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Desmond Carlton-Ritz

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Desmond Carlton-Ritz is a human from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Desmond Carlton-Ritz is the late father of Astoria Carlton-Ritz and former CEO of Hybrid Technologies.



The Transformers cartoon

Astoria inherited her father's company after his passing. The Girl Who Loved Powerglide

Energon Universe

Desmond was a friend of Destro, a fellow pioneer in technology. Destro #1 He and Astoria had a secret side project called Overkill, an artificial intelligence meant to serve as a global defense system that could identify and neutralize rising threats to world peace. Due to a lack of resources, it was not completed in his lifetime. He also experimented on his daughter, implanting her with an EMP called a F.L.U.K.E. pulse. Destro #4 He would eventually pass on. Destro #1


  • Astoria’s father went unnamed for almost 40 years, until his given name was revealed to be "Desmond" in Destro #4. Unlike his daughter, he does not appear to be named after any notable hotels.
  • Desmond's surname, however, is so far unconfirmed. We've put his page here at Desmond Carlton-Ritz for parity with Astoria, but it's possible he only goes by one half of her double-barrelled surname.
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