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Boost Hammer

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RM-packart WreckerHook.jpg

The Boost Hammer (ブーストハンマー Būsuto Hanmā) is a weapon forged from solitarium and primarily wielded by Wrecker Hook. Along with the Gazan, the Calamity Defenser, and the Jamming Trident, it forms the mighty Arsenal Force.



Robotmasters online manga

In an attempt to wrest power from Beast Megatron, Starscream forged the Arsenal Force weapons, including the Boost Hammer, from solitarium. After Starscream failed to use the Arsenal Force to defeat Megatron, the Boost Hammer fell into Wrecker Hook's possession. Starscream Grins 3 Times...



RM-toy WreckerHook.jpg
  • Wrecker Hook (Destron, 2004)
    • ID number: RM04
The Boost Hammer came withe the Robotmasters Wrecker Hook toy. It can be combined with the other Decepticons' solitarium weapons to form the "Arsenal Force" megaweapon.

  • Beast Convoy Limited Black Version (2005)
Available only via mail order through Hobby Japan magazine, the "Limited Black Version" of Beast Convoy came with a gold-chromed version of the Boost Hammer.
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