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DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material used in organic beings, including those of Earth.



Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

DNA scanners built into ships were used by the Axalon Maximal and Darksyde Predacon crews to obtain beast modes from the surrounding fauna, including fossils of extinct dinosaurs. Beast Wars (Part 1)

DNA scanners were also used by stasis pods containing protoforms. This allowed Tigatron to obtain a white tiger form, Fallen Comrades Blackarachnia to obtain a black widow spider form, Double Jeopardy Airazor to obtain a falcon form, The Spark and Inferno to obtain a fire ant form along with its hardwired eusociality. Spider's Game

Megatron was able to create a sapient clone of Dinobot, called Clone One, with simply "a spec of [his] DNA". Although the clone possessed a semblance of the original Dinobot's personality, his voice and possibly his memories, the clone did not however have a robot mode it was capable of transforming into. Double Dinobot

Beast Machines cartoon

DNA scanners were now built into Transformers after the Quantum Cycle Upgrade, something the Maximals returning from the Beast Wars discovered when they investigated Nightscream's memories. Nightscream discovered that he obtained his bat form from the DNA of a bat fossil buried underground in Cybertron. Survivor

Animated cartoon

The protoform that would later became Sari Sumdac somehow appeared in Isaac Sumdac's lab. When Isaac touched the protoform, it gave him a shock, which knocked him out. When Isaac woke up, the protoform had used his DNA to become a techno-organic infant that could pass for human. TransWarped

Fall of Cybertron comics

Shockwave mixed dinosaur DNA with the Lightning Strike Coalition's CNA in his successful experiments with giving them new dinosaur altmodes. Fall

External links

  • DNA at Wikipedia

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