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Giant fake Autobot

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The giant fake Autobot is a ruse from the Generation 1 continuity family.
What's the bet he gets a name before long?

The giant fake Autobot appears to be extraordinarily convincing for a giant two-dimensional standee. He's at least good enough to fool the mighty Megatron and his Decepticons.


Coloring books

After most of the Autobots were captured and placed in a special Autobot prison by the Decepticons, Bumblebee had to come up with a distraction. With Sparkplug and Spike Witwicky's help he set up a giant Autobot standee while was placed in an open area to draw the Decepticons' attention. The Decepticons were entirely taken in by the standee, with Laserbeak being terrified enough to flee from the sight of the Autobot. Megatron marched determinedly forward, and discovered the Autobot was a fake. It did give Bumblebee enough time to free the Autobots though. Bumblebee to the Rescue!


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