Grimlock (G1)/toys
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Me Grimlock have lots of toys and merchandise!
The Transformers
- Takara ID number: 26
- Accessories: energo sword, "stunner" laser, galaxial rocket launcher, 3 rockets
- Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy), Shōji Kawamori (Studio Nue)
- Released in the second year of the US Transformers toyline (first year in non-US markets), Grimlock is a slight redeco of the Takara Diaclone "Dinosaur Robo Tyrannosaurus" toy, transforming into, obviously, a robotic Tyrannosaurus rex, complete with opening jaw. Among his robot-mode weapons is a handheld spring-loaded "galaxial rocket launcher"; the Hasbro releases of Grimlock have severely weakened springs, while the Takara versions keep them at full strength.
- The original Diaclone release is mostly the same base colors, but has a blue pelvis and a chrome-silver sword. Hasbro also omitted the Diaclone driver mini-figure (though retaining the opening cockpit in the dino-mode back) and blunted its teeth for safety reasons.
- In Japan, he and the other four Dinobots were offered as mail-away items during Operation Combination in 1990(!); Grimlock cost 2300 yen (his original retail price) and 2 Robot Points.
- Grimlock vs Soundwave (Multi-pack, 1985)
- ID number: VSY
- Accessories: energo sword, "stunner" laser, galaxial rocket launcher, 3 rockets
- Takara also released Grimlock in a "versus" set along with Soundwave and Frenzy. All of the toys in the set are identical to their individual releases.
- The set also included a short storybook about those characters fighting, and an audiocassette narrating the storybook.
- Grimlock (Classic Pretender, 1989)
- Accessories: Pretender shell, helmet, atom smashing submachine gun, rocket launcher dino-tail
- Known designers: Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Released in the sixth year of the US Transformers line, the Classic Pretender version of Grimlock is much smaller, simplified and slightly modified, but still transforms into a robotic T. rex. His dino tail becomes a rocket-launcher-gauntlet thing that can be held by either the inner robot or outer shell, but either way has got to be a bear to aim properly. He came with a large human Pretender shell with a rather knight-like armor theme, with a helmet and large cannon with a blade on the barrel, which has a 5 mm post on the back end, letting him hold the weapon like a sword.
- His shell's head looks a lot like a younger Ed Asner, and also bears a passing resemblance to his voice actor, Gregg Berger.
- Grimlock (Legends, 1989)
- Accessories: rocket launcher dino-tail
- A Kmart exclusive in its Hasbro release, this version of Grimlock is simply the inner robot of his Classic Pretender form without the shell or its accessories, leaving him only his tail/gun.
- The Legends toys are the very first store-exclusive Transformers toys in the US market.
- Hero Set (Multi-pack, 1989)
- Accessories: tail/gun
- In Japan, Legends Grimlock was available only in a boxed "Hero Set" during the Victory portion of the line, packed in with the Legends versions of Bumblebee, Jazz and Starscream. Grimlock was mostly unchanged from to the Hasbro release, but sported a silver painted face instead of Hasbro's orange painted one.
- In Italy, GiG released their own version of the Hero Set, named "Set Commandos", instead of the Classic Pretender versions of the toys. Grimlock was renamed from "Tiran" to "Drago", originally the Italian name of Hot Spot. The "Set Commandos" toys were identical to the Japanese "Hero Set" versions.
- Grimlock with anti-tank cannon (Action Master, 1990)
- Accessories: Anti-tank cannon partner, particle beam cannon
- Known designers: Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Part of the initial assortment of carded Action Master figures released in the seventh and final year of the US line (sixth and not-final in Europe), Grimlock is a 3¾-inch non-transforming posable action figure, his design combining his cartoon model with extra toy-based detailing. His construction is broadly similar to that used by the G.I. Joe figures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with 5 mm posts.
- He came with the anti-tank cannon "partner" machine, which he can ride, though its fairly small size makes it so he has to squat to do so, which leaves him both very back-heavy and very funny-looking. The cannon can also unfold via spring-loaded gimmick to form a really big hand-held "long-range mortar launcher", completed by plugging Grimlock's "particle beam cannon" weapon into its barrel.
- Grimlock (Dinobot, 1991)
- Accessories: "Energo sword", twin "stunner laser" rifle, "galaxial rocket launcher", 3 rockets
- Grimlock's original toy was re-released in the European/Australian-exclusive "Classics" series, with the minor change that his missiles were noticeably shortened, probably for safety reasons: about 5 mm was cut off from the tip, leaving them blunt. He is otherwise identical to the normal Hasbro release of Grimlock.
- In Greece, these releases were added to re-releases of the Defensor and Devastator giftsets.
Generation 2
- Grimlock (Dinobot, 1992)
- Accessories: energy sword, twin laser gun
- Part of the very first assortment of Generation 2 product released just in time for the 1992 holiday season, Grimlock's original toy was re-released with minimal changes; an "AUTOBOT" tampograph was added to his right dino-flank/robot boot, and this release lacks the original toy's missile launcher and missile.
- The following year, Grimlock underwent a running change, with his silver plastic now cast in either rich blue or turquoise (Grimlock's fellow Dinobots Slag and Snarl underwent a similar set of color changes). As the blue version is far, far more common on the secondary market, plus was the version pictured in Hasbro's 1993 Toy Fair catalog, it's a safe bet that the blue one came first, and the turquoise version was a late-run refresher that saw little distribution.
- Amusingly, Grimlock's bio give him a Rank of 10... while the concurrent release of Optimus Prime had a rank of 9!
Beast Wars

- Grimlock (Deluxe Class, 1997)
- Accessories: "Spinning slasher sword", tail-bone-sword
- The only new toy in the third wave of second-year Beast Wars Deluxes, Grimlock is a redeco of Dinobot in gray and gold with dark blue spots, transforming into a "raptor" of some variety. His tail detaches and separates to form a gear-powered, spinning blade weapon, while the central "tail bone" separates to be used as a sword. The entire assembly can store in robot mode by flipping down the tail-mount and pegging the blade's base to the peg on his lower back. He also has a "mutant mask", halves of a dino-skull that flip up to cover his more robotic head. Thankfully these pieces are not pinned in, and can be easily removed for better clearance. He was also slightly retooled from the original mold to have ratcheting shoulders and space for an "energon chip" rubsign.
- Grimlock is extra-notable for suffering from Gold Plastic Syndrome, making his hip-joints in particular prone to snapping off. Grim.
Beast Wars mold: Dinobot | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
- Grimlock (2005)
- Alternator ID number: 9
- Binaltech ID number: BT-10
- Accessories: Engine/gun, energo-sword
- Known designers: Mark McCall (Hasbro), Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- For the Alternators line, Grimlock's alternate mode was changed from a dinosaur into a licensed, 1:24 scale silver Ford Mustang with opening doors, hood, and trunk, a detailed interior, rubber tires and a working steering mechanism. His engine transforms into a double-barreled gun, and he also carries an orange "energo-sword" which can attach to the underside of his vehicle mode. The toy is one of the most-complained-about Alternators toys, due to its notoriously finicky transformation (with many small steps that must be performed in exactly the right order) and to several pieces which have a tendency to pop off with relatively small amounts of force. And it's a Grimlock who doesn't transform into a Tyrannosaurus rex.
- The main difference between Hasbro's Alternators version of the toy and the Japanese Binaltech version is that the latter has its vehicle shell partially made out of painted die-cast metal parts, whereas the Alternators version is made entirely out of plastic (not counting the rubber tires). In addition, the Binaltech version's engine/gun and the wheel's rims are vacuum-metalized, whereas they're simply painted silver for the Alternators version.
- This sculpt was retooled into Alternators/Binaltech Wheeljack.
- Grimlock (Deluxe, 2006)
- Accessories: Missile launcher, missile, tail/lash
- Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro), Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Joe Kyde (deco artist), Don Figueroa (concept artist)
- Part of the first wave of Classics Deluxes, Grimlock once again transforms into a Tyrannosaurus rex, but he has been heavily re-imagined in both modes, with his dino form designed to run rather than tail-drag (theories on the T. rex having changed from "caveman adversary" to "Carl Lewis in lizard skin" since the Generation 1 incarnation).
- This mold features a few design elements likely influenced by Grimlock's Pretender toy; his bayonet blaster is an homage to his gun/blade combo weapon from said toy, and his heavily-jointed tail detaches to become a handheld weapon as it does for the inner robot of his Pretender toy. Another similarity is the T. rex's upper-body forming the robot mode legs (though the T. rex head forms his feet this time around).
- Grimlock's bayonet blaster (dubbed the "Guardian Blaster" in his TFCC profile) can be deployed in either mode and fires a clear red projectile. Both weapons can be stored on his back when not used. As with most Classics toys, Grimlock features a heat-sensitive rubsign, placed on the left side of the tyrannosaurus torso/his left leg.
- A common issue with the figure is the size of the peg that locks his arms in place being too small in relation to the peg-hole, making it difficult to keep transformed. The black shoulder flaps above this assembly are meant to tab into these and lock the whole thing together, but the flaps don't align properly and the tabs themselves are too short to even reach the slots. In addition, the bayonet blaster has a hair-trigger and his fist holes are a few fractions of a millimeter too small to accommodate standard 5 mm post accessories that most modern Transformers toys use.
- An unpainted Classics Grimlock was used at the BotCon 2007 customization classes to create Timelines Overkill. The mold was also redecoed to make Shattered Glass Grimlock and Universe (2008) Overkill.
Classics mold: Grimlock | ||
- Jetfire and Grimlock Twin Pack (2-pack, 2007)
- Accessories: Missile launcher, missile, removable tail
- Classics Grimlock was also available in Asian markets in a two-pack with Classics Jetfire. Both toys are identical to their normal individual releases.
Titanium Series
- Grimlock (6" Cybertron Heroes, 2008)
- Accessories: Gun, Energo-sword
- Based upon his appearance from The War Within, this version of Grimlock transforms into a Cybertronic heavy tank. This transforming partly die-cast and plastic Grimlock was initially unreleased due to the cancellation of the Transformers series of Titanium toys at retail (the line would continue on for Star Wars at the three-inch scale). The toy was eventually released in the fall of 2008 as a Toys-R-Us exclusive, alongside the also-almost-unreleased War Within Prowl.
- He includes a cannon and his trademark sword. In vehicle mode, the sword can peg onto the side of his rear treads, while the cannon can peg into the back of the cabin. The cannon has a joint on its connector so it can swivel around.
Henkei! Henkei!
- Grimlock (Deluxe, 2008-03-13)
- ID number: C-03
- Accessories: Missile launcher, missile, removable tail
- Henkei! Henkei! Grimlock is an extensive redeco of Classics Grimlock, with generally more intricate paint detailing to make him more closely resemble the Generation 1 toy. As with all Henkei toys, he lacks the heat sensitive rubsign seen on the Classics release, and instead features vacuum-metalized "chromed" plastic (in a similar gimmick to the Beast Wars Transmetals toys). The vac-metal is used on his beast mode feet, as well as the Tyrannosaurus torso, which was, oddly enough, in Hasbro's original deco plan for Classics Grimlock.
Classics mold: Grimlock | ||
- Grimlock (March 26, 2009)
- ID number: MP-8
- Accessories: Energo sword, twin 'stunner' lasers rifle, waiter apron, waiter bow tie, waiter tray, 7 unique waiter glasses, intelligence transfer helmet, crown (reissue exclusive), flame (reissue exclusive)
- Known designers: Hironori Kobayashi (TakaraTomy), Hirofumi Ichikawa (concept artist)
- Released in March of 2009, Masterpiece Grimlock is based upon his original toy and cartoon model, transforming into an outdated view of the Tyrannosaurus rather than the more accurate depiction seen on Classics Grimlock. Of all the Masterpiece figures, Grimlock features both the least complex transformation, as well as the least deviation from his original toy's essential transformation scheme.
- Masterpiece Grimlock features the usage of die-cast metal for his dinosaur mode's toes and an LED mounted within his right fist which illuminates both his gun's barrels and his sword. As a result of said mechanism, the only articulated part of his right hand is the thumb. Similarly his left hand is modeled much like Masterpiece Starscream's hands with the thumb and index finger fully articulated with the remaining fingers joined together. Possibly as a show of good faith regarding the sacrificed articulation, TakaraTomy designed his alternate mode's arms to be highly poseable, featuring full articulation of the claws with the arms themselves attached to the body with ball joints.
- He features many gimmicks, including the ability to change his eye color in either mode from red to blue with the flip of a switch found at the back of his head in robot mode, and by opening the top of his head in dino mode and switching the eyes around. This allows the owner the choice of representing the use of blue in the cartoon (and his IDW alternate mode) or the use of red in most other media, including his original toy. His tail is connected to his head, and by wiggling and moving it, the head rotates at the base of the neck. Pushing down on his torso in dinosaur mode makes his legs move up higher into his body, and as a result his head will look up. His alt mode's head features jaws that snap shut at the press of a button hidden on his cheek; in addition, it also has a tiny sculpted flame thrower in its mouth, but for your safety, it does not actually breathe fire (boo). Besides his weapons, he also comes with a cloth apron and bow tie to go with a drinks serving tray he carried in "Madman's Paradise", as well as the device he used to transfer his super-intelligence into Computron in "Grimlock's New Brain".
- When he was reissued, he came with a crown redecoed from the King Grimlock release and a new flame attachment to go over his sword.
- King Grimlock (December, 2009)
- ID number: MP-8X
- Accessories: Energo sword, twin 'stunner' lasers rifle, crown
- King Grimlock is a redeco of the Masterpiece Grimlock with a color scheme based on his appearance in the Generation 1 Marvel comic. All of his previously flat gray surfaces are coated in silver paint, his gold chrome is more vibrant, and his previously black plastic is now a dark blue in reference to the limited color palette of the Marvel Comics issues, and the colorless chrome used for his tail and arms is now a light blue chrome. He also features some different paint applications: on his dinosaur chest, inside the clear panel on his robot mode chest, and on his robot mode knees. In addition, his toes are now metallic yellow instead of metallic gray. He also lacks the faceplate paint of the original Masterpiece Grimlock. His sword is also tinted orange rather than neutral clear, and the clear panel on his chest is clear dark green plastic instead of neutral clear. Curiously what were the red eyes in dinosaur mode on the original Masterpiece Grimlock are now the blue eyes on King Grimlock, and the blue eyes are now the red. The product also features the crown worn by Grimlock in the comics instead of the accessories from the cartoon, such as the waiter apron or the glasses. The package art is drawn in an homage to the early style of The Transformers published by Marvel Comics, as well as a bilingual Transformers Universe style bio on the back of the package.
- King Grimlock was only available via Toy Hobby Market, the official shopping site of TakaraTomy. Pre-orders were open through July 31st through September 11th 2009, with the toy shipping out in December.
- Grimlock (2013)
- Accessories: Energo sword, twin 'stunner' lasers rifle, crown
- Another release of the Masterpiece Grimlock figure, in conjunction with Cybertron Con alongside a redeco of Henkei! Henkei! Jetfire. Like Hasbro's previous 2010 release, includes all the accessories from the MP-08X "King" version with the figure in traditional Grimlock colors. Packaged in minimalist black and white Chinese-themed box.

- Masterpiece Grimlock (2014)
- ID number: MP-03
- Accessories: Dinobot Crown of Leadership, sword, twin 'stunner' laser rifle
- (Yet) another Hasbro re-release of the figure, four years after the Transformers version (see below), again available as a Toys"R"Us exclusive.
- This figure was also available as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in many international Hasbro markets such as Canada, Australia, and Europe. Unusually for a Hasbro-branded release, if purchased through Toys"R"Us in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, or mainland China, or Toys Retailing in Thailand, this figure included a Hasbro Asia "Masterpiece King Grimlock" collector coin.
- Oddly, the Hasbro stock photos display his dino-mode legs as being backwards.
Device Label
- Device Grimlock (Device Label, 2009)
- Known designers: Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Takara's Device Label Grimlock transforms from a working USB laser mouse into a mechanoid raptor. He shares this mold with Device Label Trypticon.
- According to early BigBadToyStore solicitations, the mice were originally supposed to depict Generation 1 Overkill and Beast Wars Dinobot.
Transformers (2010)
- Masterpiece Grimlock (2010)
- Accessories: Dinobot Crown of Leadership, sword, twin 'stunner' laser rifle
- Transformers Grimlock is a Toys"R"Us-exclusive redeco and minor retool of Masterpiece Grimlock with King Grimlock's accessories (also redecoed). His gray is darker, he features additional painted details on his thighs, biceps, and waist to mimic label stickers included on the original 1985 figure, the dark gray painted details on his robot mode toes are now gold, the dinosaur mode's toenails are now coated in a thick gold paint rather than the polished golden look of the TakaraTomy version, and the red paint used on the metal area on his crotch is a lighter shade, matching the adjacent red plastic less.
- Grimlock's teeth and claws have been slightly rounded for this release.
- The stock photography to the right is mistransformed, depicting Grimlock's beast mode claws as pointing straight down (as they are in robot mode) instead of laying flat to the ground.

- Grimlock (Voyager Class, 2012)
- Series / number: 1 / #003
- Accessories: Sword, shield
- Part of the second wave of Generations Voyager Class toys, Fall of Cybertron Grimlock transforms into a robotic Tyrannosaurus rex. He comes with a sword with a 5mm handle and a peg on either side of the hilt, as well as a shield which can mount via its single peg. Grimlock features 5mm ports for his hands, as well as on his forearms/lower dino legs and shoulders/dino hips. Interestingly, the hollow sides of his dinosaur arms feature Cyberverse-compatible 3mm ports.
- His main gimmicks, however, are that he has a light in his dinosaur mouth, and a chomping dinosaur jaw. When a lever behind his dino head is pulled, his mouth opens, and the light turns on, strongly illuminating his head. This gimmick can also be used in robot mode, as his dino head ends up inside his hollow chest, although it's not as effective. The insignia on his chest is the Lightning Strike Coalition variant of the Autobrand.
- This toy was redecoed for all the other versions of Fall of Cybertron Grimlock, but was also used for Age of Extinction Grimlock.
Generations mold: Grimlock | ||
Version 1:
Version 2: TakaraTomy: Adventure TAV30 Battle Grimlock Hasbro: Platinum Edition Grimlock |
Age of Extinction

- Available only at Toys"R"Us stores in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, this Age of Extinction-branded two-pack features "1984 Grimlock" in the form of a Generation 1-inspired redeco of Energon Grimlock. The toy is slightly retooled to give it 5mm ports in its hands, allowing it to hold the included redeco of Generation 1 Razorclaw's sword (not pictured in stock photography). Undocumented in the instructions, he can be combined with Energon Swoop to form an inter-continuity version of Mega-Dinobot. As an Evolution 2-Pack, Grimlock was packaged alongside an Age of Extinction Voyager Class Grimlock toy.
- The two-pack was one of the three Evolution 2-packs available as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Japan, with no changes on the figures with an exception of the packaging, which the front box features Japanese translated versions of the English text, shrunken character renders for both Grimlocks, and a sticker on the back confirming that this was a Japanese release. The sword is also packaged on the center of the bubble, instead of hiding underneath it. This figure was also the first release of the Energon Grimlock mold in Japan.
Transformers (2014)
- Dinobots Generation One 4-pack (Voyager, 2014)
- Accessories: Mace head, mace shaft
- Available only as part of the Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive "Dinobots Generation One 4-pack" that was first made available at San Diego Comic-Con 2014, Grimlock is a redeco of the Age of Extinction Voyager Grimlock figure, and features heavy use of vacuum metalization, transparent plastic and paint applications to recreate the look of the Generation 1 Grimlock toy. He retains the mace accessory, and its head, or the entire weapon, can be attached to Grimlock's dinosaur mode tail. Grimlock was packaged with Strafe, Snarl, and Slug, and their box unfolds into a diorama of the crashed Ark in Mount St. Hilary. A similarly-themed toy of Sludge was released via Amazon in Age of Extinction packaging.

- Grimlock (Legion, 2014)
- Part of the Generation 1-inspired 2014 Legion Class assortment, Grimlock is a redeco of Cyberverse Beast Hunters Rippersnapper, and transforms into a vaguely shark-like dragon, although his package art, recolored from the RI cover of More than Meets the Eye #8, and the Hasbro website product description would have you believe that it's a mechanical T. rex. Being the sixth use of the sculpt, it's starting to show instances of mold deterioration, as several sections (such as the tabs that hold the robot mode torso together, or the parts of the beast mode neck formed by the robot mode feet) don't fit properly anymore.
- In the United States, Grimlock has thus far been found at Big Lots and Family Dollar stores. In Australia and Europe, he is available at general retail again, just like the previous wave of Legion Class figures. In 2015, he was re-released in redesigned packaging now resembling the currently released Combiner Wars-era Generations' packaging template, but replacing the name Generations with "Authentic Transformers".
- The stock photo on the back of the packaging depicts him with Beast Hunters Cyberverse Commander Class Optimus Prime's sword, which is also listed as an accessory in the Hasbro website product listing for this toy. The actual toy doesn't include a weapon. Furthermore, the instructions printed on the back of the packaging of the 2014 release are completely inaccurate, as they are for an entirely different "Grimlock" toy! (This was fixed for the 2015 release.) Even if the instructions had been accurate, they probably wouldn't have mentioned that Grimlock can also form a leg of Abominus (or a combiner of his redecoes).
Prime mold: Rippersnapper | ||
- Grimlock Unleashed (2014)
- Set number: A8600
- Pieces: 333
- Kreons: Bumblebee, Galvatron, Grimlock, Lockdown, Optimus Prime
- Accessories: Sword, crown
- Released in the fourth year of the Kre-O building-brick line, the Age of Extinction-themed "Grimlock Unleashed" set actually features a "Generation 1"-design large dino-mode Grimlock build. This massive beast uses multiple ball-and-socket joints to give it quite a range of posability, but unfortunately the build is a bit too heavy to keep any poses that aren't upright tail-dragging ones, plus his head is prone to drooping due to the weight of his skull in any position. The uneven and not-super-secure builds of his dino feet do not help.
- You could probably rebuild it into a robot mode, but there is no large pre-made Grimlock head to top it off, so you'll have to get creative or add more bricks to the set.
- The accompanying Gromlock Kreon is also based on the original Transformers Grimlock toy, and even comes with an extra "crown" piece to place on his little rounded noggin, in tribute to his stint as Autobot leader in the Marvel comics. All of the other Kreons in the set, however, are based on their Age of Extinction namesakes.
- This set popped up at Toys"R"Us a few short weeks after the initial product without any advance warning... and retailed for a mere $25, despite the size of the set.
- Kreon Class of 1985 (Kreon figure set, 2015)
- Set number: B5152
- Voted: Me Best Looking
- Accessories: Sword, double-barreled blaster
- Kreon Class of '85 Grimlock's deco is very much toy-based, but is not the same deco as the "Grimlock Unleashed" deco seen above. Which one is more "accurate" is kind of a toss-up, really. Weirdly, he doesn't use the Kreon sword that was based on the actual original Grimlock sword design, but does gain a toy-like twin-barreled blaster accessory.
- Like the rest of the set, he uses the almost-totally-retooled 2015 style of Kreon body, making most of his parts incompatible with older Kreon parts.
- This box set of thirty Kreons was a San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusive, with leftovers being sold on Hasbro Toy Shop online after the show.
- Grimlock (Battle Changers, 2015)
- Set number: B0718
- Pieces: 82
- Accessories: Energon-Sword
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro)[1]
- Part of the "Battle Changers" series, released i n the line's fifth year, Battle Changers Grimlock transforms from a really badly-proportioned T. rex into a robot and back without removing any parts! His appearance is reminiscent of his Generation 1 counterpart, while the deco is based on his Age of Extinction counterpart's toys. Like all of the Battle Changers, Grimlock uses a new hip piece using larger balljoints than the normal Kreons. He also comes with a weapon that, once stickers are applied, resembles the sword used by Fall of Cybertron Grimlock, and can be wielded by his C-joint hands.
- All of the 2015 Transformers Kre-O product was skipped by retailers in the US (at first), seeing release in Canada, Australia and various Asian markets. In late 2015, much of the line was finally released at discount in the US through TJ Maxx and Marshalls stores, including this set.
Hero Mashers
- Electronic Grimlock (Electronic Action, 2014)
- Pieces: 18
- Accessories: Twin-cannon, left & right missile launchers, 2 missiles, left & right gun-pods, large rifle, flame-blast
- Part of the first (and only) wave of Electronic Action Hero Mashers toys, Grimlock is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints... and considerably larger than any other figure in the line at that. His design is based on his Age of Extinction counterpart, but also takes some cues and the coloration from the Generation 1 version of the character. He has multiple peg-holes all over that can be used to mount any Hero Mashers accessory.
- He is designed with a removable head, forelimbs, thighs, lower legs, and tail, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This means his pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any other Hero Mashers figure... which includes figures from Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and Jurassic World, meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
- His large size is augmented by a large number of accessories and gimmicks. The signature electronic aspect is a light-up mouth, used to illuminate his "flame blast" accessory, or any other transparent accessory you care to stuff into his gaping maw. He also comes with two spring-loaded missile launchers.
Platinum Edition
- Dinobots (Platinum Edition 5-pack, 2015)
- Accessories: Two-piece spiked maul
- Part of the Generations Platinum Edition Dinobots 5-pack, Grimlock is a redeco and retool of Age of Extinction Voyager Class Grimlock, sporting a Generation-1 inspired deco and a head. This release also suffers from a small degree of mold deterioration: the T. rex heels that connect with his forearms and the shoulders/T. rex upper jaw halves seemed to connect loosely.
- Grimlock was bundled with Slug, Slog, Snarl, and Strafe.
- This set was initially released as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Canada in October 2015, followed by Singapore a month later (although it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular store there or not). Much later, it became available via the Australian Toys"R"Us website (but never found in stores). In the United States, it was initally only available online via Amazon and BigBadToyStore before being found at discount chain Ross a year after its intial release in Canada.
Cyber Series
- Grimlock (Cyber Battalion, 2015)
- Part of the first wave of Generations: Cyber Series Cyber Battalion class figures, this Voyager-sized mold of Grimlock transforms from robot to dinosaur and back. The figure has a far greater range of articulation than many other Cyber Series figure to date. A small switch on the back of his beast-mode head moves his jaw up and down.
- This version of Grimlock is a unique amalgamation of three versions of the character; the robot mode head, torso, and transformation scheme take cues from 2015 Robots in Disguise Grimlock, the coloration is borrowed from the toys of the live-action movie Grimlock, lastly the styling and (scientifically outdated) stance of the dinosaur mode resembles the classic G1 Grimlock look.
- Like all of the Cyber Series figures, Grimlock initially did not get distribution in the United States, but has been reported showing up in Asian markets and was also solicited to South America. Toy importers did stock this series in a limited capacity and they sold out quickly in 2015 and effectively disappeared at that time. The line was later distributed in larger quantities by Walgreens stores in parts of the United States.
- Grimlock (2016)
- ID number: QTF-10
- Q-Transformers Grimlock was to be a retool of Bumblebee with a new head, transforming from a super deformed 2014 Camaro Concept to a cute little robot. This toy was intended to be released in March 2016 and was first listed alongside other Q-Transformers like Ratchet and Ironhide who did end up in stores, however Grimlock was ultimately cancelled.
Titans Return
- Clobber (Titan Master, 2016)
- Accessories: Dragon/bird/gun accessory
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro)
- Part of the second wave of Titans Return Titan Masters, Clobber is a retool of Crashbash and transforms from a robot into a head compatible with any Deluxe-or-larger figure in the line. Clobber features a new head piece based on Generation 1 Grimlock's animation model. Hasbro stated at BotCon 2016 that Clobber is Grimlock himself, leaving the reasons for his name unclear, but some kind of attempt to avoid confusion with the contemporaneous Robots in Disguise character seems a likely explanation. Clobber features peg holes in his feet to allow him to stand on a variety of Titans Return figures, and is packaged with a beast accessory with three modes: a dragon for Clobber to ride, a T. rex formed by combining with Clobber, or a 5mm-compatible gun for larger figures. His new face piece was molded in black plastic, rather than gunmetal. Clobber gives his larger partners super strength.
- As with Crashbash, Clobber's instructions feature the same error for steps 6(5)-8(7).
- The beast accessory released with Clobber also has more than a passing resemblance to Snarl's Dinobot Action Master partner Tyrannitron, though, whether this was an intentional nod or just pure coincidence, is yet to be seen.
- This toy also doubles as the independent Beast Wars: Uprising character Clobber.
Titans Return mold: Crashbash | ||
Titan Master: Accessory: |
- Released as a Wonder Festival 2017 exclusive, this Grimlock is a redeco of the Titans Return Clobber head, featuring plastic color changes and extensive paint apps to resemble his appearance in the cartoon.
- Grimlock is released along with "Chromedome", Gong, "Hardhead", Flywheel, and "Brainstorm".
Titans Return mold: Crashbash | ||
Titan Master: Accessory: |
Power of the Primes
- Dinobot Grimlock (Voyager Class, 2018)
- TakaraTomy ID number: PP-15
- TakaraTomy release date: 2018-06-30
- Accessories: 2 Prime Armor/combiner feet, Dinobot Enigma
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro), Robby Musso (concept artist)
- Power of the Primes "Dinobot Grimlock" transforms into a very Generation 1-inspired, wide-hipped robotic Tyrannosaurus rex. He can combine with his fellow Dinobots to form Volcanicus and can attach any Combiner Wars-style Deluxe Class figure. Like the other Dinobots in this subline, he features translucent plastic with gold paint on the inside to give him a 'layered' look reminiscent of his original toy. He also includes two pieces of Prime Armor that each can hold a Prime Master (and by extension, an Enigma or Matrix core) and attach to his forearms as battle claws. These also double as feet for Volcanicus. Like all the other Voyager Class figures, Grimlock includes an Enigma of Combination (dubbed the Dinobot Enigma), based on a Prime Master, which can attach to him via the previously mentioned Prime Armor. In beast mode, he can carry an Enigma, Matrix core, or Prime Master in his mouth, where Volcanicus's chest would be. If you're particularly creative, you could place a Matrix in his mouth.
- In China, Grimlock was also released along with the other four Deluxe Dinobots as a gift-set, exclusive to Hasbro China's TianMao site.[2]
- Dinobot Grimlock (Alpha, 2018)
- Accessories: Dinosaur head, "wing" assembly
- Part of the first wave of Authentics Alpha Class figures, "Dinobot Grimlock" is a simplified Voyager-sized toy based on his evergreen design. He transforms into a robotic T. rex in just seven steps. His "wings" and dinosaur head come detached in the packaging. Despite the figure's simple engineering, it features over 9 points of articulation. The fists have 5mm holes, though the toy itself comes with no weapons.
- Dinobot Grimlock (Bravo, 2018)
- Released in wave 2 of Authentics Bravo class figures, this version of Grimlock is basically a downscaled version of the 7-inch figure to the size of a Commander/Legends/Scout Class toy, and his T. rex arms are permanently molded on his "wings"/dinosaur body. Grimlock's dinosaur head comes detached in the packaging. While the neck is painted gold unlike the 7-inch figure, the paint operations on Grimlock's robot torso, the robot legs, and the T. rex toes are omitted.
- Grimlock (Bravo, 2024)
- Accessories: Blade/tail
- Released in the seventh wave of Authentics "Bravo" figures, Grimlock transforms from robot to Tyrannosaurus Rex in six steps. Unlike the previous Bravo figure, Grimlock has greatly reduced articulation and lacks individual legs as well as true hands, which merely sculpted details inside his beast mode feet. The tip of his tail can be attached only to his right "hand" as a bladed weapon.
- Grimlock (Titan Changer, 2020)
- Released in the second wave of Authentics Titan Changers, This Grimlock transforms from a thin robot into an oddly proportioned robotic T. rex. The alt mode photo is mistransformed: His legs/T-rex back is supposed to collapse down properly.
Generations Selects
- Volcanicus (Gift set, February 27, 2021)
- Hasbro ID number: TT-GS11
- Accessories: 2 guns, 2 swords, 2 "Magma Blades", 2 arm-mounted "Volca-Vulcan" cannons, twin 'stunner' laser rifle, 2 foot-plates, left & right fists
- Generations Selects Grimlock is a redeco of his earlier Power of the Primes toy, but now with a cartoon-inspired deco, which includes his blue visor. He STILL doesn't have his "Energo Sword", but he can more than compensate by using the newly-molded guns or even one of the two "Magma Blades" (based on the sword Volcanicus wields in Transformers: Earth Wars, itself based on the one used by Fall of Cybertron Grimlock) that the set comes with. TakaraTomy Mall gives this figure the title "Dinobot Commander Grimlock".[3]
- The Magma Swords and Volca-Vulcan cannons can be plugged onto his dinosaur mode's back to create his "Wing Dragon Mode".
- Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack (Leader Class, 2022)
- Generations Selects Grimlock is a non-transforming and immobile minifigure, barely 10mm tall, scaled to interact with the immense War for Cybertron Trilogy Unicron figure and its clear display base. This was one of a set of 14 minifigures in the "Unicron Companion Pack" that was included with the "reformatting" version of Galvatron. The set was exclusive to Hasbro Pulse.
Studio Series
- Grimlock & Autobot Wheelie (Leader Class, 2021)
- Movie: The Transformers: The Movie
- Hasbro ID number: 86-06
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-64
- TakaraTomy release date: May 29, 2021
- Accessories: Autobot Wheelie, slingshot, Galaxial rocket launcher, "Mockery of Justice" backdrop
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy), Mario Carreiro, Christina Murphy and Amy Bence (packaging),[4] Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)
- Released to commemorate the 35th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Studio Series Grimlock is inspired by the Masterpiece figure, which hybridized the look of his appearance in the Generation 1 cartoon and his original 1985 toy, while sporting multiple aesthetic details unique to the Masterpiece toy. His blaster "stores" kind of awkwardly on his dino-mode back thanks to a pair of small tabs on the weapon. Sadly, he is missing all of his front dino teeth.
- Grimlock has a number of design elements shared with the concurrently-running War for Cybertron Trilogy (which have continued to feature in the followup line Transformers: Legacy). The figure was designed with the Trilogy's concerns for cartoon-based scale in mind, making him the tallest Leader Class figure in the format at the time. On top of that, he has numerous 5 mm post-holes all over his body, making him compatible with C.O.M.B.A.T. System toys, and he also has Fire Blast effect posts on the ends of his blaster's barrels and on the inside of his dino-mouth so he can properly spew plastic flame.
- He also comes with a semi-posable, non-transformable figure of Wheelie, designed to ride the Dinobot in both modes. In dino mode, small posts at the base of Grimlock's neck slot into grooves in Wheelie's ankles, securing the little Autobot in place. In robot mode, holes in Grimlock's shoulders match up with a peg on the back of Wheelie's left thigh, letting him sit there securely.
- Grimlock's colors were subject to multiple changes during development (see right). Physical samples were not shown on the October 16th Fan First Friday due to in-progress color changes by TakaraTomy. The original renders shown at the time had yellow parts, a clear chest panel, and an opaque dino neck, evoking the Generation 1 cartoon model. Hasbro stock photography somewhat reflected this, but the dino neck was made translucent-yellow instead to reveal inner details, much like the Generation 1 toy. In the end, the final toy (used in TakaraTomy stock photography) featured gold paint instead of yellow, a translucent-black chest panel instead of clear (both of which closer evoke the original toy), and an opaque gold dino neck. The neck halves are still molded in the same translucent-black plastic used on his chest panel, meaning one could remove the gold paint from the parts to restore the more toy-accurate look.
- Like the other Studio Series toys, the interior of the package forms a diorama display for the figure. In this case, it is the Dinobots' famous (ahem) self-invited entrance at Hot Rod and Kup's execution.
- A sword intended for use with this mold, based on the original toy's, was eventually included with Studio Series Swoop.
- According to TakaraTomy designer Shogo Hasui, the alternate head created with this mold was that of fellow Dinobot Sludge; as the only Studio Series Dinobots initially assured for release were Grimlock and Slag, the alternate head gave them an option for a "better than nothing" retool.[5] When Sludge turned out to get his own dedicated toy, the alt head for Grimlock found a different use, explained below.
- Grimlock was redecoed into Shattered Glass Collection Grimlock, Toxitron Collection G2 Universe Grimlock (below), Generations Comic Edition Grimlock (also below), and retooled with the alternate head into Synergenex Megatron Type Godzilla. It was almost going to be retooled as a Legacy release of Deathsaurus until the success of his nemesis' HasLab campaign prompted the Decepticon Emperor of Destruction to be moved to be another Haslab funded project.
War for Cybertron: Kingdom
- Autobot Mirage & Maximal Grimlock (2-pack, 2021)
- Hasbro ID number: WFC-K40
- TakaraTomy ID number: KD EX-13
- TakaraTomy release date: January 29, 2022
- Accessories: Cyber slash tail weapon, sword
- Known designers: AJ Piejko-Brown (packaging)
- Released to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, Kingdom "Maximal Grimlock" is a retool of Dinobot from the same line, transforming from a robot mode based on Dinobot's Beast Wars cartoon appearance into a Jurassic Park-accurate Velociraptor in 28 steps. Grimlock features a new head based directly on Grimlock's (and therefore, Dinobot's) original Beast Wars figure. Grimlock's hands have a 5 mm port that can hold both his weapons and can close to hold objects. He also has 5 mm ports under his heels and one under his back-kibble. His tail can detach and split into two components: his Cyber Slash tail weapon, and his sword. If one chooses to, the 5 mm port on the hand or the hand's swivel joint can allow the Cyber Slash weapon to spin in his hand. The sword's tip is molded with the same texture as Grimlock's skin, presumably to better blend in as the tail tip in beast mode. Due to the Cyber Slash weapon connection, the sword cannot be held by other Transformers toys with traditional 5 mm port hands. The Cyber Slash weapon can store in robot mode by attaching to the same port as beast mode.
- Oddly for a modern Generations figure, Grimlock's Velociraptor mode features a deco that strays from the original Beast Wars toy and Dinobots Grimlock's decoes and includes some particularly odd choices like leaving the fake "eyes" on the chest unpainted, but painting exactly half the knee section white, despite that portion being mostly concealed in beast mode.
- And in what can be considered a surprise, Grimlock is mentioned in Hasbro's official description for the figure to be inspired by the character's appearance in Beast Wars: Uprising![6] Even though his Beast Upgrade appearance was never shown.
- The nylon plastic used for Grimlock's shoulder joints, thigh joints, and forearms has been reported to yellow quickly over time.
- Revealed on #TransformersTuesday, Grimlock was released with Autobot Mirage as a part of the "Battle Across Time Collection". Though similar to the Siege "Final Strike Figure Series", being exclusive multi-packs with package art that combines into a larger piece, the "Battle Across Time Collection" label is printed on the box. The two-pack is exclusive to Amazon and Hasbro Pulse in the US, and in the UK on Hasbro Pulse and several online retailers. Initially set for a January 29, 2022 release by TakaraTomy, the 2-pack was delayed to March 2022.
Classic Heroes Team
- Grimlock (All Star Rescan, 2022)
- Known designers: Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)
- Classic Heroes Team Grimlock is a Rescue Bots-style Rescan figure, featuring a simple conversion from robot mode to Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Grimlock (Core Class, 2023)
- 3 of 6: Volcanicus
- TakaraTomy ID number: TL-31
- TakaraTomy release date: August 26, 2023
- Accessories: Tail gun
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Shuhei Umezu and Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)[7]
- Part of the second wave of Legacy: Evolution Core Class toys, Grimlock is a miniature version of the famous Dinobot leader, converting into a blocky Tyrannosaurus rex. Part of his beast mode tail detaches to become a twin-barrelled gun in robot mode. Grimlock also forms the left leg for Volcanicus, the first combiner released within the Core Class scale. He's probably disappointed at not forming the torso... Similar to how Goryu is the leader of the Dinoforce, but only forms the left leg of Dinoking. Hmmm... Like Snarl, the underside of Grimlock's crotch features an H-shaped-ish port, most likely used for a foot panel like Monstructor/Dinoking does.
- Due to being connected with the frame that holds the dino body/arms and head, the combiner knee joint may cause it to bend up due to how (slightly) tight the construction is. While Grimlock's combiner peg can be attached to either of the thighs, he is only designed to attach to the left side, given the joint's placement, and the cavity on Grimlock's left robot foot providing clearance on the gestalt's thigh panels (the left half of Sludge's robot legs/rear tail).
- His stock photography is mistransformed, the legs can flip around to form a better-looking tail, reducing the amount of kibble hanging off his back section.
- G2 Universe Grimlock (Leader Class, 2023)
- Accessories: Double-barreled blaster
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro)[8]
- Toxitron Collection "G2 Universe Grimlock" is a redeco of Studio Series Grimlock, now featuring an eye-searing "tropical" striped color scheme. In keeping with the theme of the other members of this Walmart-exclusive collection, its colors are based off a redeco that had been proposed for the Generation 2 toyline but was ultimately never realized (see Notes).
- This version of the mold leaves the translucent plastic on his dino mode neck unpainted, revealing some previously-unseen mechanical detailing, keeping the deco even more in-line with the original toy. It also lacks a Wheelie figure, which is a pity because we really wanna know how that would have shaken out.
Robosen Collector's Edition
- Grimlock Auto-Converting Robot (2023)
- Accessories: carrying case, galaxial rocket launcher, energon sword, crown, wall charger, USB-C to USB 2.0 cable, collector coin
- The third entry in Robosen's series of G1-style Transformers robots, this Grimlock is a highly-interactive, programmable transforming robot. Made with 85 microchips, 37 servo motors, and a 6-axis IMU, and capable of speaking over 150 voicelines (all newly-recorded by Gregg Berger), Grimlock straddles the line between "toy" and "high-end showroom electronics" like the other Robosen robots... though it definitely leans more towards the latter, given that Robosen not only touts Grimlock as "The World's First Dual-form, Bipedal Walking Robot," but his regular asking price is also an absurd $1700. Using either voice commands or a companion iOS/Android bluetooth app interface, users can control Grimlock's movements by either using pre-programmed commands or creating movement routines of their own. From an aesthetic perspective, on the other hand, this Grimlock is essentially a 15" tall upscale of his Masterpiece figure, down to various sculpted details that were seemingly recreated 1:1.
- Grimlock is primarily powered by an internal lithium ion battery, charged via a USB-C connection. Based on Optimus Prime, the LEDs for Grimlock's Galaxial Rocket Launcher and "energon sword" are likely powered by a replaceable CR 1220 3V battery.
- Like Optimus Prime before him, the voice command that triggers Grimlock's transformation is officially "convert", but "transform" works just the same. All told, Grimlock has 42 built-in voice commands he can respond to, from simple movement commands like turning left or right to actions like leaning forward and roaring in dino mode. Carried over from Robosen's Bumblebee is "mini-theater" mode, a selection of longer pre-programmed action sequences with matching sounds, with sequences featuring Grimlock either by himself or with other Robosen G1 robots available to pick from. Considering that Robosen continually rolled out new commands and firmware updates for Optimus Prime for months after his release with no clear end date, Grimlock will more than likely receive additional commands for some time after his release.
- 37 servo motors is definitely a lot, but that effort was more so put into ensuring Grimlock can transform and remain balanced while doing so – compared to contemporary 1st-party figures costing over a thousand dollars less, Grimlock's robot mode lacks basic neck and wrist rotation, and his legs are incapable of rotating such that his feet can point any direction other than straight forward. Dino mode likewise has a notable sacrifice: while his T. rex neck can rotate a bit to the left or right and his head can look up and down, this comes at the cost of no arm articulation whatsoever.
- When asked to turn right or left in robot mode, Grimlock is not able to perform that action in two or three normal steps with ankle and hip rotation like a human would. He lacks any leg joints that rotate around a vertical axis, so for him to rotate his body to the right, he must perform a startling stutter shuffle move. He pushes one foot out slightly forward, the other foot slightly backward, and maintains that orientation while rapidly sliding his legs together and apart more than once per second until the asymmetrical rapid sliding friction of his feet against the floor eventually scoots him into facing a different direction. This movement can wear out the paint on his inner soles pretty fast, even on smoother surfaces.
- Sadly, Grimlock shares the same inability to stand in robot mode without power as Optimus Prime – when turned off, Grimlock will lean forward and rest his robot arms and legs on the ground. Dino mode fares better, as he will stay standing up when he's powered off... but as his joints have now gone limp, he's liable to tip or slouch at the slightest bit of disturbance, so if you do decide to put him on display in this mode, make sure he's somewhere very stable.
- Grimlock's pre-programmed animation set assumes his rocket launcher is in his right hand and his sword in his left. There aren't any sensors to detect whether they and/or the crown are in place, so it's best to avoid, say,
transformingconverting Grimlock while they're in place. On a lighter note, Grimlock is capable of wearing the crown in both modes, meaning it no matter whether he robot or dino – Grimlock always king!
- The app-controlled motion programming interface is extremely complex. The position of each joint at each step in an animation can be dictated either with numerical parameters, or by sensing the positions of the joints on the toy during programming. Many poses can be strung together to form long action sequences. The app uses long gamified sequences of tutorials to teach programming techniques and unlock more sound clips for use in more animations. Despite that available complexity though, there are some actions used by official animations that cannot be performed in customized sequences (if Optimus Prime is anything to go by, at least), such as a head nod or a full mode conversion.
- Given this piece's fragility, complexity, and high cost, it is appropriate that it is packaged in a heavy duty foam-padded carrying case, complete with clasps and a handle. But the case can't protect from paint wear issues that arise quickly via actual use. Grimlock's knuckles and feet will almost certainly instantly get severe scrape marks if he transforms on a rough surface like concrete, but even smooth unvarnished wood can wear the gloss off the paint before long. Even soft carpeting might not be safe, as some users of Optimus Prime have reported toppling issues due to a lack of traction. Grimlock is designed to be more stable thanks to his IMU, but heed caution all the same.
- Grimlock was revealed on Hasbro Pulse on July 19, 2023, with orders set to ship out from both Pulse and Robosen's own online store in late Fall 2023. When revealed, Grimlock was made available at a special introductory price of $1500 which lasted until September 30.
Generations Comic Edition
- Grimlock (2024)
- Accessories: Double-barreled blaster, 3 swords, crown
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy), Amy Bence and Marcelo Matere (packaging art), Matthew Cohen (photography)[9][10][11]
- Generations Comic Edition Grimlock is a redeco of the Studio Series figure, now colored to depict his appearance in the original Transformers comic published by Marvel Comics. The figure comes in a display box featuring the cover of "Repeat Performance!." Grimlock includes his crown from the comic, as well as a set of three swords. One sword is based on Grimlock's original toy sword, and incorporates the chipped blade which only José Delbo drew. (Of note, this sword is a completely different tooling than the sword intended for Studio Series Grimlock that is available with Studio Series Swoop. It's considerably smaller and has different detailing, and then of course there's the chipped blade.) The other two swords are intended for the Studio Series releases of Dinobot Sludge and Dinobot Slug, who do not come with swords.
- In an undocumented (and unintentional) feature, the crown can be stored securely in dino-mode by placing it inside the tail strategically oriented between the blue inner shin struts.
- When placed next to the rest of the Comic Edition assortment, the art on the side of the figures' boxes will form a small mural by Marcelo Matere of the characters brawling.
Age of the Primes
- G2 Grimlock | Autobot Wheelie (Leader Class, 2025)
- Accessories: Autobot Wheelie, double-barreled blaster
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro),[12] Yūya Ōnishi (TakaraTomy)[13]
- Yet another redeco of the Studio Series figure, Age of the Primes G2 Grimlock is colored to homage the colors his original toy wore during its 1992 re-release. Grimlock once again includes his double-barreled blaster, along with the Wheelie figure from the original Studio Series release, now colored based on his original toy.
- Grimlock (Decoy, 1986)
- Decoy ID number:
- Coming packaged at random on carded Transformers toys during 1986, Decoy Grimlock is a red soft-rubber figure depicting him in his robot mode.
Super Collection Figure
- Grimlock (March 2001)
- Act: 2
- Accessories: Brainwave Transfer Device, stand
- A three-inch-tall PVC figurine of Grimlock's dinosaur mode was available in the second wave of Takara's Super Collection Figure line. Like all the figures in the wave, it was available as both a standard full-color figure and a clear plastic version, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.
- He comes with the Brainwave Transfer Device[14] seen in the cartoon episode "Grimlock's New Brain", which... can sit on his head, but it's not a great fit and falls off at the slightest provocation, especially if you keep the hose attached. Speaking of, in the color version of the figure, the post on top of the helmet may be painted over, making it too thick to fit into the very small hole in the hose.
- Grimlock (September 2001)
- Act: 4
- Accessories: Brainwave Transfer Device, stand
- The Grimlock PVC was re-released in the fourth act of the "Super Collection Figure" series, this time painted over entirely in metallics, with more toy-like gold replacing the yellow. He was available only as a rare "Secret Figure", packed at a presumed ratio of one in every ten cases. (This ratio was given for Secret Figures in later Acts, and it seems unlikely it would change.)
- It is unknown if he replaced a random figure in the lucky case, or was a consistent replacement for a specific one.
Heroes of Cybertron
- Grimlock (2003)
- Part of the third wave of Heroes of Cybertron, this version of the Super Collection Figure Grimlock mold was cast in translucent blue plastic and painted over, leaving his eyes and a stripe on the top of his head unpainted to attempt a light-piping gimmick. This version lacks the Brainwave Transfer Device from the Japanese release, which, let's be honest, was probably for the best.
- This toy was sold on a blister card rather than blindpacked, and a collector card of the character was included instead of the stand.
Hard Hero
- Grimlock (2003)
- Hard Hero's Grimlock is a 6.5 inches tall cold-cast porcelain bust, sculpted after his cartoon appearance (complete with blue eyes) and holding a white energo-sword in his right hand. The bust was limited to 2500 pieces, with an additional 100 being specially signed by sculptor Jason Ray. Grimlock was number 9 in Hard Hero's main series of Transformers busts.
- Grimlock (Takara, 2003)
- ID number: MTF015
- Accessories: Grey display stand
- Known designers: Kazutami Yasuhiko (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the second wave of the MyClone line of Transformers PVC figures, this super deformed Grimlock comes with a hexagonal grey display stand, which can link up with the identical stands included with other MyClone figures. His modular design allows his parts to be mixed and matched with those of any other MyClone figure, though he stands out as rather unique about the Transformers MyClones, as he's the only one in alternate mode.
Generation 1 Figure-Collection
- Grimlock (2003)
- ID number: C-5
- Accessories: Display base
- At only one inch in height, this Grimlock "bottlecap" figurine (so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap) was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's Transformers Generation 1 Figure-Collection. The figure was rendered in a "retro" black and white color scheme, and came with a leaflet, personalized with cartoon screen captures.
Titanium Series
- Grimlock (3" Robot Masters, 2006)
- Accessories: Gun, sword, Autobot stand
- Titanium Series Grimlock is a non-transforming, three inch die-cast metal figurine based on his toy and comic/cartoon model. He has very limited articulation, in his neck, waist and shoulders. Grimlock is posed squatting and/or dancing.
- Grimlock (unreleased)
- Accessories: Autobot stand?
- The final Titanium Series catalogue listed a number of "Micro Figures" intended for release, though many of them never saw the light of day. Right at the end of the checklist, after a number of current and (supposedly) upcoming 3" Robot Master toys, was Grimlock's name, with no further information or disambiguation. Was he to be a repaint? A new War Within or Alternators mold? Or was his name just a typographical error? This is just one of life's great mysteries.
- Grimlock (Booster, 2007)
- Attacktix Grimlock is depicted in his Tyrannosarus mode, and has a sculpt based heavily upon his original G1 toy. Pressing down on his back will cause his head to extend and presumably hit whatever he's facing.
Transformers - Mini Bust
- Grimlock (Diamond Select, 2007)
- A mini-bust of Grimlock based on his appearance in the cartoon was released by Diamond Select in 2007. The figure includes the upper body of Grimlock, wielding his energo-sword, acting as if rushing into the battlefield. There is the head of his beast mode sculpted into the base of the statue.
- War Within Grimlock (Diamond Select, 2007)
- War Within Grimlock was an Action Figure Xpress exclusive at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con. He was sculpted by Chris Lee of Art Asylum and limited to 600 pieces. The sculpt features Grimlock holding his flaming sword. The front of his vehicle mode is sculpted onto the base of the bust.
Robot Heroes
- Grimlock & Shockwave (Two-pack, 2007)
- Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro), Marcelo Matere (concept artist)
- Packed with Shockwave, Robot Heroes Grimlock is a detailed two-inch tall soft-plastic figurine with exaggerated, cartoonish proportions and an amusing "raised eyebrow" look on his face. He is sculpted holding his sword in his right hand. He has swivel joints at his shoulders and neck. He brings cuddly wuddly death.
- Grimlock (Single-pack, 2008)
- In some countries outside of North America, Grimlock was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.
3D Battle-Card Game
- Grimlock (2007)
- A 48-point "rare" character in the 3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Grimlock "transforms" into a gray vague approximation of a T. rex. He uses the same parts layout as Megatron and Cruellock.
Sota Toys
- Transformers Chess Set (
- Two identical Grimlock pieces in dino mode were to be the Autobot-side Knights on a chess set based on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Mighty Muggs
- Grimlock (2009)
- Accessories: Energo-sword
- This super deformed, non-transformable PVC figure uses the standard Mighty Muggs body template, with swivel joints in Grimlock's neck and arms. He comes with a similarly super-deformed version of his trademark energo-sword.
- Grimlock (2019)
- ID number: 07
- Influenced by his evergreen design, this new Grimlock is part of the second wave of the line's 2018 relaunch. Gently push his precious little head to access one of three different faces: irritable, impatient, and incensed.
Titan Warriors
- Titan Warrior 5-Pack (2013)
- Available at San Diego Comic-Con 2013, this Grimlock is a 6" PVC Titan Warrior figure (similar to Bandai's Ultra/Sentai/Rider Hero, Movie Monster Series) with articulated arms. He was packed with Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave. Unlike the other four, Grimlock never received an individual release.
The Loyal Subjects
- Grimlock (2013)
- Grimlock w/ Dino Head (2014)
- 5.5" Grimlock (2014)
- 5.5" Grimlock w/ Dino Accessories (2014)
- Cybertron Edition 2-Pack (2014)
EX Gōkin
- Grimlock (2014)
- Accessories: Two fists, two open hands, two gripping hands, energo-sword, stunner laser, galaxial rocket launcher, alternate head, display stand
- A 7-inch tall non-transforming Grimlock action figure was produced by Art Storm as part of their EX Gōkin Transformers Series line. He comes with a number of extra hands as well as the energo-sword, double-barreled rifle and (non-firing) rocket launcher of the original toy. While his mold and paint details are heavily based on the original Generation 1 Grimlock toy, his proportions are cartoon-based and he includes an alternate blue-eyed headsculpt based on his early cartoon head.
Thrilling 30
- Grimlock (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
- Series / Number: 2 / #19
- Accessories: Collector's base
- A super-deformed Grimlock was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
- Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
- Series: 2
- Accessories: 5 collector's bases
- The same Grimlock figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Bumblebee, Shockwave, Ultra Magnus and Rodimus.
Tiny Titans
- Grimlock (Tiny Titans, 2016)
- Series: 6
- Number: 10/12
- Part of the sixth and final assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Grimlock is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
- He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
Magic: The Gathering
- Grimlock, Dinobot Leader / Grimlock, Ferocious King (Hasbro and Wizards, 2017)
- A HasCon 2017 exclusive, this trading card was released as part of the "2017 Magic: The Gathering HasCon Collection" three-card promo set, alongside "Nerf War" and "Sword of Dungeons & Dragons" cards. The card is reversible, depicting Grimlock in robot mode on one side ("Dinobot Leader") and his alternate mode on the other ("Ferocious King"), with each side having different stats and abilities. Each side of the card's flavor text features a different Grimlock quote: one from The Transformers: The Movie, and one from "Grimlock's New Brain". The card bears a silver border, indicating it is illegal to use in official Magic tournament play. Notably, unlike many similar cards, Grimlock doesn't "transform" to its other face, and instead is worded to "become" it, probably due for the sake of trademark.
Enamel Pin Series
- Grimlock (November 3, 2017)
- Rarity: 1 in 20
- Released by Kidrobot in their Enamel Pin Series, this is a flat, enamel pin badge of Grimlock inspired by the art of Tom Scioli's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe, albeit with cutesy proportions. Unlike the rest of the characters in the series, Grimlock is depicted in dino mode! The pin series was blindboxed, with some pins being rarer than others.
- Grimlock Blue Metallic (November 3, 2017)
- Rarity: 1 in 80
- And speaking of which, a chase pin of Grimlock was available, decoed in metallic blue. This deco doesn't seem to be from the comic.
Vinyl Mini Series
- Grimlock (November 14, 2017)
- Rarity: 2 in 24
- The same character design was reused for the Vinyl Mini Series, with Grimlock receiving a three-inch tall, blindboxed figurine retaining the vibrant colours and exaggerated proportions. Grimlock featured articulation in his tiny little dino shoulders.
- Grimlock Blue Metallic (November 14, 2017)
- Rarity: 1 in 96
- Grimlock received another chase figure in the Vinyl Mini Series, again in metallic blue.
- Megatron (November 14, 2017)
- Rarity: 2 in 24
- The Vinyl Mini Series figure for Megatron includes Grimlock's severed head as a handheld accessory, as seen in the issue "Everybody Hates Metroplex". The head is much smaller than the head of Grimlock's own mini figure.
Medium Figure Series
- Megatron (November 14, 2017)
- Accessories: Grimlock's head
- Megatron was scaled up to seven inches for the Medium Figure Series, and his decapitated Grimlock head accessory followed suit.
- Megatron (November 14, 2017)
- Accessories: Grimlock's head
- Released at the same time as the standard version, this variant of Megatron was limited to 200 pieces and exclusive to the Kidrobot online store. Megatron is now decoed in a lighter grey, as was Grimlock's head.
Vinyl Keychain Series
- Grimlock Blue Metallic (December 1, 2017)
- Rarity: 1 in 24
- Grimlock was also released as part of the once again blindboxed Vinyl Keychain Series, now standing at about one to two inches. He included a keychain molded into his head and, due to his small scale, did not feature any articulation. Yet again he was a metallic blue chase figure... but this time, there was no regular grey Grimlock keychain!
Bouncing Ball Heads
- Grimlock (2017)
- "Bouncing Ball Head" Grimlock is a small, super deformed figurine with a removable head that doubles as a bouncy ball. Despite having a completely round head and a somewhat humanoid body shared by all figurines in this collection, Grimlock's tampographed face is based on a front view of his dino mode head, resulting in a very unsettling appearance. An Autobot logo is tampographed on the back of his head and his name is written under his feet.
- He is (apparently) available in both gacha-style machines and in an 8-pack with the whole collection, and comes inside a spherical capsule with a unique dark gray color.
- Despite clearly representing Generation 1 characters, the collection is advertised as a 2015 Robots in Disguise product.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Grimlock, Dinobot Leader (2018)
- Wave 1
- Rarity: RT
- Card Number: T21/T40
- Stars: 10
- Grimlock, Dinobot Leader is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
- The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game.
- Grimlock, Powerful Commander (2019)
- Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
- Rarity: RT
- Card Number: T27/T46
- Stars: 9
- Grimlock, Powerful Commander was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, Grimlock, Powerful Commander is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Grimlock, Powerful Commander depicts Volcanicus' head and torso, which is formed by Grimlock in the artwork.
- The artwork for Bot and Alt Mode is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.
- Grimlock, Powerful Commander can be used to form Volcanicus, Fiery Champion with the use of the Action card Dinobot Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Dinobots are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.
- Clobber (2020)
- Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
- Rarity: RT
- Card Number: T15/T46
- Stars: 4
- This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.
He is the only Titan Master in the game with 3 traits, due to being a Dinobot.
Keshi Surprise
- Autobots (2018)
- The Keshi Surprise series by Super7 consisted of 1.75" soft rubber figures in a style deliberately resembling the 1980s Decoys. These blind-packed figures were sold individually or in cases depicting only their faction. Grimlock (in his dino mode) was available in red, yellow, blue, and purple, and included a foil trading card / sticker.
Imaginarium Art
- Grimlock (2018)
- This 20-inch-tall statue set depicts Grimlock in his dinosaur mode and a slingshot-wielding Wheelie as they face off against five Sharkticons. Only 150 were produced, with an MSRP of $2,100.
- Grimlock (Happy Meal Toy, 2018)
- Released as part of the McDonald's June 2018 Happy Meal Toys along with My Little Pony, Grimlock is a stubby, super deformed little dino with fire coming out of his mouth. He has a light-up gimmick where pressing the Autobot insignia on his back lights up his eyes and the fire effect.
- Grimlock (2020)
- Accessories Energo Sword, Twin Laser Rifle
- Released in the first wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Grimlock is a non-converting 3 3/4-inch action figure based on his appearance in the original cartoon, with five points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips) and holes in his feet for use with some variety of stand. Unlike most figures in the line, he comes with two accessories instead of just one, and both of this hands can hold an accessory.
- As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Grimlock comes packaged on a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.
- Grimlock (2022)
- This depiction of Grimlock, released in the fifth wave of the ReAction line, has him in his dinosaur mode, taking up a significantly larger chunk of cardback real estate and requiring a much deeper bubble.
- It retains the "five points of articulation" theme, as this figure lacks neck articulation, but instead has a jointed jaw for talky-talky or bitey-bitey action, which we can all agree is awesome. Jawsome, if you will. We'll give you props for that, Super7.
- Grimlock G2 (2022)
- This redeco of the above dino-mode Grimlock figure is now redone in rich blue, to match his Generation 2 toy color scheme (well, his most well-known and well-distributed color scheme of the three he had, anyway). However, he still has the original Autobot faction symbol on his chest rather than the Generation 2 version, which isn't not accurate to the original toy really, but still. Boo.
- He was released as part of the fifth round of Target-exclusive ReAction figures, alongside the similarly-toy-based "Galvatron G1" figure.
- Grimlock (Metallic) (2024)
- This redeco of dino-mode Grimlock featured metallic paint and was packaged in a G1-styled box with the original G1 character art. It was released for San Diego Comic-Con 2024, with leftover stock being available on the Super7 website the following week.
- Grimlock (Metallic) (2024)
- Dino-mode Grimlock was reissued with a metallic paintscheme... again... in wave eight, now on the standard ReAction style cardback.
Figural Bag Clip
- Grimlock (2020)
- Released by Monogram, this 2.5" 3D foam bag clip takes the form of a chibi dino mode Grimlock running towards you.
- It was available only as part of a mystery blind bag collection.
- Grimlock Alt. mode (2020)
- A second bag clip was also released, this time based on Grimlock's evergreen robot mode.
- It was one of two "chase" figures in the collection.
- Grimlock Tiki Mug (2021)
- Released by Mondo, this tiki mug in the form of Grimlock's dinosaur mode is roughly 6.5 inches high and holds up to 18 oz of your favorite drink.
- The mug is handmade and its design was co-created by Ken Christiansen.
- Grimlock (2021)
- ID number: 69
- Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment and exclusive to both GameStop and the Emerald City Comic Con 2021, Funko's Pop! Grimlock is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy.
- Grimlock (Digital Pop!, 2022)
- Rarity:
- Monochrome: Common
- Static: Common
- Glowing: Uncommon
- Chrome: Rare
- Original: Epic
- Rarity:
- NFTs depicting Grimlock in the Funko style.
- Freddy Funko as Grimlock (2024)
- Rarity: Royalty
- ID number: 268
- Part of the second wave of the Pop! Digital segment, this regular-sized vinyl figure portrays Freddy Funko cosplaying as Grimlock. The body is also based on Grimlock's original toy, while the head incorporates Freddy's face to Grimlock's helmet.
- This figure also features a metallic finish and is limited to 2600 units and can only be acquired by collecting and redeeming digital tokens.
- Grimlock (Series 2, 2023)
- Squeezelings Grimlock is a non-posable figure made of soft plastic, released by Forever Clever. He was released in blind bags, or in a blister pack on his own.
- Grimlock (ULTIMATES!, 2023)
- Accessories: Wheelie figure, mind transfer helmet, apron, serving tray, 6 drinking glasses, fish, crown, 6 sets of dino forelimb claws
- Part of the second wave of Transformers ULTIMATES! from Super7, Grimlock is a 9-inch-tall non-transforming representation of his dinosaur mode. He includes a non-transforming Wheelie figure to ride him, and also representations of many of the accessories that were also included with the Masterpiece Grimlock toy above, including his serving tray with drinking glasses, a soft cloth waiter apron, the mind transfer helmet, and a crown. Never-before-seen accessories include 6 different interchangeable dinosaur "hands," and the fish that he held in "Grimlock's New Brain."
- Preorders for Grimlock (and the rest of Wave 2) opened on July 29 2021, and closed on August 27, with the toys slated for shipping in summer 2022... a vague date Super7 missed by a full year.
- Grimlock (2021)
- ID number: 029
- A collaboration between Hasbro and statue/replica brand Jazware, The Transformers was added as a part of the Zōteki line alongside other iconic brands such as Marvel, to recreate some of the main "Generation 1" characters. The 29th figure of the Zōteki line is Grimlock in his dino mode.
- Each statue of the line features a connection point for it to be connected to the others, in order to form a battle scene.
- Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (
- In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Grimlock was slated to be one of the Bishop pieces on the Autobot side.
- A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Transformers Character Card
- King Grimlock & Starscream Set (November 1, 2022)
- ID number: 31 & 32
- Released as part of the fifth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Grimlock and Starscream in their regal finery from the Marvel comic and the 1986 film respectively, along with character profiles and tech specs.
- Released as part of the fourteenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Primus in the form of his "Creator" toy and the Generation 1 Autobots (as represented by Optimus Prime, Blaster, Eject, Grimlock, Prowl, Crossblades, Jazz and Turbo Board) along with character profiles and tech specs.
- Grimlock (Series 2, 2022)
- Accessories: Energo sword, stand
- Part of the second wave of Transformers Minimates from Diamond Select, this Grimlock is a 2-inch-tall figurine featuring metallic paint, 12-14 points of articulation, and accessories and body parts interchangeable with other Minimates. Due to their small size, all 4 figures in each series are sold in the same blister card.
Icon Heroes
- Grimlock X Ironhide Retro Pin Set (2022)
- A hard enamel pin based on Grimlock's original G1 package art made by Icon Heroes. It comes carded with an Ironhide pin.
- Grimlock (
A statue-sized PVC figure of Grimlock was solicited by Diamond Select in 2022 but later canceled.
XM Studios
- Grimlock (2022)
- XM Studios' statue of Grimlock is nearly 40" tall, made of hand-painted porcelain. Grimlock has light-up eyes and comes with alternate sets of arms that allow him to brandish his signature sword, gun, and... giant spiked mace? The mace and some of the color and detail choices on this statue suggest it mixes elements of both the G1 character and his live-action movie counterpart. The set also includes a sculpted representation of Grimlock's dino mode that can be displayed next to the robot.
- 399 pieces were produced, with a suggested price of about $1,900 US.
- Grimlock (2024)
- Released as part of Yolopark's AMK (Advanced Model Kit) Mini Series, this non-transforming kit of Grimlock in his dino mode can be only completed by snapping the pre-painted pieces together. He features no accessories.
- Grimlock is sold as either an individually marked single or a blind box figure.
- Grimlock (Robot Mode) (Galaxy Version, 2023)
- Series: Galaxy Version 02 - SOS
- Accessories: Pair of open hands, Double-barrelled blaster, 2x reversible Autobot/Decepticon logo, spare balljoint, stand, character card
- Released in the second wave of the Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Blokees Grimlock is a snap-on model kit of his robot mode, based on his appearance in the G1 cartoon. He is built on a Standard Body skeleton, similar to his wavemates. He was available at a rate of 1/9 figures.
- Grimlock (Dino Mode) (Galaxy Version, 2023)
- Series: Galaxy Version 02 - SOS
- Accessories: Three energon cubes, character card, back-mounted double-barrelled blaster
- Released in the second wave of the Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Blokees Grimlock is a snap-on model kit of his dinosaur mode. He stands slightly shorter than other figures in the line, and has fewer accessories (no alternate hands, no stand), but in exchange gets three transparent white Energon cubes. His build is, fittingly, quite different from the rest of the figures in the line, necessitating almost half a page of the instruction sheet. He was available at a rate of 1/12 figures.
- Strangely, the instructions and promotional shots show his legs as being assembled backwards, with the knees bending backwards, but the front of the box (which prominently features Grimlock) has them the normal way around. Fixing this is trivial - simply rotate the knees and feet.
- Grimlock (Dino Mode) Secret Figure (Galaxy Version, 2023)
- Series: Galaxy Version 02 - SOS
- Accessories: Three energon cubes, character card, back-mounted gun Wisdom transfer device, fire breath effect, fish
- The line's secret figure is a redeco of Dino Mode Grimlock with extra accessories based on the episode Grimlock's New Brain and a shiny metallic finish. One of the new accessories is his helmet (here called the Wisdom transfer device) albeit without the hose, and the other is the fish from the end of the episode. Additionally, he has red eyes instead of the normal blue. He was available at a rate of 1/36 figures.
- This Secret Grimlock shares the misassembled legs of his normal version, although there's no shots of him with them the right way around on the packaging. However, this official short from the Blokees YouTube channel has them on the right way (note the red eyes and metallic finish!).
- Grimlock (Robot Mode) (Shining Version, 2024)
- Series: Shining Version 02 - Shining 1985
- Accessories: Pair of open hands, Double-barrelled blaster, 2x reversible Autobot/Decepticon logo, spare balljoint, stand, character card, sword, Energon cube
- Released as part of the second wave of Shining Version (dubbed Shining 1985), Grimlock is a retooling and redeco of his above robot mode figure. He has modified paint detailing (including on his forearms, crotch, and legs), his chest is now cast in a transparent orange, but his most notable new feature is that his inner skeleton's torso lights up, illuminating his eyes and chest. In addition to this slew of changes, he also comes with an Energon cube in pink and his iconic sword in red. He was available at a rate of 1/6 figures.
Universal Studios
- Grimlock Popcorn Bucket (2023)
Originally debuting at Universal Studios Beijing in 2023 before being brought to Universal Studios Hollywood in 2024, this Super-deformed Grimlock bucket features light up eyes and mouth laser and a working jaw, with a compartment for popcorn being located in his back.
- Grimlock was originally a Diaclone "Dinosaur Robo Tyrannosaurus". The only differences between this incarnation and the Transformers release are that the Diaclone version has a silver-chromed sword and a blue crotch piece rather than red, as well as coming with a green-and-black Diaclone pilot figure.
- The original Diaclone commercial for the mold that became Grimlock showed him spewing fire from his mouth. So much for truth in advertising!
- There is (or was) a Grimlock toy placed in the showcase in the dinosaur section of the Natural History Museum in London, United Kingdom; oddly, this doesn't make him the only one. Sadly, however, he has since been removed from the display. Boo!
- Despite being released in three different color schemes during the Generation 2 toyline, a piece of recolored card artwork—seemingly from the collection of a former Hasbro employee—surfaced on eBay in the early 2000s (alongside recolored artwork of Swoop and Sludge), showing what may have been an intended fourth version of the Grimlock toy for that line. In 2020, the "tiger Grimlock" color scheme reappeared battling Ramjet on a piece of unused Generation 2-era promotional art sold by Heritage Auctions (stated by them as being made for a book, but possibly intended as art for a puzzle given its dimensions), solidifying its legitimacy. The deco would eventually delight fans when it came to fruition on "Toxitron Collection" Grimlock in 2023.
- T-Wrecks may have been intended to be a new form for Grimlock, based on the references in his tech spec bio to his Beast Wars "Attack Specialist" function and other hints. However, T-Wrecks' appearances in the 3H Productions Universe: The Wreckers comics suggest he is a new, unrelated character.
- A working name for the Alternators Ford Mustang mold which ultimately ended up as Grimlock was "Freeway", according to various early store listings.
- The Grimlock toy released in the Energon toyline was originally created by Hasbro for release as a special new-mold addition for the 2003 Universe toyline, and was intended to represent Generation 1 Grimlock. However, it wasn't and it didn't for the combination of budgetary concerns and keeping the combination gimmick (since he combines with the packed-in Swoop to form "Mega-Dinobot") only in the Energon toyline, which had combination as a central theme.
- ↑ Interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
- ↑
- ↑ [Domestic: Limited to TAKARATOMY MALL] Transformer GENERATION SELECTS Volcanicas
- ↑ Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Marcelo Matere, and Nate Purswell.
- ↑ Shogo Hasui interview, p89 of Transformers Generations 2023
- ↑ "Beast Wars: Uprising-inspired Maximal Grimlock toy converts from robot to raptor mode in 28 steps"
- ↑ Design notes on the Legacy Evolution Dinobots from Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on Instagram.
- ↑ San Diego Comic-Con 2023 Generations panel recording at the "Memo's collection" YouTube channel
- ↑ "And here are my shots of the 40th Anniversary Grimlock and Shockwave figures, with accessories and and paint job ripped straight from the comics that inspired them!"—Matthew Cohen, Instagram, 2024/02/06
- ↑ April 25, 2024's Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream | April 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher and Evan Brooks.
- ↑ May 14, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers Fanstream | May 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks and Kelly Rose.
- ↑ Age of the Primes panel with Hasbro designer Mark Maher at Cybertron Con 2024 Day 1, recorded at the "Giant Peng Peng" (巨大化鹏鹏) BilliBilli channel.
- ↑ December 10, 2024's Transformers Age of the Primes Reveal | Dive into the Legacy of the Thirteen Primes | Hasbro Pulse on YouTube, with Mark Maher.
- ↑ Unnamed here, but later called as such on Takara's Masterpiece Grimlock figure.
- Articles in need of images
- Unreleased toys
- Unreleased Attacktix
- Character stubs missing toys
- Upcoming toy releases
- 3D Battle-Cards
- Action Masters
- Age of the Primes Autobots
- Alternators Autobots
- Amazon exclusives
- Attacktix
- Beast Wars Maximals
- Classics Autobots
- Decoys
- Generation 1 combiners
- Generation 1 Dinobots
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
- Generation 2 Autobots
- Generations Selects toy Autobots
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- Henkei! Henkei! Autobots
- Hero Mashers Autobots
- Kmart exclusives
- Kre-O Autobots
- Kreons
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- Legends Autobots
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- MyClone
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- Power of the Primes Autobots
- Pretenders
- Robot Heroes
- Studio Series Autobots
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- Titan Masters
- Titans Return Autobots
- Titanium Series
- Toys"R"Us exclusives
- Toys"R"Us Japan exclusives
- Transformers Character Card Autobots
- War for Cybertron: Kingdom Maximals