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Ian Rimmer

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Ian Rimmer is a British comic book creator associated with Marvel Comics. Previously, he'd been working at IPC with Sheila Cranna and later Simon Furman, and moved over following the demise of horror comic Scream!. Cranna was his 'in' with Marvel and he'd end up being Furman's 'in' himself. Before Transformers, he wrote strips for that other big 80s Marvel UK comic about warring robot toys, Spider-Man and Zoids.[1] He has also written for Thomas the Tank Engine, Captain Planet, Doctor Who, and Roy of the Rovers, and penciled and inked for the Hulk.

Regarding Transformers, he was the second editor on the Marvel UK comic. It was under him that the comic became a full-colour weekly and a more immersive thing, with Furman saying he took IPC's trend of making the editorial part of the comic and brought it to Transformers (with things like the letters page being answered by a character).[2] Rimmer thought the comic could last a while if they gave it their best shot (he was right!) and decided to make the comic as Transformers focused as possible, rather than take a generalist approach as it had before.[3] Rimmer also wrote several strips and text features, both for himself and his successor.

He was replaced by Chris Francis in 1987, when he decided to go freelance so he could do more writing; before this, Marvel UK hadn't really had a senior editorial figure but as Rimmer had been handling the bulk of Marvel's boys comics at the time, Richard Starkings became that figure when taking on Rimmers' workload.[4]

Due to Rimmer's old role as editor, he was up to date with the comic's continuity and could write stories like "Ark Duty", "Stargazing" or "Prime Bomb!" that made explicit use of it.

Rimmer's indirectly responsible for Primus: he rejected a pitch by James Hill on the origin of the Transformers, being more interested in stories set on Earth.[5] That left room for "The Legacy of Unicron!" later!



See also

Editorial staff of Marvel Comics' The Transformers
Marvel U.S. editors
Marvel U.S.
Marvel UK editors


  1. No, really, there was a comic about Spider-Man and Zoids!
  2. The Great Derelict 13:05 in
  3. The Transformers Classics UK Volume 1, page 13-14
  4. The Transformers Classics UK Volume 4, page 10
  5. The Transformers Classics UK Volume 1, page 196
  6. Transformers: Best of the Rarities
  7. Uncredited
  8. Uncredited too

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