February 22
From Transformers Wiki
- 1879 — The first ever Woolworth's store opens up in Utica, New York.
- 1925 — Bernard Musson (French voice of Ironhide and Kup in The Transformers: The Movie) is born.
- 1952 — Jacques Bouanich (European French voice of Ron Witwicky) is born.
- 1954 — Nicolas Marié (European French voice of Theodore Galloway) is born.
- 1957 — Russian voice actor Oleg Kutsenko is born.
- 1960 — Francesco Prando (Italian voice of Ultra Magnus) is born.
- 1970 — Nicole Oliver (voice of Kelly Bomgartner, Miranda Jones, Sally Jones, Mrs. Hansen, Gabriella Constanza, Joyride and substitute voice of Override) is born.
- 1972 — Infestation 2 writer Duane Swierczynski is born.
- 1974 — Adriana Pissardini (Brazilian voice of Blackarachnia and Anna Baranova) is born.
- 1975 or 1976 — IDW Publishing editor Denton J. Tipton is born.
- 1989 — Krzysztof Szczepaniak (Polish voice of Crazybolt, Tricerashot and Jetstorm) is born.
- 1998 — The Beast Wars episode "Bad Spark" premieres in the US.
- 1999 — The Beast Wars episode "Crossing the Rubicon" premieres in the US.
- 2000 — The Kid Rhino VHS tapes of The Original Transformers Volumes 4-6 are released in the US both individually and in a bonus three-pack.
- 2005 — Transformers: Energon Volumes 3 and 4 are released on DVD in the US by Paramount Pictures.
- 2006 — Galaxy Force—Vol. 09 is released on DVD in Japan by Victor Entertainment; limited-edition version of the DVD came packaged with an exclusive redeco of the Chromia figure.
- 2006 — ibooks Inc., publisher of several full-length Transformers novels, files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
- 2006 — Transformers: Generation 1 Vol 1 TPB is released by IDW Publishing.
- 2008 — British comics colorist Steve Whitaker dies.
- 2011 — The HarperCollins Hunt for the Decepticons tie-in storybook "Training Day" is released.
- 2012 — The Transformers: Robots in Disguise #2 and Last Stand of the Wreckers hardcover are released by IDW Publishing.
- 2013 — Transformers Prime — Vol. 14 and Transformers Prime — Vol. 15 are released to home media in Japan by Avex Trax.
- 2013 — The Transformers: Prime episode "Inside Job" premieres in Germany.
- 2013 — The Transformers: Rescue Bots episodes "The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock" and "Rules and Regulations" also premieres in Germany.
- 2014 — TakaraTomy releases Masterpiece MP-12G Lambor G-2 Ver. and Generations TG-30 Waspinator and TG-31 Rhinox.
- 2015 — The Robots in Disguise episode "Trust Exercises" premieres on Cartoon Network in Australia.
- 2016 — The Robots in Disguise episodes "Overloaded, Part 1" and "Overloaded, Part 2" premiere in Italy.
- 2017 — Lost Light #3, Optimus Prime #4, Revolutionaries #2, and The IDW Collection Phase Two: Volume 5 are released by IDW Publishing.
- 2017 — Transformers: The Definitive G1 Collection: Volume 29: The War Within is released by Hachette Partworks.
- 2020 — TakaraTomy releases Siege SG-43 Singe, SG-44 Direct-Hit & Power Punch, SG-45 Crosshairs and SG-46 Apeface.
- 2025 — TakaraTomy releases MPG MPG-10 Lift-Ticket, MPG-11 DK-2 Guard, TL-85 Slipstream, TL-86 Motormaster, TL-87 Galvatron, SS-138 Megatron, SS-139 Decepticon Frenzy, SS-140 Bumblebee and SS GE-09 Ratchet.
- 2025 — The Transformers One: New Adventures episode "Energon Run" premieres on YouTube.