Blades (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Blades" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blades (disambiguation). |
- Blades is an Autobot Protectobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Blades will never be the Autobot poster child. He's a dirty, underhanded street brawler at heart and proud of it. The fact that his alternate mode and function as air support can keep him at a distance from combat infuriates him. Blades would rather use his rotors to gut a Decepticon from antenna to tailpipe than to fly. When he fights, he wants to feel his enemies' fuel spraying across his steel skin. Blades does his job and does it darn well, but if there's a way to get his hands dirty in the process, you can bet your processor he'll find it.
Blades combines with his fellow Protectobots to form Defensor, Gaia Guardian, or God Guardian.
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Ken Shiroyama (Japanese), Keiichi Nanba (Japanese, "The Ultimate Weapon"), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "Call of the Primitives"), Fritz von Hardenberg (German, "The Ultimate Weapon"), Bernd Simon (German, "Call of the Primitives"), Christoph Lindert (German, Generation 2 dub of "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Niko Macoulis (German, Generation 2 dub of "The Ultimate Weapon"), Francisco José (Portuguese), Garcia Neto (Portuguese, "The Ultimate Weapon"), Serge Lhorca (European French, "The Revenge of Bruticus")
When the Insecticons attacked an inhabited city on Earth, Optimus Prime called upon the Protectobots to evacuate the civilians caught in the crossfire. Later, as Earth's orbit was diverted to the Sun by the Combaticons, while Inferno and Red Alert fought the flames, Blades saved civilians trapped by the fires. Soon afterwards he was spraying his limited supply of coolant onto the flames, but was concerned that he was running out and couldn't cool down the whole planet. The Revenge of Bruticus
Blades, as part of Defensor, totally blew up Bruticus. Afterwards, he was with the Protectobots when they arrived ostensibly to save some window-washers from a burning skyscraper. Blades actually blew the workers from their dangling platform. Fortunately, Streetwise managed to catch them below. Later still, Blades and the other Protectobots were ordered to help defend Autobot Headquarters from a Decepticon attack. They merged into Defensor and activated his useless force field, which almost immediately deactivated, allowing the Decepticons to blast Defensor back into his component parts. B.O.T.
In the year 2006, Blades was present (occasionally) during the battle on Eurythma. Carnage in C-Minor
The Autobots were asked to help the Dutch authorities deal with French rebels. After dispersing the human aggressors, Blades was shot down by Galvatron. First Aid took him back to Metroplex for repairs. While Blades recuperated, the Combaticon Swindle broke into the city and managed to steal Metroplex's transformation cog, and First Aid left the Autobots when he failed to stop the theft. Unfortunately, just as First Aid left, the Autobots were called upon to deal with a rampaging Trypticon. Hot Spot ordered the remaining Protectobots to combine into Defensor even without First Aid, and they successfully saved a train full of civilians. After First Aid returned to the Autobots, Blades ferried him into Metroplex while the giant Autobot was battling Trypticon, enabling the medic to realign the replacement cog properly, which in turn allowed Metroplex to triumph. The Ultimate Weapon
Blades was one of the first three (along with Wheelie and Slingshot) to be drained by the energy leech, Tornedron. The whole of Cybertron was likewise sucked dry moments later, though all were restored when Grimlock saved the day. Call of the Primitives
Later in 2006, the Protectobots arrived at the aftermath of the battle between the Technobots and Terrorcons at Mark Morgan's laboratory. They transported the injured Jessica Morgan to County General Hospital and watched over her as the doctors restored her ability to walk with an exo-skeletal structure, enraging the robo-phobic senior Morgan. This had negative consequences. What a jerkface.
Defensor—and by extension, Blades and the rest of the Protectobots—contracted the plague while fending off an infected Superion. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 Blades (along with the rest of the galaxy) was cured by the unleashed wisdom of the Matrix following Optimus Prime's resurrection. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2
When the Plasma Energy Chamber helped restore Cybertron to its Golden Age, Blades was among the Autobots cheering for its return. The Rebirth, Part 3
Japanese cartoon continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages
Blades and the Protectobots formed Defensor to battle the Decepticon combiners. When Bruticus joined Devastator and Menasor, Defensor was assisted by Superion. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers (story page)
Scramble City
Blades and the Protectobots participated in the Scramble City project under Ultra Magnus's direction, working towards the construction of Metroplex. After the Decepticons uncovered their secret building site, the Protectobots rode into battle alongside the newly completed Metroplex. Blades and his comrades arrived and formed Defensor just in time to act as the harbinger of Metroplex and his really big gun. Scramble City: Mobilization
The Headmasters cartoon
- Voice actor: Masashi Ebara (Japanese)
In 2011, Galvatron attacked Cybertron in order to gain control of Vector Sigma. Blades was stationed there with the Protectobots and fought off the Decepticons' initial assault. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky As Defensor, Blades' team continued battling on Cybertron for some time. The Mystery of Planet Master Later, Blades and the Protectobots assembled on Earth at Ultra Magnus's command. Their mission was to stop the Decepticons from interfering with Hot Rod and the Headmasters, who were searching for the hidden location of the Matrix of Leadership. On a security sweep, the Protectobots ran across their old nemeses, the Combaticons, and went into battle. The two teams quickly assumed their combined forms as Bruticus and Defensor, as the fighting escalated. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime
When Galvatron made another strike on Cybertron, this time to steal the super-metal Cybertonuron, Blades and the Protectobots assembled before the space bridge on Earth to be transported into battle. Seeking out the Combaticons on the battlefield, the Protectobots soon formed Defensor and fought once more with Bruticus. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 Defensor and Bruticus's battle continued as Defensor delivered a devastating smash to Bruticus's back. For at least part of the battle, the two teams disassembled again, as Hot Spot and Blades were seen firing upon the aerial Combaticons again. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2
Blades and the Protectobots were dispatched to Peru with the Trainbots when a volcano erupted, leaving a mountainside village in dire peril. Their rescue mission was blocked by the Predacons. Shouki and the Trainbots occupied the fiends so that the Protectobots could proceed on to the village and protect the innocent lives. Nevertheless, the Protectobots failed to reach the village, as they were intercepted by the Decepticons' second wave, the Headmasters. Blades and the Protectobots briefly struggled with the Headmasters before forming Defensor, but that left them grouped together and vulnerable to an underhanded attack. Defensor was taken out of action by Mindwipe's paralysis ray, which was strong enough to force Blades and the Protectobots apart and leave them completely immobilized. The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts
Blades and the Protectobots were part of a strike team that flew to the moon to disrupt Scorponok's gathering of Decepticons. They immediately formed Defensor upon entering the battle. Return of the Immortal Emperor When the planet Sandra sent out a distress call asking for energy, the Autobots of Earth responded. While they were loading the Trainbots full of supplies, however, Galvatron and the Decepticons arrived to take the energy for themselves. Blades and the Protectobots fought back against the enemy, and formed Defensor to counter Devastator on the battlefield. SOS from Planet Sandra
After the death of Ultra Magnus, the Autobots were desperately trying to pick up the slack during Sixshot's campaign of destruction around the globe. Blades and the Protectobots assembled as Defensor to go out and confront Sixshot at one of the attack sites, but they apparently didn't fare too well. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg When the Decepticons seemingly abandoned Earth, Blades and the Protectobots assisted Spike in rebuilding the planet after the enemy's departure. On one occasion, they located Sixshot's old command base. By combining into Defensor, the Protectobots helped Raiden and Computron obliterate the base, wiping out all trace of the Decepticons' presence. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)
Following a lengthy period of inactivity, the Decepticons renewed their attacks on Earth. With Fortress still off in space, Spike Witwicky dispatched Blades and the Protectobots to attend to the threats. In Canberra, Australia, the Protectobots confronted Bruticus at one of Scorponok's new Death Towers. As Defensor, the Protectobots were beaten severely by Bruticus. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) As part of Defensor, Blades participated in the Autobots final battle with Scorponok's Decepticons at the North Pole. He lent his energies to the Headmasters' Head Formation to revitalize Fortress Maximus at the critical moment. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Legends comic
In 2015, Blades participated in a battle on Earth that led to the defeat of Trypticon. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter
Unite Warriors
In 2021, Blades and the other Protectobots played a game of baseball in celebration of First Aid's friend NUL-A's birthday. Today Is First Aid's Close Friend NUL-A's Birthday! When a bunch of Autobots went to Hawaii for surfing training, Blades came along to rescue those who weren't so good at it. Crossing the Pacific Ocean!?
TV Magazine comic continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic
When the Stunticons formed Menasor to attack a baseball stadium, the Autobots' human friend Kenji called in the Aerialbots and Protectobots in response. Blades and the Protectobots put out the fires caused by the Decepticon mayhem before combining into Defensor. Their central component was injured battling Bruticus, however, forcing the Protectobots to disengage while Hot Spot tended to his injuries. Thinking quickly, Kenji told Superion to aim for the legs, and the giant Autobot shot out the leg components of both Bruticus and Menasor. Blades and the smaller Protectobots then leapt into action, linking up with the Decepticon combiners in place of their normal limbs. Kenji laughed as the Protectobots sent their captive Decepticon super-robots kicking through the sky, planning to drop them off over the nearest ocean. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5
The Great Transformer War
Many years later, Galvatron and the Decepticons kidnapped Doctor Dalton of the planet Eran to increase the potency of their combiner robots. The Protectobots and Aerialbots attempted to storm Trypticon in order to recover the kidnapped scientist, but were repelled by Scramble City base modes with launcher power. Superion in particular suffered critical injuries. Reconsidering their tactics, Hot Spot transformed to repair bay mode in order to bring the Aerialbots back on-line, while Blades infiltrated Trypticon alone to recover Dalton and the other Protectobots held off Menasor and Bruticus long enough for their teammates to complete their missions. Inside Trypticon, Blades was able to retrieve Dalton with little fuss, as most of the Decepticons were distracted watching the fight. Dalton was brought back to Metroplex, where he agreed to work on the new Technobot warriors for the Autobots. The Great Transformer War #1
Ask Vector Prime
The Protectobots once lived on the colony world of Archon, but as the colony slowly began to fail they succumbed to stasis lock. They remained that way until Omega Supreme chanced across the ruins of the planet and brought them back to Earth. The only way to revive them was through an energon infusion; the Aerialbots volunteered for the process. The Protectobots made a complete recovery and then some: the transfusion had given them the ability to combine! Optimus Prime gave them their own headquarters in Central City, hoping that city life would help them acclimatize to life on Earth while also providing the metropolis with an extra degree of protection. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/21
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics

Though Buster Witwicky had given the Creation Matrix back to Optimus Prime, its influence was still present in his mind. He and Prime had their minds connected to a machine, where they shared a vision of a "Second Generation" of Transformers. Blades was the member of the Protectobots, one of four Special Teams. In this vision, Blades and his fellow Protectobots combined into Defensor and fought the Decepticons Bruticus and Menasor while defending the Pullen Power Plant. The Special Teams Have Arrived But Megatron and Soundwave were listening in on this vision, and both sides planned to make it reality. Second Generation!
Shortly after the Protectobots were given life by the Matrix, Optimus and Wheeljack learned of a cerebro-shell implanted in Prime which had allowed Megatron to tap into the Matrix and eavesdrop on their conversations. Reversing the signal, the Autobots learned of a Decepticon plot to steal the energy-converting hydrothermocline. Taking the Protectobots with him for the mission, Optimus moved to intervene on Megatron and his Combaticons' plans.
At the industrial site, a human named Ethan Zachary broke a stand-off between the two forces by suggesting they battle for the hydrothermocline in a virtual game program, so that nothing of value to either side would be damaged in the melee. With their consent, Zachary uploaded Optimus, Megatron, and the two Special Teams into the computer game environment called "Multi-World," though Megatron insisted that each faction leader wager their lives on the outcome of the game. Blades was teamed with Groove, and they maneuvered through an area called the Cloud-Steppes, where cities floated on clouds and absurdly long walkways were supported underneath them. The Combaticon flyers cut loose one of the walkways, sending the ground-bound Groove and a group of Cloud-Steppers flailing and falling. Against his better judgement, Blades caught the falling humanoids instead of saving his teammate. This proved to be a good idea, as the Cloud-Steppers unleashed their patented cloud-in-a-knapsack trick to blind the Combaticons until Groove shot them down. Ultimately, Optimus Prime declared himself the loser of the game, and so Blades and the other Protectobots watched their leader detonate before their eyes. Afterdeath! These events were observed by the time travelling Dicet Alpha-zero. The Quest! Afterwards, Blades attended the bedside vigil of Optimus Prime with the rest of the Autobots as Ratchet tried in vain to repair their fallen leader. Funeral for a Friend!
When Grimlock took control of the Autobots, Blades began to muse on deserting, like Goldbug and Blaster had already done. While on a mission in London, tracking a signal that could be the deserters, his bad mood was made worse by being attacked by Action Force, and he came close to killing the humans before realizing this was against the Autobot code. He then ended up assisting Action Force, Grimlock, and Centurion against a rampaging Megatron, the real source of the signal. If not for Blades, Wild Bill would have died in a Dragonfly crash during the fight! The rescue helped the Autobots and the humans work in tandem, as it made clear to both teams that they were fighting for the same side. Despite their alliance, Megatron seemed invulnerable, shrugging off every attack that came his way. It was determined that the only chance to obliterate their foe was to detonate several nearby gas tanks with an air strike, though the only thing keeping Megatron in position was Grimlock. Wishing to redeem himself for an earlier failure, Centurion had Blades drop him atop of the Decepticon while Grimlock was pulled out. Both Megatron and Centurion disappeared in the blast that ensued, and Blades saluted Centurion's death afterwards. Ancient Relics!

As part of the Protectobots, Blades was sent out again by Grimlock to track down the "traitorous" Blaster and Goldbug. This time, they managed to track them down to Big Steve's used car dealership, the two deserters having joined forces with the Throttlebots during their absence. Big Steve had already disabled the Autobots under his care by pouring soda into their gas tanks, leaving all but Blaster unable to defend themselves. But other parties were on the deserters' trail; a four-way skirmish developed between Blaster, the Protectobots, the Combaticons, and the human-led robot hunters, RAAT. In the end, Blades and his crew only managed to capture Blaster. Used Autobots The Protectobots clashed once more against the Combaticons en route to the Ark, this time meeting them in a sprawling trainyard. Blades, disregarding Hotspot's orders, gunned immediately for Vortex, but found himself having trouble getting a bead on his opponent thanks to the latter's superior aerial agility. Once the Combaticons merged into Bruticus, the Protectobots matched their strategy and became Defensor. This still wasn't enough to best the evil robots, and the Protectobots soon found themselves at the enemy's mercy. They were saved by Blaster, who had gotten his mode lock by some errant children, and managed to bring down an electrical tower atop of Bruticus, knocking him out. In thanks, they let their prisoner "escape," alongside his newfound friends. Child's Play
Blaster made his way back to the Ark in time. Blades was present when many other Autobots begged the rebel to take over leadership of the Autobots, though the mutiny didn't pan out thanks to Grimlock taking hostage several humans who were allied with Blaster. Spacehikers!
Following Optimus Prime's return to life, Blades and the Protectobots were assigned to guard the backup copy of the floppy disk that had enabled his resurrection, stored at an Alternate Reality, Inc. warehouse. Alerted to Combaticon activity at Rutter U.S. Military Base, the team was relieved by the Autobot Powermasters so they could go and deal with their old rivals. Unfortunately, they were too late to stop the Combaticons' theft of military technology; worse yet, upon their return to the warehouse, they discovered that the Decepticon Powermasters had stolen the disk in their absence. Combining into Defensor, they tried to stop the villains from escaping, but a barrage of fire from the underhanded Combaticons knocked the giant over. Prime Bomb!
Marvel UK future timelines
In 2008, the Decepticons made a severe attack on Autobot-controlled territory on Cybertron. Blades was part of a series of special units unleashed on the attackers in the war zone. The Legacy of Unicron! Later, he was briefly seen on a series of monitors being observed by the Quintesson General Ghyrik, part of a crew of Autobots Rodimus Prime had brought to Earth to reclaim the occupied Autobot City. Space Pirates!
Transformers Comic-Magazin
As the Decepticons attacked a series of oil refineries, Blades and the Protectobots formed Defensor to battle Menasor. He Who Laughs Last ...
Marvel Generation 2 comic
Some years later, Blades was working with a team of Autobots known as the Firestormers when they first discovered the Cybertronians.
During one of their raids, Hound hesitated to shoot a Cybertronian who said he was weaponless. Blades blasted the Cybertronian, who was in fact reaching for a weapon, and berated Hound for being "soft". War Without End! Then, under the influence of mind parasites, he tore a Cybertronian's cable out with his teeth on an unnamed planet in the K'tord Nebula. Yikes. Once the parasites were identified and removed from both factions, a temporary ceasefire was forced upon them to avoid getting infected once more. Primal Fear!
Blades was later seen among a crew recruited by Grimlock to destroy the Cybertronian flagship Twilight. Devices and Desires!
That mission ended in failure, but Blades survived the subsequent escape and joined another Grimlock-led team sent to Earth to back up Optimus Prime, who had gone in solo against Megatron. Rumble damaged his rotors, forcing him to land, which mostly just served to piss him off even more. Though the Decepticons were driven off, they escaped with energies pilfered from the Creation Matrix in hand. The Gathering Darkness
Regeneration One

Over twenty years after the end of the war, Blades was deployed as part of a security effort above Eugenesis Plaza on Cybertron as the new Autobot leader Hot Rod gave a speech. Stirred up by Decepticon agents, the crowd turned violent. Destiny, Part One
When Bludgeon's Warworld attacked Cybertron, Blades was sent down to track down Ultra Magnus after he didn't answer the call to arms. Finding the "Autobots' Greatest Warrior" in the middle of a vicious duel with his crazed nemesis from the future Galvatron, Blades appraised him of the situation and left with the Aerialbots Destiny, Part Four to join pretty much every other Autobot flier in battling the Warworld. Destiny, Part Five
Following the battle Blades assisted with the clean-up on the surface of Cybertron under the freshly minted Rodimus Prime. The War to End All Wars, Part 1 Later, Blades took part in the assault against Jhiaxus's forces at the Hub Network, as part of the crew of Lancer One alongside Scattershot, Powerglide and Groove under the command of Wheeljack. Although they successfully carried out their part of the mission, Jhiaxus was prepared for the Autobots and they were quickly overwhelmed by his reinforcements, forcing Rodimus Prime to surrender. The War to End All Wars, Part 3
The Special Teams
Blades and the rest of the Protectobots were posted at the Pullen Power Plant to defend it while its human workers had been evacuated due to the possibility of a landslide in the area. He was the first to spot the Stunticons incoming towards the plant, and warned the other Protectobots of the strange vehicles heading their way. Racing to meet their incoming foes, Blades was surprised to witness these newcomers combine into Menasor. To combat this new threat, the Protectobots merged once more into Defensor. The Decepticons soon found himself losing the battle and disperse, though the storm around them had gotten too bad for the Autobots to give chase. Blades found himself unable to fly due to the heavy winds, and so stayed behind with the rest of the Protectobots to continue their watch over the plant. The Special Teams
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
After the signing of the Crisis Intervention Accord, many of the special teams went into hiding or broke up to continue fighting on different factions. However, the Protectobots, one of the late model specials teams, stuck together in secret. Though officially neutral, Blades and his team deployed to counter the threat of Devastator in the Tagan Heights. Escalation Blades and the unit joined into Defensor, and attempted to grapple with Devastator hand-to-hand. When it became evident that the two titans were simply causing more damage, the Protectobots split up to deal with Devastator through more subtle means. It was Blades who got the most dangerous assignment of distracting Devastator while his team disabled the rampaging Ultracon with teamwork. Devastation
Some while later, the Chaos Trinity invaded the Protectobot base. Blades was quick to draw arms, but was defeated by Bludgeon. Confrontation
In the present era, the Protectobots served the united Cybertronian government under Shockwave and Ultra Magnus. The Protectobots appeared in their combined form battling Menasor when he escaped the Detention Banks, Passive Aggression and later joined the revolution alongside the other Autobots against Shockwave and his Guardian robots. Revelation After the fall of Shockwave, Blades and the Protectobots uncovered the Battlechargers at one of his hidden laboratories. They had been critically damaged when the Starscream clone known as Sunstorm escaped. Black Sunshine
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Megatron Origin #2
Millions of years ago on Cybertron, before the war with the Decepticons, Blades was part of an Autobot security force in the city of Kaon. His squad was tasked with hunting down the renegade operators of gladiatorial contests in the degenerate slum areas of Cybertron, particularly the brutal fighter who would come to be known as Megatron. Megatron Origin #2
Blades participated on the raid that ended with the capture of many Decepticons, including Megatron himself. Megatron Origin #3
When Megatron and many other prisoners escaped, Blades was part of the field team attempting to bring them back under control. He was seen having difficulty contacting other units, as Sentinel Prime made the decision to bring out his Apex Armor. Megatron Origin #4
After the war was over, Blades joined the crew of the Lost Light and was often seen in the ship's bar, Swerve's. No Guns, No Swords, No Briefcases At one point, he gleefully helped fight a rampaging Overlord. Under Cold Blue Stars
When the Lost Light resumed its voyage after the battle with the Necrotitan, Blades remained on board. He was seen abandoning the Lost Light as it collapsed due to quantum irregularities. Predestination: A Beginner's Guide The cause was discovered to be the existence of a quantum duplicate Lost Light—the Blades on board this version of the ship had been slaughtered and had his transformation cog harvested by the Decepticon Justice Division. slaughterhouse His corpse presumably vanished with the rest of his Lost Light when the main Lost Light crew shut down the duplicate ship's quantum engines. The Road Not Taken He was next seen breaking it down on the dance floor at Thunderclash's pre-wake. The Sensuous Frame
When a team was assembled to escort Mirage back to Cybertron, Blades volunteered to come with as additional security. The Possible Light On arriving, these newly dubbed "Protectobots" were caught up in a battle between the combiners Devastator and Superion, then merged into the new combiner Defensor by Starscream, who wielded the Enigma of Combination and sought an ally for Superion. Defensor ended up scoring the win by firing Blades off like a projectile straight through Devastator's torso. Mistakes and Mayhem After participating in various further combiner conflicts as Defensor, Blades and the rest of the team separated and returned to the Lost Light. The Transgressors
It took several months, but the Protectobots finally caught up with the Lost Light on its quest for Cyberutopia. Much had changed. Getaway was now captain of the ship, and held strict rules about socializing and helping other races on their journey full-pace towards Cyberutopia. Asking around, the Protectobots learned most of the senior staff, including co-captains Rodimus and Megatron, had apparently abandoned the Light in order to make faster progress on their own. In fact, the regretful Riptide informed them Getaway had led a mutiny against the captains, abandoning them on Necroworld to the Galactic Council and Decepticon Justice Division, then used mnemosurgery to reprogram the crew into believing otherwise. Blades and the others attempted to flee before Getaway did the same to them, but were captured by the security team and placed in an infinite memory loop by Sunder. Full Circle
Riptide managed to survive Getaway's attempt to dispose of him, hiding away in the ship until he could rescue the Protectobots. Rook had been killed by Getaway and Atomizer while they slept, so First Aid suggested they un-entomb Ambulon's corpse as a replacement leg for Defensor. At the shuttle bay, Defensor and Thunderclash tried to fight their way through the security team, but Getaway had hired Star Saber as the new head of security. He blasted Thunderclash and broke apart the unstable combiner with a single swipe of his blade. Hot Spot, Blades, Groove, and Streetwise were dazed enough for Getaway and the others to bring them down with a hail of gunfire. Only First Aid, Riptide, and the seriously injured Thunderclash managed to escape the ship. Journey's End
Apparently their injuries weren't as bad as they seemed, as all five Protectobots were perfectly fine as they attended Ultra Magnus' parting toast as the Lost Light completed its victory lap. How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2
Kre-O online manga
Blades and the Protectobots tracked down Swindle when he stole Metroplex's transforming cog and recovered it from the Combaticons. Bad at Fighting? Rescue Team Protectobots, Dispatch!
Ask Vector Prime
Blades was presumably present as part of Defensor during the Battle for Sherman Dam in Primax 096.0 Beta. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
As the Great War drew to a close, Blades witnessed the terrible last confrontation between Galvatron and Optimus Prime, which ended in the deaths of both faction leaders. He reported this turn of events to Silverbolt, Ironhide, and Prowl. Dawn of the Predacus
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Blades was a member of the Rescuebots, a group of Autobots dedicated to protecting G.I. Joe, the final remnant of humanity. He formed the right arm of their combined form, Defensor, who participated in the battle between the Autobot-Joe forces and the Decepticon army. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
Combiner Wars cartoon
Blades was among the Autobot troops who bore witness to a pivotal duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron, one meant to end the war before the never-ending arms race between the two factions spiralled further out of control. Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - Optimus Prime
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers #19
As the threat of The Rise grew on Cybertron, Blades was requisitioned from emergency services to serve under Novastar from Colonial Security. Blades and Windblade formed an integrated air recon unit for the rapid response team Novastar assembled. All Fall Down They were called out when known Rise terrorists Quake and Frenzy were spotted by a geology unit. Blades attempted to capture Frenzy, but was cut down by the Rise lieutenant, Sixshot. Tremors
Blades' injuries kept him out of action for several missions. In his absence, the government fell to a Decepticon revolution. Novastar's unit (Blades included) relocated to Crystal City with what remained of the old elected government and those loyal to it. Blades returned to action on a mission to the Sea of Rust, where Termagax was reported to possess the Enigma of Combination. Sea of Rust I Blades provided air cover in the battle that followed, as the Decepticons fought to seize the Enigma first. Sea of Rust II
On their next mission, Blades and Novastar's unit were assigned to deal with the growing Insecticlone swarm. Radical Time Springer, Blades, and Windblade ran interference with the clones outside Bombshell's lair while the others infiltrated the hive and delivered a data-bomb that reprogrammed the Insecticlones to attack the rust worms infesting Cybertron. End of Time
Energon Universe
Spoiler warning: Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 17 follow. |
Blades fought through the Great War, at some point having to airlift Motormaster for some reason. Eventually, he became part of Elita One's resistance cell on Cybertron sometime after Optimus Prime left aboard the Ark.
As the resistance fighters mounted an offensive on the Well of Sparks in hopes of using it to create a new Autobot, Cliffjumper tasked Blades with airlifting the mangled remains of Carly's van into the Well. Once he did so, the van acted as the new Autobot's alternate mode, allowing Shredhead to be born. Transformers #17
Commercial appearances
- Blades and the rest of the Protectobots rushed the Decepticon fortress Trypticon, undaunted by its enormous size. When Trypticon assumed its battle station mode, the Protectobots merged into Defensor to better fight back. Defensor and Trypticon commercial
- Blades and the Protectobots received a message from Optimus Prime alerting them that Menasor was wreaking havoc in a human city, and that the threat was "bigger than ever." The Protectobots combined into Defensor to better combat the Decepticon. Transformers Generations: Combiner Wars commercials
Transformers Legends
During a Decepticon attack on a major human city, Ratchet, Inferno, and the Protectobots launched rescue operations. Unfortunately their efforts were hampered by Thundercracker and Dirge, who unleashed all manner of sonic attacks on them. To the Rescue
Blades, alongside Hot Spot, Groove, and Streetwise, responded to an emergency call that was in actuality a trap set by the Decepticons Skullcruncher and Snapdragon. Despite the duo's schemes, the Autobots were able to send the Decepticons packing. False Alarm
Transformers: Battle Tactics

Blades participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character available as a reward in the "Defensor Safeguard" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Earth Wars
Blades arrived on Earth as a refugee from a newly-Unicron-infected Cybertron, warning the remaining earthbound Autobots to attempt no incursions back to Cybertron. Planet Terror
Decepticon counterpart: Dirge.
- Class: Air
- Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
- Weapons:: Blades dual-wields pistols to attack targets on the ground at short range.
- Ability: Safe Zone - Drop a hack bomb dealing 69.0 damage in an area. Confuse the targets for 5 seconds (reducing their attack speed to 40% and making them attack your foes). Upgrading this ability increases the damage and duration.
Blades at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Blades was a mischievous member of the Protectobots. The Enigma of Combination
The Transformers
- Blades (Protectobot, 1986-87)
- Team ID number: P3
- Japanese ID number: C-72
- Accessories: photon pistol, left & right twin launchers
- Generation 1 Blades transforms to a rescue helicopter resembling a Bell UH-1V Iroquois, also known as a "Huey." He comes with a pair of side-mounted (non-firing) cannons and a small pistol. He is a Scramble City-style combiner limb, who can form the arm or leg of any such combiner—though he normally forms Defensor's right arm. His fists are unusual in that their post holes are on the side rather than the top, an oddity he shares with Groove and First Aid. A hook-shaped handle on his gun allows him to hold it normally... but only in his right hand.
- The initial release of Blades had a die-cast metal chest, but like several other 1986 toys, later releases replaced this with red plastic. In 1987, he came packaged with a random Autobot Decoy.
- This mold was also redecoed into Operation Combination Fly-Up.
- Defensor (Gift set, 1986)
- Japanese ID number: C-76
- Accessories: photon pistol, left & right "twin launchers"
- All five Protectobots were made available in many markets as a complete giftset as well as on individual cards/boxes. It is unknown which versions of the toys are in the multipack, metal parts or plastic.
- In 1988, GiG also re-released the Defensor set in Italy, with five random "Exogini Transformers" (Decoys) added.
- Blades (1991)
- Accessories: photon pistol, left & right twin launchers
- Blades and the other Protectobots were re-released in 1991 as part of the European-market Classics line. This version uses the plastic chest, and his rubsign indent has been filled in for this release.
Generation 2
- Blades (Unreleased)
- Team ID number: P5
- Accessories: photon pistol, left & right twin launchers
- A Generation 2 redeco of Blades in blue and black S.W.A.T.-style deco, as well as the rest of the Protectobots and the Stunticons, never made it past the stage of production samples. These toys are among the most exceedingly rare Transformers ever made; only roughly a half-dozen samples of each piece are known to exist.
- G2 Blades was considered for BotCon 1994 before the convention's exclusive toy slot ultimately went to Breakdown.
Universe (2008)
- Autobot Blades (Voyager Class, 2008)
- Series: Classic Series
- Accessories: 2 missiles, rotor blades, Cyber Key
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
- Part of the second wave of 2008 Universe Voyager Class toys, "Autobot Blades" is a redeco of Cybertron Evac, transforming into a Eurocopter Dauphin rescue helicopter. Printed in very small print around his Autobot symbol (which in turn is integrated into an "Autobot Coastal Rescue" logo) is the Latin phrase "semper referemus" (roughly translated as "We will always bring them back").
- He features numerous gimmicks: His rotor blades spin using a geared push-button, and become a spinning-blade weapon mounted on his robot mode's left arm. He has an adjustable tow-hook on a string, which retracts with the push of a button: this gimmick ends up on his right robot mode arm. Inserting a Cyber Key into his back end (backpack in robot mode) swings around a pair of spring-loaded missile launchers that double as the helicopter's engine exhausts when not deployed (or loaded with missiles). Finally, his hands are compatible with 5 mm posts. He comes with a clear Cybertron-style Cyber Key with silver paint and a red Autobot symbol, which doesn't match his packaging stock photography.
- Joe Kyde originally did a deco sheet (based on a real Coast Guard color scheme for the Dauphin) for an Evac redeco in the 2007 movie toyline. However, this was replaced in the toyline by Transformers Evac, a retool of Blackout. Bill Rawley later utilized the unused deco sheet as the starting point for Universe Blades, which is why the color layout isn't accurate to Blades's classic appearance.
- This mold was also used to make Universe Springer and Timelines/Shattered Glass Galvatron.
- Aerial Rivals (Multi-pack, 2008)
- Series: Classic Series
- Accessories: Rotor blade
- Legends Class "Autobot Blades" is a redeco of Legends of Cybertron Evac, being a heavily simplified version of his Voyager Class toy. His vehicle mode has a back mounted (non-firing) twin missile launcher (which is carried onto his robot mode), as well as being armed with a rotor blade on his left arm which can rotate, but cannot spin freely. Unlike the Voyager Class version of Blades, the rotor only has two instead of four blades, but on the plus side, his deco is much closer to Generation 1 Blades.
- He was only available in a Target-exclusive five-pack with Legends Class Air Raid, Skydive, Ramjet, and Thrust.
Bot Shots
- Protectobots (Multi-pack, 2013?)
- Number: T0??
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- Fist strength: 262
- Blaster strength:
- Sword strength:
- A redeco of Bot Shots Vortex, "Protectobot Blades" automatically transforms from attack helicopter to robot when a sharp impact is applied to his front end. He was to be sold in a five-pack with Protectobot Hot Spot, Protectobot First Aid, Protectobot Groove, and Protectobot Streetsmart, but this never saw release.
- Defensor (Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
- Set number: A4474
- Pieces: 85
- Accessories: Constructed gun
- Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
- Blades comes as part of the Defensor Micro-Changer combiner set, and can be rebuilt from his robot mode into a helicopter. He comes with fellow Kreons Hot Spot, First Aid and Streetsmart and can contribute his bricks to form Defensor with them. He reuses many of the parts originally used for Spinister, including Mirage's helmet and Vortex's rotors.
Transformers (2014)
- Protectobots Evac Squad (two-pack, 2014)
- "Protectobot Blades" is a blue and white redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Class Blazemaster, transforming into a Eurocopter Dauphin helicopter. His color scheme resembles that of Fly-Up.
- Blades is only available in a two-pack with Protectobot Hot Spot, which was released as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Hasbro's Asian markets, while in the United States, it was officially an Amazon exclusive that was later also stocked by other online retailers such as BigBadToyStore for a hefty markup.
Revenge of the Fallen mold: Blazemaster | ||
Combiner Wars
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro)
- Released as part of the Combiner Wars subline imprint of Generations, Blades is a retool of Alpha Bravo featuring a new deco and head. As such, he transforms into either a helicopter or a limb for any Combiner Wars-style Voyager Class figure or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs, although he would normally be associated with Defensor.
- Combiner Wars Blades sports the same "Autobot Coastal Rescue" logo previously found on his Universe Voyager Class toy.
- In the United States, Australia, and Hasbro's Asian markets, a copy of "Combiner Wars #11" (actually The Transformers #35 with a new cover) is included with Blades. In Canada, Latin America, and Europe, the comic is omitted and replaced with a collector card featuring artwork from the "To the Rescue" episode of the Transformers Legends mobile game.
- As a part of the third and fourth wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Protectobots and Optimus Maximus was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Blades was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[1]
Combiner Wars mold: Alpha Bravo | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3: |
Unite Warriors
- Guardian (giftset, December 12, 2015)
- ID number: UW-03
- English name: Defensor
- Accessories: Gun, double-barreled gun/fist/foot
- Takara's Unite Warriors iteration of "Guardian" was sold in a gift set including the five original Protectobots, with Groove (as a new Deluxe-sized mold) included instead of Rook. The deco of "Graze" is changed to be closer to his original character model by coloring his arms and more of his helicopter mode white and removing the silver paint from his chest.
- Unite Warriors Guardian was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive, rather than being a regular release. Preorders were open from May 25 to July 6, and it was shipped December 2015.
Combiner Wars mold: Alpha Bravo | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3: |
G Guardian
- Graze (Candy toy, 2012)
- Graze is a snap-together candy toy model kit produced by Kabaya for their G Guardian series, coming in an individual box packed with a stick of (chalky) gum. He can combine with his five wave-mates to form Gaia Guardian. He, along with First Aid, Groove, and Streetwise, can also combine with Kabaya's Transformers Gum Hot Spot to form Guardian. G Guardian's Heatrock and Skyfeather attach to Guardian to create God Guardian.
- Like most of his G Guardian teammates, Blades manages to avoid the partforming that's commonly associated with Kabaya kits, being able to fully transform from robot to helicopter and back without requiring any disassembly.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the tenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Guardian" (with his components Blades, First Aid, Hot Spot, Groove, and Streetwise) and Bruticus (with his components Blast Off, Vortex, Onslaught, Swindle and Brawl) along with character profiles and tech specs.
- According to an essay by Jon and Karl Hartman in Fumihiko Akiyama's unofficial BotCon Legends: Ten Years' Chronology fanzine, the Generation 2 version of Blades was one of the brothers' top two choices for a BotCon 1994 exclusive. Ultimately, however, they went with Breakdown instead.
- Coincidentally or not, most modern toys of Blades happen to have the same alternate mode, an Aerospatiale/Eurocopter Dauphin.
- For his appearance in Transformers vs. G.I. Joe, Blades uses a body design of the Rescue Bots character, only cast in his traditional G1 colors.
- Blades's design in the 2019-2022 IDW comics is an original interpretation by Anna Malkova of his Universe toy.[2] In Transformers #21, Joana Lafuente colored him after the Combiner Wars vehicle mode, but in later issues he is colored according to the relevant Universe vehicle mode.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Graze (グレイズ Gureizu)
- French: Hélicopto (Canada)
- Italian: Rasor
- Mandarin: Dāorèn (刀刃, "Blade")
- Russian: Porez (Порез, "Cut")
- ↑ Protectobot and Optimus Maximus sticker promotion on TFW2005
- ↑ "ok, look, Blades has a tough life! Based him on a Tf Universe toy, because of his riff with Windblade i thought it'd be fun if their looks were somewhat similar, but Joana colored him more to the tune of CW one and at this point, just, wait till he comes back, we'll sort it out!"—Anna Malkova, Twitter, 2021/06/17
External links
- Gallery of unreleased MOSC Generation 2 Blades
- Unreleased toys
- Classics Autobots
- Combiner Wars Autobots
- Energon Universe Autobots
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 cartoon Autobots
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
- Generation 2 Autobots
- The Headmasters Autobots
- IDW (2005) Autobots
- IDW (2019) Autobots
- Kre-O Autobots
- Kreons
- Legends Autobots
- Lost Light crew
- Marvel Generation 1 Autobots
- Protectobots
- Regeneration One Autobots
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- Target exclusives
- Transformers Character Card Autobots
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Autobots
- Unite Warriors Autobots
- Universe (2008)