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Energon synthesizer

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After Rom had rescued a protoform from the Gray Area and brought it back to Elonia, the Solstar doctors built the energon synthesizer to keep it alive and allow its growth into Stardrive.

Take a wild guess what it synthesizes.


2005 IDW continuity

Energon synthesizers were built in the war but proved inefficient in fully fuelling up their users, forcing the Decepticons to go the mundane route of conquering backwater worlds for power. Shining Armor #2 Shining Armor #3

To build Stardrive's synthesizer, Rom returned to the crash site within the Gray Area and retrieved a sample of energon. The scientists of the Solstar Order soon constructed a machine to synthesize it which allowed Stardrive to take shape and grow. As the Solstar Order was ignorant of energon's name, the machine was simply dubbed a fuel synthesizer. While recharging at Orchid Crossing, Stardrive commented that it was the only thing that made her life feel okay. Shining Armor #1

When Vekktral allied himself with the Decepticons, promising to turn over Stardrive, Starscream deduced that the Solstar Order must have either had an energon synthesizer to keep her alive or a large natural energon source. Shining Armor #2 When the Seeker found it, he mocked Stardrive for not knowing how valuable it was before Ultra Magnus and Bumblebee arrived to stop his plans. Shining Armor #1

After a Dire Wraith had merged with Sky Blast and the resulting abomination went on a rampage, Starscream decided the Dire Wraiths could serve as cannon fodder as he and Doomwings retrieved the energon synthesizer. The Wraith/Cybertronian hybrid however tore Doomwings apart so Starscream tried again with Astrotrain only for Ultra Magnus to send Orchid Crossing tumbling into Xetaxxis. Starscream then gave the evacuation order and decided the Decepticons would simply retrieve the synthesizer from the wreckage. Shining Armor #2

Upon Bumblebee questioning why the Decepticons would remain on Xetaxxis, Stardrive revealed the existence of the synthesizer to the Autobots and forcing them into an awkward alliance with the Space Knights to prevent the Decepticons from getting it. After failing to save Xetaxxians from Starscream, Stardrive bargained with the Seeker that she would give him the synthesizer in exchange for him and his forces leaving Xetaxxis. Shining Armor #3 Starscream tried to get Stardrive to join the Decepticons as a bonus but was chased away by Rom and Livia. The latter put forth the idea of detonating the synthesizer (an explosion of 2.27 x 1041 megajoules) to sterilize half the planet prompting Stardrive to snap at her hypocrisy before she decided to outright abandon the order of the Space Knights, strapping the synthesizer to the back of her jet mode and flying off. She didn't get very far before Livia shot her out of the sky. The synthesizer fell to the ground while the Camien opted to fight Livia. Shining Armor #4

After being betrayed by Vekktral, Starscream decided to let his enemies destroy themselves and made a run for the synthesizer. Upon retrieving it however, Stardrive brutally attacked him, prompting him to retreat but not before he detonated the synthesizer as cover. The resulting explosion sterilized 48% of Xetaxxis. Reporting on the events to their respective leaders, both Bumblebee and Starscream kept secret the existence of the synthesizer. Shining Armor #5

In 2017, when discussing the Talisman rendering much of Cybertron's energon unsuitable for Cybertronian consumption, Starscream knew the Solstar Order was good at synthesizing energon had a feeling the Solstar Order could help with the energon crisis. The Dead Come Home, Part 1

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