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Cheetor Chapter

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Transformers: Beast Wars Diorama Story ep 3
BWDS 3.jpg
"Cheetor Chapter"
チータス編 ()
(Cheetus Hen)
Production company TakaraTomy
Airdate March 22, 2007
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Packaged with TM-03 Cheetus

Cheetor faces off against Waspinator.


Pitted against Waspinator, Cheetor manages to use his superior speed to avoid the Predacon's "Beebee Shot" and peg him in the face with his own "Laser Shot".

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This chapter was included on a DVD with the Japanese version of "Chain of Command".
  • The accompanying Data File notes several facts about Cheetor, including his Tech Specs. His running speed is 300 kilometers per hour at maximum dash, his jump distance is 15 meters, and his maximum output is 850,000 horsepower. In robot mode, his weapons include the Laser Shot and the Water Gun.
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