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Hot Shot (Armada)/toys

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Forgot to take his fiber supplement yesterday.

Hot Shot has many toys! And merchandise! No sane person would own all of them!




You know, I've personally flown over 194 missions and I was shot down every one of them.
(Hasbro version pictured)
I have a shell the size of a fist in my head. Pork Chop Hill.
(Takara version pictured)
  • Takara name: Hot Rod
  • Takara ID number: MC-03
  • Takara release date: December 26, 2002
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
  • Known designers: Aaron Archer (Hasbro), Yuichiro Hira (Takara)
Part of the first wave of Armada "Super-Cons" (aka Deluxes), Hot Shot transforms into a modified yellow Audi TT. He is packaged with the Mini-Con helicopter Jolt, who can peg onto the trunk of Hot Shot's vehicle mode to act as a rear-mounted "speed boosting" propeller. Jolt's massive gun plugs into Hot Shot's hood, releasing a pair of "driving claws" from his front bumper; these function as his feet in robot mode, so activating these is a necessary step in transforming him. When Hot Shot is in robot mode, attaching Jolt or any Mini-Con to the port on his butt flips his rear axle up over his head; pushing up on the port then rotates the axle to face forward, automatically launching a spring-loaded missile, a gimmick fans have dubbed the "Axlezooka". Hot Shot's visor can also flip down over his face, and Jolt's gun can attach to his chest as armor. Jolt's gun also has its own Mini-Con socket, allowing it to activate any Mini-Con activated features. Although the show featured Hot Rod wielding it himself in robot mode as a double-barreled blaster pistol, the lack of a single dedicated peg or handle left the toy unable to do so.
"Hot Rod," Takara's Legends of the Microns version of Hot Shot, was released in altered colors, with a more saturated yellow and some dark gray paint in places instead of navy blue. Additionally, more of the belt straps on his chest were painted silver, his pelvis was painted a darker red, and there was clearer paint on his Autobot symbol. A retool (or vice versa) of Hasbro's Hot Shot, his right arm houses a light-up LED (for accommodating the translucent Star Saber sword) that glows when his side-view mirror is pressed, a feature that was dropped from the American version due to price-point concerns.
This mold was redecoed and retooled for the "Powerlinx" Hot Shot version of the character (see below). That retool was scheduled to be redecoed for Universe "Battle in a Box" Smokescreen, but that set was canceled.

Hot Rod and Air Defense Micron.jpg
  • Hot Rod & Air Defense Micron (Multi-pack, 2002)
  • Sonokong name: Red Gun & Air Defense
  • ID number: MS-01
  • Takara release date: December 26, 2002
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
Takara's Hot Rod was also released in a box set with the Air Defense Microns, also in the first wave of the line. All items in the set are identical to their individual Takara releases.
This set was also released by Sonokong in Korea, with no changes from the Takara release, other than the packaging. This was also the only way to obtain "Red Gun" (Hot Shot) and the "Air Defense" in Korea.

My hand still glows, but they retooled away my deployable sunglasses!
(Takara version pictured)
  • Powerlinx Hot Shot with Powerlinx Jolt (Super-Con Class, 2003)
  • Takara name: Hot Rod Super Mode
  • Takara ID number: MC-13
  • Takara release date: September 11, 2003
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
A red, yellow, and black redeco and retool of the first Hot Shot, Powerlinx Hot Shot has a new head that has a more "serious" look, and his visor, sculpted directly into the new head, is no longer articulated. Intended to be an homage to "Generation 1" Hot Rod, he has a yellow spoiler and flames on his hood. Due to a factory error, his forehead is painted gray instead of left red. Later in the line, a running change granted Powerlinx Hot Shot with a cleaner faction symbol. Even later in the run, the forehead paint application was removed, but that particular version is extremely rare.
The Japanese version, "Hot Rod Super Mode", fixed this forehead mistake, replaced the gold flames with yellow, painted the shoulder symbol more clearly, and retained the LED light-up arm the first Japanese version featured.
This mold was scheduled to be redecoed for Universe "Battle in a Box" Smokescreen, but that set was ultimately canceled.

  • Powerlinx Hot Shot with Powerlinx Jolt (Super-Con Class, 2003)
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
In November of 2003, US Toys"R"Us stores had special bonus pack Super-Con toys, which came with a single bonus Mini-Con attached to the card over their sticker, for less than the price of a normal Super-Con during Toys"R"Us' post-Thanksgiving-day sale. Like Powerlinx Cyclonus, Powerlinx Hot Shot could come with one of the Adventure Mini-Con Team members: Dune Runner, Iceberg or Ransack.

Built to Rule!

Buy a bunch of him and recreate City of Fear!
  • Hot Shot (Built to Rule!, 2003)
  • Accessories: 2 missile launchers, 2 missiles
Part of the larger-scale assortment of Built to Rule! Armada, Hot Shot is a building-block set centered around a converting "Trans-Skeleton" that forms the core of either mode: his made-up sportscar mode, or his incredibly gangly and awkward robot mode. He has two spring-loaded missile launchers activated by rotating a 2x2 drum assembly on the tops. He also has a 2x2 "Powerlinx"-peg plate, which can hold any BTR or regular-type Mini-Con, though the grip on the latter is particularly loose. Oddly, this is the only BTR Armada kit that places this plate on the trigger mechanism of the missile launcher (at least, according to the instructions) to simulate the regular Armada line's Powerlinx-activated gimmicks.
He comes with a building-block version of Jolt.
His 2x4 engine-block piece would later show up in some Kre-O sets.

Universe (2003)

Seriously, it's not that hard to get hold of a Matrix of Leadership. Have you tried asking nicely?
Ravage casette.png    OpthimuthPrimeMaxthimithe.ogg
Sound Chip Sounds from Universe Optimus Prime. — 96 Kb
  • Optimus Prime (Supreme Class, 2003)
  • Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
Universe Optimus Prime's inner robot was officially (if comedically) repurposed as an upgraded form for Hot Shot named "Shotimus Prime" by Hot Shot's Bot Thoughts #2.
A Sam's Club exclusive, the Universe release of Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime basically swapped out all of its red plastic for a yellow-orange color, with a black "bandolier". He transforms into a Japanese-style fire truck of seemingly made-up design (but with the distinct divided front windows of a Mitsubishi Fuso K Series K201 ladder truck), the forward section of which truck detaches to become his standard robot mode. His 'trailer' can be reconfigured into a sort of battle station, which can then be disassembled and attached around the robot to form his Battle Mode. For some reason, the Autobot symbol on his chest in Battle Mode is left unpainted. As an undocumented feature, Optimus Prime's pistol can be stored on the right side of a backpack.
The toy incorrectly proclaims that Optimus Prime's transformation into super mode uses the code-phrase "maximize". Additionally, the toy has the unfortunate tendency for its rubber tires to split down its molding connection. The ladder comes complete with missiles allowing them to be launched one-at-a-time via individual triggers. The standard robot mode has four pegs on its arms that happen to be sculpted in such a way that they can function as Mini-Con ports, though they weren't designed with this in mind, since the original toy coming out before the Armada toyline.
He came packed in robot mode in an upright display package, which featured a sticker on the front with a hilariously mistransformed Omega Prime, advertising the toy's combining ability with the simultaneously-released, slightly-redecoed Sam's Club exclusive Universe release of Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus.
This Optimus Prime was also repurposed as Yellow Splendid Convoy. The mold was also used to make OTFCC Defensor, but that toy ended up unreleased.


Hot Shot, part deux.
(Hasbro version pictured)
Electric Boogaloo.
(Takara version pictured)
  • Hot Shot (Combat Class, 2004)
In Energon, Hot Shot was updated as a modified yellow Aston Martin Vanquish. He can carry a transparent red spring-loaded missile-launching weapon in either mode, and features a small Autobot spark crystal on his chest on which Energon chips can be mounted. Like nearly all other Autobots in the Energon line, he can powerlinx with like-designed toys to form the top or bottom of a super robot. Hot Shot's articulation is relatively limited compared to other deluxes of the time, having peculiar balljointed shoulders, as well as lacking knees and a neck.
Takara released "Hot Shot" in similar colors, changing the slate blue plastic to a dark, nearly-black blue, dropping the black paint on his car roof, and adding metallic blue paint to his chest. His head is also an almost-identical-but-refined sculpt, most noticeably the proportions and sculpt sharpness of the mouth and chin, along with less bulbous eyes.
Similar to the contemporary Strongarm and Energon Optimus Prime, the Hasbro figure had a running change during its second wave of production. While the first wave Hot Shot figures had gray faces, later releases had silver painted faces using the Takara head sculpt, with a transitional silver-faced Hasbro headed version in between. Hot Shot's head sculpt appears to have changed very late in the design process from having a visor to having exposed eyes like his Armada version; The Hasbro head is pictured on Hot Shot's control art, as in a photo of a prototype headsculpt is literally pasted over the original line art, so the Hasbro head use may have been a consequence of tight deadlines, with Takara cleaning up the sculpt later.
This mold was later redecoed to make the "Energon" powered-up version of the character. It was also retooled to make the Timelines incarnation of Nightbeat and Shattered Glass Nightbeat.
Energon mold: Hot Shot
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

Stuck as a middle with you...
  • Hot Shot / Inferno Super Link Set (Multi-pack, 2004)
  • ID number: SS-01
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, "radar" panel attachment
In Japan, Takara released Hot Shot both individually and in a single "Super Link Set" with Inferno. Both toys are identical to their individual Japanese releases. Likely owing to a tight schedule, the image on the front of the box actually depicts the Hasbro figures, complete with bug-eyed Hot Shot in a deco lightly altered in post to closer approximate the Takara version.
Energon mold: Hot Shot
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

Silver on the outside, Armada colors on the inside!
(Hasbro version pictured)
He has a heart that burns for justice. Try some Tums, Hot Shot!
(Takara version pictured)
  • Energon Hot Shot (Combat Class, 2004)
  • Takara name: Hot Shot Fire
  • Takara ID number: SC-23
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, "radar" panel attachment
  • Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)
Energon Energon Hot Shot gave the car mode a silver-painted finish and the robot parts a dark blue, yellow, and red color scheme reminiscent of Armada Hot Shot's colors. Curiously, Energon Hot Shot switched back to the Hasbro version of Hot Shot's head (see above), meaning the Takara head was not a retool, but an entirely separate mold.
When he was released in Japan as "Hot Shot Fire," his car mode was unpainted silver plastic, while the yellow plastic was changed to a sherbet orange, the dark blue plastic to black, and the transparent orange plastic to a transparent crimson red. He also came packaged with the Energy Cutter, a transparent watermelon red redeco of Signal Flare's energon weapon, plus a matching energon chip. Hot Shot Fire uses the Takara version of Hot Shot's head. Stock photos and packaging art showed Hotshot Fire with yellow plastic while the Energon Cutter and chip were crimson red, suggesting these deco changes were a late decision.
Energon mold: Hot Shot
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:


Hot Shot's Blue Period.
  • Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2005)
Released in the first wave of Cybertron/Galaxy Force toys, this version of Hot Shot transforms into a heavily modified blue Chrysler ME Four-Twelve sports car with a huge rear engine. Plugging a Cyber Key into the rear of the car deploys a pair of transparent yellow wings from his spoiler, a gimmick also available in robot mode. He also comes with a spring-loaded missile-launching gun that can be carried in robot mode or pegged into the roof of the car mode.
His robot mode has numerous details in homage to Generation 1 Hot Rod, including the triple-pipe-guns on his forearms, the spoiler-wings on his back, and the sculpting of his shins and chest.
The Takara release, "Exillion," is almost completely identical to the later Hasbro version other than a slight molding difference; two screws on either side of the spoiler are visible in the American release and all subsequent uses of the mold, but the original Japanese use of the mold had these screws buried. And, of course, the Hasbro release has a Cyber Key Code stamped on its back.
Package art depicted Hot Shot's gun with a black trigger, but it was red plastic on the final toy.
This sculpt was used to make Exillion Red Version (see below), Excellion, Timelines/Shattered Glass Goldbug (with a new head sculpt) and 2007 movie series Breakaway.

Cybertron mold: Hot Shot
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

He's full of tiny missiles. Bubbles, not so much.
Variant enthusiasts, I tease you. (Unreleased deco pictured)
  • Cybertron Defense Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2005)
  • Takara name: Exigeyser
  • Takara ID number: GC-19
  • Takara release date: July 14, 2005
  • Accessories: Knife, Cybertron Autobot Cyber Key, Scrapmetal standee (Takara release only)
  • Cyber Key Code: d1o4
  • Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy), Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)
Cybertron Defense Hot Shot transforms into a modified M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicle, in the same blue, navy, and red color scheme as the previous Cybertron Hot Shot. A Cybertron Cyber Key is included and when the key is inserted into the back of the turret, the two gun barrels open up into dual (non-firing) missile launchers. Compartments on his shoulders and his thighs can also open up to reveal additional missile launchers. Cybertron Defense Hot Shot also comes with a dagger that stows between his legs and sort-of acts as an exhaust pipe in vehicle mode, and when in robot mode, the dagger can be hand-held, peg into the front of his fist, or be stored on a sheath on his left leg. The same sheath can be used to store his Cyber Key in vehicle mode.
The instructions for this toy contain some minor visual errors: his black shoulder panels have been swapped, and some steps apparently have him flipped (with the sword/key sheath on his left leg instead of his right).
"Exigeyser", Cybertron Defense Hot Shot's Japanese counterpart, is completely identical, but also came with a cardboard standup depicting three Scrapmetal. The American version of Cybertron Defense Hot Shot was at some point intended to have a slightly altered deco, which is shown in the stock photos on the back of the packaging, but this altered deco for some reason never superseded the Japanese deco for American release. This unreleased deco featured mud splashes painted around the wheel wells and some re-arranged deco on the robot chest.
This mold was also used to make Timelines Springer and Universe Roadbuster. It also served as the basis of the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Hard Head.

  • Hot Shot (Legends of Cybertron, 2005/2006)
A smaller, simplified version of Cybertron Hot Shot was released as part of the first wave of Legends of Cybertron toys. He features limited articulation of the arms and legs, and he retains the flip-out wings.
This mold was used to make a second Legends of Cybertron Hot Shot (see below), Classics Bumblebee, and 2008's Universe Red Alert.

Dip it in red, don't even change the paint mask. I'll take your entire stock! Of 500!
  • Exillion Red Version (DVD pack-in, 2005-06-22)
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, Speed Planet Cyber Key
Exillion Red Version is a redeco of the Cybertron Hot Shot toy in red, dark red, and orange, with transparent blue. Aside from the retooled screwholes, he's a straight-on color swap from Galaxy Force Exillion with the same paint operation layout. Limited to 500 pieces, it came with the first Galaxy Force DVD and an empty box set to prepare for the next few Galaxy Force DVD releases. This redeco took advantage of the toy's homage to Generation 1 Hot Rod, completing the homage with appropriate colors, though the toy is still supposed to represent the Hot Shot/Exillion character.
Before the toy saw official release, several stolen test shots entered the market, though in a slightly altered color treatment than the final. Originally, the dark red was a brighter red.
This toy was the indirect inspiration for Cybertron Excellion, who is marketed as a separate character, unlike this toy. (The direct inspiration, of course, being the original Hot Rod.)

Cybertron mold: Hot Shot
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hot Shot with Mirage (Multi-pack, 2006)
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, Speed Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d85b
Part of a run of Walmart exclusive Tiny Tins sets, Hot Shot was also sold in a larger box that came with a special redeco of the Race Mini-Con Team member Mirage, plus a special Tiny Tins carrying tin for the Mini-Con. Hot Rod himself was unchanged from his normal Hasbro release.

  • Value Pack (Multi-pack, 2005)
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, Speed Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d85b
For a while, Toys"R"Us and Walmart stores in the US sold "Value Packs" with two randomly paired, fully packaged Deluxes set in a cardboard sleeve and sold at somewhat less than the cost of two normal Deluxes.
This packs could include Hot Shot, Dirt Boss, Override, Red Alert, Sideways, or Snarl.

  • Drag Race Pack! Hot Shot vs. Override (Multi-pack, 2006)
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, Speed Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d85b
Hot Shot was also available in a Target-exclusive two-pack set with Override. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

Bitin' Excellion's style.
  • Hot Shot (Legends of Cybertron, 2006)
This redeco of Legends of Cybertron Hot Shot uses Excellion's approximate coloration and paint scheme; however, the toy is not actually labelled "Excellion", merely "Hot Shot". The reason for this is unclear.
This mold was later redecoed to make Classics Legends Bumblebee, and Universe Red Alert.


  • Hot Shot (Legends Class, 2007)
Bizarrely enough, Hot Shot was one of three rebranded Cybertron Legends toys released in Classics packaging, though with the modifier "Cybertron Collection" printed on the cardfront. The toy itself is identical to the Cybertron release.

Universe (2008)

Hasbro hates the fans, plural, but loves David Willis.
  • Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2009)
    • Series: Armada Series
An update of his Armada form, Hot Shot transforms from a sleek yellow Audi TT-like hot rod sports car with transparent windows and headlights into a fully poseable robot. Jolt is able to attach via a Mini-Con peg on Hot Shot's shoulder, but this doesn't activate any features. Jolt plugs into Hot Shot's vehicle mode by pushing the arms/engines through slots under the spoiler; Jolt cannot fold so that his propeller faces back like the original toy. Additionally, Hot Shot's fist holes are smaller than the standard 5mm, making him incompatible with all weapons from his previous forms. Because there is no gap molded into the rear bumper to accommodate missile launchers (see below), the car kibble over his shoulders bumps together and cannot sit properly. He's also infamous for having a horribly finicky transformation, with his windshield, door, and roof pieces refusing to lock together and continually detaching from their proper position.
Hot Shot's prototype featured transparent plastic on his side windows to match his windshield and rear window, but was replaced with painted opaque windows on the final toy.
Universe Hot Shot was redecoed and retooled into Henkei! Henkei! Hot Rod. The Henkei! Henkei! version retains missile launchers originally planned for the Hasbro release. The Henkei! Henkei! version of the mold was redecoed as the Transformers Collectors' Club 2010 freebie, Elite Guard Dion.

Generations Selects

  • Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2019)
    • Series: War for Cybertron: Siege
    • ID number: WFC-GS09
    • Accessories: "W-5 Holo-Beam Refraction Blaster," "RT-10 IR Electro-Scope Launcher," ammo clip (combine to form "HD Vector-Beam Mega-Blaster")
This toy is also used as one iteration of the "Generation 1" incarnation of Hot Shot.
A Generations Selects special release in Siege, Hot Shot is a new head retool of Deluxe Class Autobot Hound with a paintjob homaging his Cybertron counterpart's Cybertron Defense Deluxe figure, and transforms from robot to Cybertronian jeep and back. He includes the "W-5 Holo-Beam Refraction Blaster" and "RT-10 IR Electro-Scope Launcher," which are compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System, and can combine to form the "HD Vector-Beam Mega-Blaster," or can be mounted onto his shoulder. The Refraction Blaster comes with a detachable ammo clip, which can be stored in the bed of the jeep. Unlike most Selects redecoes, Hot Shot features "battle damage" paint applications on his bullbar and shins. He also has multiple hardpoints all over himself and his weapons to accommodate "Fire Blasts" from the Battle Masters assortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions.
His vehicle mode has a sculpted winch, in the center of which is a hole. If some thread is fed through, this makes his winch somewhat functional.
Hot Shot debuted from Entertainment Earth at New York Comic Con 2019, also sold online by Hasbro Pulse in the USA and Canada. In the latter country, he was also available at EB Games stores.
Hound's package art, first seen at Summer Wonder Festival 2018,[1] depicts Hound with a head resembling that of his Cybertron Defense Figure, foreshadowing the retool.


You're not done ‘till I SAY you’re done, Willis!
  • Armada Universe Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2023)
Part of the first wave of Deluxes in Legacy: Evolution, Hot Shot is based on the Armada version of the character and transforms into a yellow sports car, once again a close-but-not-quite-for-legal-reasons yellow Audi TT. He features a movable visor and includes an engine block gun like his original Armada toy, but unlike that toy, he does not include Jolt. However, he does have a single "Powerlinx" post in the usual spot on the back of his car mode in the middle of the spoiler, and yes, the original Jolt toy fits perfectly and can even do the propeller-back thing.
Hot Shot's Evo-Fusion gimmick allows his Axlezooka to emerge from his back, though this time around, it is not spring-loaded in any way and must be manually pulled out. One of the hubcaps has a 5 mm post-hole in it for plugging in blast effects or other weapons to make it even more gloriously ridiculous; the tire is a separate part so it spins around the stationary hubcap. Due to his transformation, he can still do the "driving claws" thing in car mode, but again it's all manual, and he lacks the tread-pattern sculpting on his feet.
Due to his vehicle mode being a car, Hot Shot was made to G1 character scale standards (Autobot Cars are Deluxes, Decepticon Planes are Voyagers, and so on), meaning Hot Shot doesn't adhere to an accurate Armada cartoon scale. In Armada, Hot Shot is the same height as Starscream in robot mode, so an accurately-scaled Legacy Hot Shot would have to be a Voyager Class figure, to match up with the other Legacy "Armada Universe" toys.
This figure was revealed during Hasbro Pulse Con 2022.

  • Armada Universe Powerlinx Hot Shot / Armada Universe Jolt (Multi-pack, 2023)
Legacy Hot Shot was redecoed and retooled to sport his Powerlinx colors and his classic gritted-teeth facial expression, and is further packed with a new-mold Jolt (in his original orange, not Powerlinx yellow and black), two new rifles, and six stackable blast effect parts in orange for the first time! Jolt's design is based on his cartoon model and is a light orange to match the cartoon's coloring, though lacking the red accents. The two rifles reference specific weapons Hot Shot carried in the episode "Dash" and are gangmolded with Jolt, as is the new front half of his head.
The box art depicts a version of Armada Thrust as based upon Earthrise Thrust.
This toy was revealed at the San Diego Comic-Con 2023 breakfast PR event, and was made available to purchase online during PulseCon 2023 on September 22, 2023.

Willis just can't catch a break.
  • Cybertron Universe Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2024)
Part of the third Wave of Legacy United Deluxes, "Cybertron Universe Hot Shot" is an updating of his original Cybertron toy, blending both it and his animation model together, transforming into a blue sports car. His flip-out wings are cast in opaque red plastic, like on his Legends of Cybertron toy.
He comes with his blaster, modeled after the original toy's spring-loaded missile launcher, but the "missile" is now a permanent gun barrel that ends in a Fire Blast effect-compatible peg. Like most Cybertron-derived Legacy figures, he comes with an entirely non-functional Cyber Key, which means his originally-spring-loaded spoiler-wings must be folded out manually. His forearm panels can be removed as accessories, revealing a 5mm port underneath.
Hot Shot was revealed on the April 25 Hasbro Pulse fanstream, with pre-orders going live later that day.
Hot Shot was later redecoed into Age of the Primes Excellion (who else?).



You can't have too many of these.
  • Hot Shot (Happy Meal, 2002)
    • Accessories: Car roof (Asian market variant only)
Released as part of the McDonald's Happy Meal Armada promotion, Hot Shot transformed from robot to yellow car. He had a Powerlinx post on each shoulder and Powerlinx ports under each foot, which enabled him to combine with the other McDonald's Autobots to form Mighty Robot. The ports on his feet can be used to access Mini-Con gimmicks on larger Armada toys, but since they're on the bottom of his feet in robot mode, it would be a pretty awkward fit on most figures. Hot Shot's vehicle mode also features a pull-back motor.
An Armada Hot Shot with transparent windows? Gasp!
In some Asian markets, a slightly different Hot Shot toy was available. The robot arms, now painted blue, did not form from the roof of the car; instead the roof was a separate transparent piece which detached during transformation and pegged into his robot mode's back. Additionally, the pull-back motor gimmick was removed and replaced with two smaller, non-geared wheels on the robot's back. The reason for this version's existence is not known.

Reader's Digest 3D Model

Not much less poseable than the actual toy!
  • Hot Shot (3D Model, 2002)
A plastic punch-out "exclusive collectible 3-D model" of Hot Shot was a prize packaged with Reader's Digest's Decepticon Attack! and Enter the Mini-Cons storybooks. Hot Shot was one of eight characters available, and each book came with two randomized characters. The assembled figure stands two inches tall.

Super Collection Figure

I'm seein' double! Four Hot Shots!
A non-transforming PVC figure of Hot Shot, based on his animation model, was available in "Act 9" of Takara's Super Collection Figure series. This figure came in both full color and solid-pewter finish, packed one each in every case of twelve blindpacked figures.
The pewter version of the figure has a potential problem with connector peg breakage at the shoulders, due to said pegs often getting a layer of pewter paint before being forced into a socket, leading to sticking and tearing. Care should be used when moving or removing the arms; shaving down the socket interior with a thin hobby knife is usually sufficient to fix the issue.

Mega Super Collection Figure

  • Hot Rod (Mega Super Collection Figure, 2002)
  • Accessories: Engine-blaster
Mega SCF Hot Rod is a larger, articulated non-transforming PVC action figure of Hot Shot, based upon his cartoon model. He came with his engine gun and a small, non-transformable PVC figurine of his Mini-Con partner, Jolt.

Big Transformers

Well, "big" is relative.
  • Hot Rod (Big Transformers, 2002)
Kabaya released a set of three separately-boxed Legends of the Microns figurines, dubbed "Big Transformers", which featured nontransformable, lightly-articulated plastic toys of Hot Shot, Megatron, and Optimus Prime. Each came with a tiny plastic representation of their respective Mini-Con partners in vehicle mode, which could peg onto them. Like most Kabaya toys, Hot Shot came with barely-edible gum.

Transformers Mini Car Collection

You will regret eating the gum.
  • Hot Rod (die-cast car, 2002)
Majorette and Kabaya offered a small range of Legends of the Microns-themed die-cast cars. Hot Shot was represented by a yellow Audi TT with decals of himself, the Autobot symbol, and the Legends of the Microns logo across the surface of the car. It also comes with a package of terrible gum.

Battle for Cybertron Game

whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop
  • Transformers Armada: Battle for Cybertron Game (board game, 2002)
Transformers Armada: Battle for Cybertron Game came with eight fully-painted PVC figurines, one of which was Hot Shot.


  • Hot Shot puzzle

Collect them all!

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  • Hot Shot backpack

Collect them all!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Bubble Twist

Taste the rainbow.
  • Hot Shot (Bubble Twist, 2003)
In 2003, Toys"R"Us carried a line of candy toys called Bubble Twist, which dispensed gum from its capsule-shaped container when twisted. Also contained in the capsule was an unpainted rubber figurine of a G.I. Joe or Transformers Armada character, including Hot Shot. Blindpacked, each figure came in several different possible colors.


Who needs Jolt when you have a Laffy Taffy shield?
  • Hot Shot (Booster, 2006)
ID number: TF09
Faction: Autobot
Class: Warrior
Special: Rally - 10/26 (38%) success ratio
Point Cost: 40
Base Speed: 4
Attack Type: Shooter (Energy Blast)

Part of the first assortment of Attacktix Booster Packs, Hot Shot is a "Super Rare" piece with a spring-loaded "shield-missile" attack. His Special Power "Rally" allows you to return one of your previously-defeated Autobot pieces back into play. The figure commonly has a black base, but like all Boosters, a rarer chrome-silver-base version was randomly packed into boxes as well.
This mold was also used to make Attacktix Excellion, who was also a wave-1 Booster piece.


Transforms from car to linebacker and back!
  • Armada Hot Shot's toy had to be completely re-engineered close to release. Due to a structural flaw (and gravity), Hot Shot's arms were not able to attach securely to his shoulders. Furthermore, designer Aaron Archer felt the early design's wide, football player-like physique was inappropriate to the character archetype.[6] Last-minute changes were made to the design to rework the transformation of the arms, necessitating the dropping of some articulation and the addition of kibble elsewhere to compensate.
  • Armada Hot Shot's infamous grin was actually a misinterpretation of Aaron Archer's original concept art which depicted Hot Shot clenching his teeth together in an open-lipped, determined expression. The head of the original tooling had a maniacal, perhaps unhinged-looking smile in response to this concept art, so the grin was scaled back on the final toy. The grin was removed completely and replaced with a neutral, stern expression when the head was resculpted for Powerlinx Hot Shot.
  • The rear axle (the "Axlezooka") on the original Hot Shot figure has sculpted shock absorbers in an interesting display of attention to detail. However, they are sculpted 90 degrees in the wrong direction, which would make them useless in reality.
  • Sentinel Prime was originally conceived as an exclusive toy for BotCon 2007 from the Cybertron Defense Force version of Hot Shot. While the mold does bear a decent resemblance to the IDW incarnation of Sentinel, he was dropped in favor of Springer, who fit the mold and the story/theme better.
  • An unused concept for a potential Botcon 2017 figure would've seen a new Hot Shot from Titans Return Chromedome in Armada colors with Alexis Thi Dang redecoed from Stylor with a new head. It would've also come with Jolt Targetmaster partner redecoed from Generations Blazemaster.[7]


  1. The Allspark - Siege Cybertron Defense Hot Shot Pretool Revealed?
  2. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2022 Day 1 on the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel.
  3. San Diego Comic-Con 2023 Generations panel recording at the "Memo's collection" YouTube channel
  4. Transformers panel with Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher, Evan Brooks, Takio Ejima and Thew Adams at Hasbro Pulse Con 2023.
  5. April 25, 2024's Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream | April 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher and Evan Brooks.
  6. "Okay... ITs Not retooled. the picture is of a hand painted ROUGH model. None of these parts were ever "tooled". It changed for any number of reasons but since I worked on this guy last August I cant remeber all the reasons why. I remeber this... Hot shot is the young type character in Armada and I remeber we didnt like that he looked so tough, with those big shoulders."—Aaron Archer, TFW2005, circa 2002
  7. [1]
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