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Dinobot (AOE)

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The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dinobot (disambiguation).
The Dinobots are an Autobot subgroup from the Movie continuity family.
Also called the Michael Fugae.

The Dinobots are a group of Autobots who turn into dinosaurs, or at least things which mostly look like dinosaurs. While they bear the Autobot insignia, calling them a bunch of loose cannons would be an understatement. Answering mostly to their animalistic rage, it would take a serious display of superior might for these guys to follow anyone else's lead.

The group's main members are:

  • Grimlock (Robotic Tyrannosaurus, leader)
  • Scorn (Robotic Spinosaurus)
  • Slug (Robotic Triceratops)
  • Strafe (Robotic 2-headed Pteranodon)

While other members include:

  • Slash (Robotic Velociraptor)
  • Slog (Robotic Apatosaurus)
  • Snarl (Robotic Stegosaurus)




Age of Extinction film

The Autobots would later receive post cards from the Nesting Grounds.

The Dinobots (some of them, at least) were captured aboard Lockdown's ship as trophies until the Autobots detached that section to free Optimus Prime. When the ship eventually crashed in China, Optimus decided that time had come for reinforcements to battle Galvatron's forces and freed the Dinobots, calling them to join him. Grimlock battled Optimus for dominance, but was beaten, and the Dinobots agreed to help the Autobots. The Dinobots' massive size, strength and ferocity turned the tide of battle in the Autobots' favor in the nick of time, swiftly defeating the prototypes in Hong Kong until Lockdown returned. The Dinobots were trapped in Lockdown's magnetic vortex, but Optimus destroyed it, freeing the Dinobots. The Dinobots helped hold a bridge so that Joshua Joyce could get to safety with the Seed. After the battle, Optimus dismissed the Dinobots from his command, allowing them to roam free on Earth, and the Dinobots parted on good terms with the Autobots and set off on their own.

Like that won't backfire someday. Age of Extinction

The Last Knight film

The Dinobots took refuge with the other Autobots in Cade Yeager's junkyard. Since their alternate modes were too conspicuous, they hid themselves by digging underground tunnels and only coming out to feed. At some point, the Dinobots began reproducing through unknown means and gave birth to at least three baby Dinobots. Unlike their larger counterparts, the Mini-Dinobots spent most of their time in Cade's house. When the Decepticons found the base and attacked, Grimlock and Slug burst out of hiding to defend their offspring and Autobot friends. After the battle, the Dinobots went back into hiding with most of the Autobot refugees and did not participate in the final battle against Quintessa. The Last Knight

Ask Vector Prime

In Tyran 609.23-PX Kappa, Optimus Prime and Sentinel Prime allied themselves with the Dinobots after defeating Lockdown and capturing his ship. They waged a long guerrilla campaign against Megatron's Decepticons, eventually restoring freedom to Earth and revitalizing Cybertron with the seed. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/22


Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

Transformers: Shadows Rising

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Shadows Rising


Despite their predictably dull colour schemes in the movie, most of their toys are drastically more colourful.


  • The Dinobots go unnamed in Age of Extinction, bar Scorn getting nicknamed "Spike" by Crosshairs during the farewell at the end of the film, although Cade refers to Grimlock by name in The Last Knight. The word "Dinobot" is never mentioned on-screen either, as Optimus only refers to them as "legendary warriors". Also, they don't speak but growl even in robot modes. Grimlock, Strafe, Slug, and Scorn appear in Age of Extinction, yet only Grimlock and Slug reappear in The Last Knight alongside the Mini Dinobots.
  • Velociraptor Dinobots were at one point to appear on the big screen, with concept art showing them charging into Hong Kong alongside Scorn.[1] Slash's own toy design is based on these pieces of concept art. Slash himself was most likely intended to appear on screen.
  • Concept art by Ryan Church depicts two additional Dinobots, which transform into a Parasaurolophus and an Allosaurus
  • The Dinobots' robot modes are inspired by medieval knights. Ironically, they never transformed into their robot modes in The Last Knight.


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