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Death-lock pincer

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A weapon that is both a cannon and a sword? The compensation jokes practically write themselves.

Megatron prefers to get up close and personal when he encounters a target. Often, he will use his death-lock pincer to attack an opponent. Wielding a crushing force range of 576 psi, it also possesses a telescoping blade that has a burn rate of three kilowatts.[1]

And if that wasn't bad enough, Megatron can also access his fusion cannon while using it. It will thoroughly ruin your day if you come across it.



Revenge of the Fallen film

After his resurrection by the Doctor and the Constructicons, Megatron gained a new form and, as a result, new weapons, one of which was his death-lock pincer. During his battle with Optimus Prime over Sam Witwicky, Megatron extended the death-lock pincer for his battle with the last Prime, but Optimus countered by unsheathing his own Energon Sword and laid the smack down on the Lord High Protector's candy ass! When Starscream and Grindor arrived, Megatron sheathed the blade, but popped it back out while talking about whether or not Sam was worth the future of the Cybertronian race, making the fleshling a little panicky. However, when Optimus turned his back after killing Grindor, Megatron impaled Optimus from behind with the blade on the pincer. Just to make sure the job was done, Megatron promptly fired a blast from his fusion cannon, extinguishing Optimus Prime's spark.

Damn...Prime ain't fooling around.

Later, after he was revived and received parts from Jetfire, Optimus attempted to kill The Fallen and avenge his lineage. Megatron came to his master's aid by attacking Optimus, slashing at him with his death-lock pincher. However, Optimus countered by breaking the blade in half with his bare hands! To top that off, he then forced Megatron to eat a blast from his own fusion cannon in the face, then sliced off the arm. Revenge of the Fallen


Revenge of the Fallen

"Do you fear death?"

Voyager Class

  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2009)
The second mainline Revenge of the Fallen Megatron toy is more slender than the larger Leader-Class Megatron, as it was based (more or less) on the finalized Megatron design, and as such, features a sleeker tank mode, a large lobster-claw like right arm and a normal-sized left arm. Unlike the larger toy, the Voyager's firing missile is located on the left arm.
He features a Mech Alive gimmick where bending his right elbow makes a blade extend in and out of his claw.
This mold was rereleased in 2017 with a more screen-accurate color scheme as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Movie The Best toyline.

Leader Class

ROTF Leader Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (Leader Class, 2009)
The first and largest Revenge of the Fallen Megatron toy is based on an earlier design for Megatron that differs slightly from the final CG model. This design is more bulky and hunchbacked than the final design, has a right arm with a shoulder pad that doubles as a bladed shield. This toy's version of the death-lock pincer is very inaccurate.
In robot mode, Megatron's entire lower right arm is a spring-loaded missile launcher and the tank turret's armour/shroud can be mechanically repositioned to partially cover the cannon, with flip-out sword blade, as seen in the early concept design. Due to the amount of gimmickry involved, the right arm has no elbow.
This mold was unchanged for all future redecos.

Fast Action Battlers

  • Cannon Blast Megatron (Fast Action Battler, 2009)
    • Accessories: Projectile
A much simpler version of Megatron, this figure's right arm has a spring-launched missile fired via a switch on the side, as well a soft plastic blade that can be folded out. Twisting the sword right arm produces a chopping action.

Studio Series

  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2018)
Studio Series Megatron features a flip-out sword for his death-lock pincer with an articulated thumb sticking out of the side to make up for his lack of a right hand. It was reused for the "Battle Damaged" redeco/retool later that year.


Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers Wacky Wobblers

WackyWobblers ROTFMegatron.jpg
  • Megatron (2009)
Wacky Wobblers Megatron is a bobblehead doll which features details more accurate than any of his mainline toys, especially in the head and feet. However, his right hand, with the "lobster claw" weapon extended, is in an impossible position (compare his right arm with that of the Voyager class toy). Unlike most Wacky Wobblers bobbleheads, his arms are posable.

Power Bots

ROTF PowerBots Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (Power Bot, 2009)
The Power Bots version of Megatron is a large, sturdy action figure for younger children with a huge version of his death-lock pincer. Pressing the various Decepticon symbol buttons activates battle phrases, sound effects and light-up eyes.

Robot Replicas

I swear his chest is someone's face. Well, some 'bots can sympathize with that.
  • Megatron (Robot Replica, 2009)
This non-transformable Megatron action figure was supposed to be very movie-accurate, but is actually a combination of the bulkier, earlier design used for his Leader class toy and the more slender final design used for the Voyager class toy. Although his arms are normal-sized and the right arm has the "lobster claw" seen in the final design, Megatron appears hunchbacked due to the fact that he has no neck (though not to the same extent as the Leader class toy).


Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

  • Megatron (Happy Meal, 2010)
    • Accessories: missile
Part of the 2010 McDonald's Revenge of the Fallen promotion, Megatron does not transform but has a death-lock pincer that fires a projectile instead.

Robot Heroes

  • Autobot Skids and Megatron (2009)
RobotHeroes SkidsMegatron.jpg
This mold is based on his Revenge of the Fallen body and is sculpted with his fusion cannon deployed without the blade, and has the usual shoulder articulation.

"Behold the tanktaur! It's like a centaur, but with a tank!"
  • Chromia vs Megatron (2009)
Part of the third wave of Revenge of the Fallen-themed Robot Heroes, this figurine of Megatron depicts him in mid-transformation between robot and tank modes, which is based on an unused concept art. He has the same fusion cannon from the earlier release with Skids and has articulation at the neck, shoulders, and waist.

Prime 1 Studios

  • Megatron (May 2014)
    • ID number: MMTFM-01
    • Accessories: Right arm/Fusion Cannon, Long/short fusion cannon tip, base
One of the very first releases of the Transformers Museum Masterline Series, Prime 1 Studio produced a massive (60cm tall, 80cm if he was attached on the base) non-transforming polystone sculpture of Megatron with an interchangeable right arm and death-lock pincer, as well as glowing red LEDs for the eyes.


  • 600 psi actually is pretty damn wimpy. A pro boxer can deliver a 1300 psi 3-inch punch. So 600 psi probably couldn't kill you. The value should be closer to 6000 psi or more.
  • The figure for his "burn rate" isn't much better, 3kW is about 4 horsepower and only slightly more power than a small electric heater.
  • The term "Murder Arm" was generated by the fandom for this type of weaponry.
  • Megatron's original arm is visible as Optimus pulls off the pincer and fires it at Megatron's face.
  • Prime Megatron has a similar weapon that he used to cut Cliffjumper in half, though with only the retractable blade bit, and the fact that the cannon is mounted atop his lower arm ala G1, exposing his hand.
  • Megatron is seen with a Death-lock pincer in Transformers: The Ride – 3D, though with his Dark of the Moon appearance.
  • Despite the weapon(s) having been destroyed by Optimus, Megatron uses his death-lock pincer in the Dark of the Moon video game, sword blade and all. Granted, he needed help just to transform his arm in his weakened state, but still. This is perhaps the biggest continuity error (directly seen at least) in the game.
  • Curiously, Bumblebee of all 'bots is seen with the pincer in Age of Extinction, which is included with his Movie the Best Arm Gun Bumblebee figure.


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