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Goldie Snuggleshine

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Goldie Snuggleshine is a member of the Winner's Circle from BotBots.
BotBots-toy GoldieSnuggleshine checklist.jpg

Goldie Snuggleshine might be a bit hard to snuggle with.



  • ??? (5-pack or 8-pack, 2020)
    • Series: 6
    • Level: 1 Star
Part of the originally-planned sixth Series of BotBots, Goldie Snuggleshine is a redeco of Cuddle Wuddle, transforming into a golden teddy bear.
They were to be available in the blind-packed portion of a single pack in either the 5-pack or 8-pack assortment. However, we do not know what the package breakdowns for those were planned to be as the initial Series 6 assortment was canceled. What limited information we have on their planned availability comes from the BotBots Series 6 checklist found on Hasbro's customer service website in early 2021.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


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