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Guardian (Animated)

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The name or term "Guardian" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Guardian (disambiguation).
The Guardians are a faction from the Animated continuity family.
(Note the insignia on the robot mode chest)

The Guardians used to be the ruling body of Cybertron four billion stellar cycles ago.



Animated cartoon continuity

It was during the time of the Guardians that Cybertronians stripmined the nearby planet Galleon.

The Guardians, along with the Malignus, were one of two factions participating in the Second Cybertronian War. They won, and went on to become the ruling class of Cybertron, only to be ousted when the Protectons staged a successful military coup and overthrew Guardian leader Zeemon Magnus. The AllSpark Almanac II

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime was present at the Malignus and Guardians' war. Ask Vector Prime, 16 May 2015


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