was revealed when the five of them combined for the first time into the super robot Bruticus, crushing Sentinel Major to death in his mighty fist. The Coming Storm: Part 5
Metalhawk led Iron and the others deep into the battle to assist the dwindling members of the Elite Guard. Ironfist broke ranks and plunged ahead, weapons blazing, despite Metalhawk's pleas. No matter what the odds, Bruticus was going to pay for murdering Ironfist's friends, some of whom he even liked! In vehicle mode, he ramped up an inclined piece of debris into the super robot's chest, knocking the monster down. But Bruticus was quicker than Ironfist reckoned, and his giant fist closed in on the Autobot before he could flee. Ironfist was granted a temporary reprieve from death when Over-Run and his remote helicopter drone distracted Bruticus, but Ironfist refused to retreat to safety, believing his lightformer cannon had been granted an opening to fire on their huge opponent. However, both he and Over-Run were crushed when Bruticus grabbed the helicopter drone and flung it into them. The Coming Storm: Part 6
Ironfist managed to survive and was eventually repaired. He, Big Bang, Rumbler, and Sprocket caught up with Magnum's team in time for Ironfist to stop the Combaticons from forming Bruticus again. The quartet joined in the battle against Deathsaurus and Starscream and at one point Ironfist thought they might just be winning, until Starscream clobbered him. The Autobots did eventually triumph, though Deathsaurus and Starscream both got away. Battle Lines, Part 4 A week after the battle, he was part of the Autobot forces at Iacon's city walls as the Decepticons broke through with Devastator. Battle Lines, Part 5
Of Masters and Mayhem
Fisitron anonymously uploaded countless stories of the Wreckers' exploits for Autobots and Decepticons alike to read, until Thunder Mayhem annihilated the whole team, save Impactor. Impactor's profile in Club magazine #68
2019 IDW continuity
Thunderclash considered Ironfist to be a trusted ally and included him in a list of potential recruits for a new team of Wreckers. Tread & Circuits Part 4
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Ironfist was an imaginative Autobot. Field Guide to Action and Adventure
The Transformers

- Ironfist (Lightformer, 1993)
- Accessories: Gun emplacement
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- The Transformers Ironfist transforms into an AM General M998 Humvee military off-road vehicle. Mounted on his roof is an ENORMOUS repeater cannon turret that can rotate 360° and pivot upwards at its base. This weapon uses a combination of the light-piping and gear-wheel gimmicks so that when you look through the "viewscope" and rapidly push the spring-loaded post at the rear of the turret, the gold cannon will slide back and forth, the grey "ammo" drum on top will rotate while the view from the scope makes it look like twin beams of laser-fire are striking your selected target. The cannon turret has a fold-down stand to become a gun emplacement for Ironfist to man in robot mode.
Generation 2
- Ironfist (Lightformer, 1994)
- Accessories: Gun emplacement
- This release is identical to his 1993 release, but in Generation 2 packaging, and was on a blister card instead of in a box.
Age of the Primes
- Carnivac vs. Fisitron (Multi-pack, 2025)
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)[3]
- Accessories: 3-part gun
- Age of the Primes Fisitron is a retool of Legacy: Evolution Detritus, which is itself a heavy retool of Siege Hound, and transforms into an armored truck. He comes with a large gun, a downsized version of his original toy's Lightformer cannon, which can separate into three parts.
- Fisitron was released in a two-pack with Carnivac, as part of the "Wreck 'n Doom Collection", which was exclusive to Amazon in the US and available in limited quantities on Hasbro Pulse. The set was teased at Megacon Orlando 2025 before being officially revealed at that year's New York Toy Fair.
- Lightformer Ironfist's gun-gimmick simulates twin beams of laser fire striking his target... but the gun only has one barrel. Hmm.
- In a French commercial that featured Ironfist, his voice was performed as a generic 1950s robot monotone. So was Pyro's. It must be a thing. [1]
- Independently, both Fun Publications and IDW Publishing chose to use Ironfist in their stories for 2010, mostly because nobody'd ever done anything with him before and nobody'd be likely to! Ha ha ha ha ha whoops. Unsurprisingly, this has led to Ironfist being perhaps one of the first characters in a non-Furman story to receive "the Bludgeon effect" whereby, much like Razorbeast in The Gathering, popular new fiction has suddenly caused his previously insignificant toy to rocket in value on the secondary market many years after its release.
- Unlike his fellow Lightformer Deftwing and their opponents, Trakkons Fearswoop and Calcar, Ironfist sported the same name on both bilingual European packaging variants (English/Spanish and French/Dutch).
- Unused concepts for a Combiner Wars Ironfist toy birthed the new character Ironclad, who went on to be mentioned in the Of Masters and Mayhem prose story "Lively Pursuit" alongside the separate IDW-inspired Fisitron.[4]
Foreign names
- Japanese: Ironfist (アイアンフィスト Aianfisuto)
- ↑ Generation 1 Ironfist packaging bio
- ↑ Depiction in the 2005-2018 IDW comics
- ↑ Transformers panel at Megacon Orlando 2025 with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks, recorded at the "V-man" YouTube channel.
- ↑ "They are separate... but both inspired by different Ironfists. Fisitron as inspired by IDW's take, while Ironclad was inspired by the G1 bio/Wingsverse version of the character"—Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2023/08/15