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Demon's Maw

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Dark and foreboding, the Demon's Maw is a treacherous region of space in which thick black clouds of gas blot out the stars. Any ship that ventures into the expanse faces a long journey of absolutely nothing happening until they reach the other side, but that's only if they're lucky — any useful star chart will mark the Demon's Maw with the dire warning "here be monsters"...


Wings Universe

As they headed for their next heist, the crew of the Tidal Wave piloted their ship into the Demon's Maw. The crew passed the time as the ship passed through the expanse, until Ferrocious, Thunderlane's pet sonicondor, raised the alarm shortly before the ship was attacked by a vast beast. The Star Seekers managed to battle it off, and spent the rest of the journey through the expanse repairing the damage to their ship. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur

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