Chaosmaster Bomb
From Transformers Wiki
Gigantic, spherical and nice n' shiny, the Chaosmaster Bomb is adorned with a symbol that humans commonly use on radioactive materials.
Whether the Chaosmaster Bomb is specially made or it is a standard product available at better discount stores everywhere, is not clear. It certainly has a catchy name.
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Marvel Generation 2 comic
Grimlock's plan to destroy Jhiaxus' flagship, the Twilight, involved the Chaosmaster Bomb. Grimlock was sufficiently impressed by its power to make a non-characteristic remark about its safety factor, but in the end the bomb never went off. Devices and Desires!
Animated cartoon
Swindle sold a Chaosmaster Bomb to Blitzwing after purchasing it on Xeptos. The AllSpark Almanac
Fall of Cybertron
Chaos-Rift Combustors fired Chaosmaster Bombs that either clustered out on impact or when remotely triggered to. Fall of Cybertron