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Heater is a Decepticon-allied Nebulan Targetmaster from the toyline portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
You wanna buy some death sticks?

Heater prefers to take the path of least resistance. Legitimate work is too much of a hassle, so he made a living by shilling illegal pleasure pods; when the Nebulan authorities closed in, he escaped the rigors of prison by joining the Decepticons. Subjected to the Targetmaster process, Heater was binary-bonded with Quake and gained the ability to transform into a photon pistol. His laziness and criminal tendencies have not endeared him to Tiptop, Quake's other partner.



The Transformers

I want to go home and rethink my life.
  • Quake (Targetmaster, 1988)
Heater, like all the "double" Targetmaster Nebulans, is one of the smallest and least complicated Transformers. Fold the barrel away, and stand him up. His back has a peg-hole that allows him to combine with Tiptop (or any other Targetmaster or weapon with a 5mm peg) to create a super-weapon. He was only available in a set with Quake and Tiptop.
No version of this character or mold was released in Japan.


  • G1 Universe Quake, G1 Universe Heater, G1 Universe Tiptop (Deluxe Class, 2024)
  • TakaraTomy name: Quake & Heater & Tiptop (クエイク&ヒーター&ティップトップ)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL-82
  • TakaraTomy release date: 2025 January 25
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Tomoki Tatsumi (TakaraTomy)[1]
Included with Legacy: United G1 Universe Quake, "G1 Universe Heater" functions just like his original figure, transforming into a blaster for Quake to wield, and can also combine with "G1 Universe Tiptop" to form a larger blaster. He retains both of the molded "accessories" of his original figure... and the complete lack of articulation of his original figure.
Heater was revealed by alongside Quake and Tiptop on June 11, with pre-orders going live the same day.


  • Neither Tiptop nor Heater make an explicit appearance in the Marvel comic, but Quake's tank mode has extra gun on his toy's Targetmaster hardpoint in U.S. issues #75 and #80. In issue #80 the extra gun looks like a simplified Heater design and his main turret might be Tiptop. Whether or not these are genuine appearances of Quake's Targetmasters is unclear.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Heater (ヒーター Hītā)


  1. Design notes on Legacy Heater from Hasbro designer Mark Maher on Instagram
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