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Specifics: Fiction
Bighorn is a Maximal from the Beast Wars II portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Mess with a big, you get the horns! Wait....That's not right.

Any Predacon who has ever encountered Bighorn (ビッグホーン Bigguhōn) on the battlefield will tell you that he's a violent, furious, rampaging brute who will positively demolish any foe foolish enough to get caught in his path of destruction. Bighorn has a short temper and can be easily goaded into a fight, be it against the Predacons or against any Maximal who mouths off to him. His special attacks, including the ability to summon lightning from the sky and the ability to launch a devastating missile from his mouth, lay waste to all those around him... including his friends. This blind fury in battle often makes Bighorn as much a liability as an asset to the Maximal cause.

And yet, there's more to Bighorn than just the unstoppable killing machine. So much more. Beneath the slobbering exterior beats the spark of a poet, a naturalist, a lover. Though not a fan of downtime, when a little RnR does come his way, Bighorn is likely to spend it sniffing flowers, contemplating verse or penning love letters to the Seacon Scylla (who won't even give him the time of day).



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars II cartoon

Voice actor: Masami Iwasaki (Japanese)

Bighorn and the Convoy unit were left at loose ends after their leader vanished in an explosion in space. When NAVI alerted the Maximals to a new threat arising on Gaia, it was the aggressive Bighorn who finally spurred his teammates out of their ennui. Their ship, the Yukikaze, was shot down by the Predacons over Gaia, leading Bighorn and the others to evacuate in escape pods, and scan beast modes once they arrived on the planet's surface. Bighorn and the others located the Predacons on board the Galvaburg II as their efforts to harvest Angolmois Energy began to pollute and destroy the natural environment. The Maximals were ensnared in a paralyzing trap by the Predacons, but a white lion arrived and disabled the field. As the lion fled, the other Maximals turned to follow. Bighorn wanted to stay and fight, but when an explosion basically tossed him off the side of the Galvaburg II, he reluctantly retreated with his comrades. The New Forces Arrive!

It's some kind of land cow!

Bighorn and the Maximals followed the white lion until it surprisingly led them to the crash site of the Yukikaze. The Maximals soon learned that the lion was none other than Convoy, returned to them as Lio Convoy. As the Predacons began destroying the Gaian forests to make room for their Angolmois Energy mining operation, the Maximals emerged to help put out the forest fires. Bighorn used his hard head and brute strength to make firebreaks to protect what remained of the forest, until Scuba emerged from underground, channeling water spouts to put out the flames. White Lion, Run!

Bighornsrage flower.jpg

Bighorn developed some unusual character traits as a result of his beast mode on Gaia. The very sight of a red flower filled him with rage and manic energy he could not expel even after slamming his head into a rock wall. Multiple times. Until he caught fire. When Lio Convoy gave the Maximals a mission to find the Galvaburg II, Bighorn raced off, eager to confront the enemy. As he crossed paths with Starscream and BB, however, they had their own mission to find Lio Convoy for Megastorm, and had no interest in fighting him. After being dismissed with cutting comments and a light barrage of missiles, Bighorn was even more furious. Then he found Dirge and Thrust, but they didn't want to fight him either! Finally, he responded to Diver's S.O.S. from being chased by Megastorm and unleashed his rage on the Duke of Destruction. He vented all his fury through the launch of his Buffalo Missile, driving Megastorm into retreat and calming Bighorn down for the first time that day. Bighorn's Rage

Imma firin mah' lazer!

When Tasmania Kid was caught in a Predacon trap by the lake, Bighorn, Lio Convoy, and Apache responded to the scene, only to get caught in a trap of their own. They remained surrounded by electrified bars until Diver infiltrated the lake base and shut down the defense systems, allowing the Maximals to regroup and rescue their comrades. The Lake Trap

The Maximals were hard pressed to stop Megastorm's latest ploy to capture the planet's energy, dispatching an overwhelming quantity of autonomous robot drones to build fortresses for the Predacons. This became the least of their problems, however, when Galvatron emerged for the first time on Gaia. His dragon and drill tank modes proved virtually unstoppable, and Bighorn and the Maximals were barely able to slow him down. In the end, it was a sneak attack by Megastorm that upset his brother's footing and sent him tumbling into an open volcano, leaving the Maximals confused over who their secret ally was.Galvatron Revived

Next, Bighorn and the Maximals moved on to the Southern Continent to investigate a new string of energy readings. Mystery of the Ancient Ruins With the Insectrons as a new potential threat, Lio Convoy cautioned the Maximals not to make enemies of the Insectrons unnecessarily. As a result, he sent out teams of two to locate the Insectrons, and ordered his men not to fire on them, but engage in dialogue. Apache and Bighorn were teamed together and were the first to encounter the Insectrons. Unfortunately, Starscream of the Predacons had already filled the Insectrons with false information about the "evil Maximals", and so Bigmos and Tonbot came out swinging. The battle-oriented Bighorn was seething to fight back despite Apache reminding him of Lio Convoy's orders. He tried to split the difference by blowing up a rocky outcropping with his Buffalo Missile, expecting a show of strength to intimidate the Insectrons. Instead, the rock exploded up into the Insectrons' flight path, making them even more hostile. Bighorn and Apache held out until Lio Convoy and Kid arrived. When Lio Convoy started to talk with the Insectrons, though, a hidden Starscream and BB opened fire on the lot of them to avoid any peace. Bighorn and the Maximals saved the Insectrons from a rockslide by protecting them with their own bodies, leading to a temporary cessation of hostilities. The Insect Corps Arrive

Bighorn was getting on Diver's case for his cautious behavior, thinking it made him a coward. Before they could resolve their issues, Lio Convoy called them in for another meeting about the Insectrons. Lio Convoy insisted the Insectrons were potential allies, not enemies, but Bighorn couldn't see the threatening Insectrons as anything but foes. Having fought Mantis hand-to-hand, Lio Convoy tried to explain his instincts to Bighorn's satisfaction, but could not.

Out on patrol, Bighorn, Diver and Tasmania Kid were lured into a fight with more Insectrons by Starscream and BB. Diver tried to get Bighorn to avoid conflict and follow Lio Convoy's instructions, but the fighting-mad Bighorn charged into the Insectrons' midst. He faced off against the equally physical Powerhug, but found his brute strength countered by the judo master's flips. Still, Bighorn noticed Powerhug made no move to strike him while he was down, but honorably waited for his opponent to rise to his feet. Their "battle" soon turned into pure sport, as Bighorn and Powerhug matched each other two throws for two before amicably taking a break.

The struggle still left Bighorn low on power, though, when Starscream and the Combatrons arrived to scare off the Insectrons and finish off the Maximals. It was here that Diver redeemed himself in Bighorn's eyes, demonstrating the value of his cautious approach, which preserved enough of his energy to fight on while the over-eager Bighorn was low on power. Lio Convoy and the others luckily arrived to rescue their friends before Diver had to fight for too long himself. Afterwards, Bighorn apologized to Diver for calling him cowardly, and after fighting Powerhug acknowledged that Lio Convoy had a point about the Insectrons' true nature. Friend or Foe? The Insect Robos

When Starscream drugged the Insectrons with special oil, Bighorn and the Maximals arrived to help stop the Insectrons from fighting amongst themselves. The two groups then teamed up against the revived Galvatron, and made peace. The Strongest Tag Team? That peace was nearly shattered when the Predacon mercenary Autostinger called in an old debt to make Bigmos sit out of the fighting between Maximals and Predacons, leading to Bighorn and Tasmania Kid being nearly wrecked by the Autorollers. Still, Bigmos managed to escape his debt and renewed the Insectrons' dedication of friendship to the Maximals. Autorollers Roll Out!

Bighorn and the Maximals intercepted the Autorollers after they captured Tasmania Kid and Scissor Boy, freeing their friends after a fight with Megastorm and his mercenaries. Danger! Scissor Boy Bighorn and the Maximals later joined forces with the Autorollers when Galvatron went on a rampage while engorged on Angolmois Energy. Bighorn was forced to contain his rage against the Autorollers by Lio Convoy's order, and so he pulled the petals off a flower to calm himself. The two groups overfed Galvatron with Angolmois Energy until his bloated form nearly exploded from within, rendering him harmless. Galvatron Rampages

When the Predacons launched a massive offensive on the Southern Continent, Bighorn and the Maximals teamed up with the Insectrons to foil their plans once again. Predacon General Offensive!

Bighorn, Diver, and Tasmania Kid located a crashed spaceship on Gaia's Eastern continent, and soon encountered the Jointron brothers and their combination form, Tripledacus. Maximals by name, the Jointrons nevertheless proved to be irresponsible and short-sighted, acting outside Lio Convoy's authority and without regard for their fellow Maximals. Bighorn and the others were concerned the Jointrons would make favorable reports to Maximal HQ that highlighted their "accomplishments" to the detriment of the crew of the Yukikaze. The Combined Giant, Tripledacus Bighorn and Kid snubbed the Jointrons on patrol to avoid getting caught up in their antics, only to return later and find the Jointrons had overtaken the Maximal base and then lost it to Predacon raiders, leaving Diver and Apache trapped inside. They helped Lio Convoy retake the base, but the Jointrons were unfazed by their actions, celebrating the minor victory of temporarily capturing Dirge and Thrust (only to lose them again). The Festive Jointrons

While the Maximals were searching for the latest Predacon fortress, the Jointrons were exposed to a bacteria bomb that robbed them of their power. Bighorn and the other Maximals saved the Jointrons by posing as the massive Jointron II. They compensated for Kid and Diver's exposure to the bacteria by sharing energy between one another, in a proud display of teamwork. A Fearsome Combination Plan?

The Jointrons caused more chaos when they stole one of the base ships to approach a Predacon fortress from the air. Diver and the Maximals followed them in the second ship, but were rammed out of the sky by the Jointrons' poor piloting. The Predacons were engaged in an operation to kidnap the Jointrons and study their combination transformation. While the other Maximals held back the Autorollers, Diver and Bighorn raced to free the captive Jointrons. Fortunately, Scuba appeared to save the day, the Jointrons were freed, and the installation was soon destroyed. Who Is the Leader!?

Bighorn joins Scuba's evil poetry club.

One day, Tasmania Kid found a Copy Machine that scanned objects to create three-dimensional duplicates of the subject. Believing the Machine could be used to bolster the Maximals' ranks, Kid shined the Machine's ray on Lio Convoy, creating "Copy Convoy". Unfortunately, the machine only created evil copies, and so Bighorn and the Maximals were forced to deal with a malevolent usurper that had all of Lio Convoy's knowledge and skills. He even captured the Copy Machine and used it to create "Copy Bighorn" and other copy Maximals. Fortunately, Diver's Niagara Base enhancements turned the tide in favor of the original Maximals. The Black Lio Convoy

Alerted to a new arrival on Gaia, Bighorn and the Maximals traveled to the Sea Continent and discovered a pirate ship from space. The Maximals were soon confronted by Halfshell, captain of the Space Pirate Seacons who intended to plunder the world of Angolmois Energy. Lio Convoy had the idea of flipping the snapping turtle on his back, rendering him helpless, but Halfshell's beast mode was designed to counter that strategy, turning him into the Big Wheel Cutter that rampaged over the hills. Matters only deteriorated further when Halfshell called his crew and formed the colossal God Neptune. Outmatched by the combiner's sheer power, Lio Convoy directed Diver and Scuba to seize control of the deserted pirate ship while the land-based Maximals kept God Neptune busy. The distraction worked, as God Neptune chased after his stolen ship, only to get caught in a detonation of Angolmois Energy the Maximals rigged before abandoning ship. The Space Pirate Seacons!

When Artemis and Moon tried to determine the strongest of the Maximals and Predacons, Bighorn was compared to BB. Bighorn's raw power was considered impressive, but Starscream argued that firepower was a more effective measure of strength, to which BB replied, "Roger." Who Is the Strongest Warrior!?

You must take your rightful-wait wrong series.

Bighorn's bizarre habits were on display again when he began hunting for a four-leaf clover. Confident his new clover-pendant would bring him luck, Bighorn strutted through the forest with Kid and Diver until coming across Scylla of the Seacons. Suddenly blinded by her "beauty", Bighorn decided Scylla was his one-true love. When he saw a tense exchange between her and Sea Phantom over Scylla neglecting her duties on the ship, Bighorn created an elaborate fantasy where Scylla was a space princess kidnapped into servitude by the evil pirates, and he was her big, strong hero who would rescue her. His delusions weren't strong enough to teach him how to swim, however, so Kid and Diver had to drag him out of the water when he attempted to follow the Seacons. Bighorn tried to reach Scylla a second time and, when she waved him out to the pirate ship (mistaking him for Scuba), the power of love was strong enough to carry Bighorn across the water until the power of Scylla's exploding Kiss of Death sent him back to land. The Tentacular Scuba

When Megastorm and the Seacons teamed up, each of the Maximals was lured to a separate location by an Angolmois Energy signal transmitter. Bighorn found himself in a clearing facing off against Coelagon, elder of the pirates. Despite his age, Coelagon's brute force techniques gave Bighorn his biggest challenge since Powerhug until they were interrupted by Megastorm's ineptitude. Megastorm's Reckoning

The Seacons soon used Bighorn's infatuation with Scylla against him with a love letter luring him to the dragon's head cape. Sea Phantom severed the dragon's head rock with his fin, setting Bighorn and Tasmania Kid adrift on the rock in the sea, and vulnerable to attack. Still convinced Scylla was coming to meet him for a romantic rendez-vous, Bighorn got angry at Kid for being a third wheel. Scuba and Diver arrived to ferry their land-bound comrades to safety, but as Bighorn used Scuba as a raft, Scuba literally got caught between Bighorn and Scylla as "Miss Squid-Lady" tried to flip Bighorn off of Scuba and keep him for herself. Bighorn was forced to confront Sea Phantom again underwater before the Maximals regrouped and joined forces with the Insectrons against the Seacons' God Neptune combiner mode. Showdown in the Sea

When your mom doesn't take you to McDonalds.

Bighorn's unrequited love for Scylla continued to weigh on his heart. He soon grew so desperate that asking the Jointrons to intervene on his behalf somehow sounded like a good idea. Dressed in their finest Snidely Whiplash cosplay, the Jointrons would kidnap Bighorn's "beautiful space princess", then allow him to come in as the hero, rescue Scylla, and declare his love for her forevermore! Unfortunately, nothing like that actually happened. The Jointrons threw Scylla in a sack and ended up being chased around the Sea Continent by the Predacons (enemies of the Jointrons), the Seacons (who wanted Scylla back), and poor, perpetually late Bighorn. And after getting shot, tossed about, and thrown down several ravines, when Scylla finally broke free of her sack she was in no mood for romance. The furious pirate unleashed her frustrations and Scylasers on the first target she saw...poor, heartbroken Bighorn. After the fiasco was over, Bighorn yelled at the Jointrons for fouling up their plans, and chased the brothers out to sea. Face the Setting Sun

When the Seacons prepared to leave Gaia, Halfshell arranged to fight Lio Convoy one-on-one for the energy they needed to depart. Well, God Neptune is technically a "one". When Bighorn and the other Maximals heard about this technicality, they tried to race to the battleground, but were diverted by Dirge and Thrust. In the end, Lio Convoy survived and the Seacons departed the planet. Bighorn chased the ship as far as he could, yelling out his tearful good-byes to "Miss Squid-Lady!" The Final Battle

Bighorn was present when Lio Convoy first encountered the mysterious Maximal cub soon christened Lio Junior. Enter Lio Junior He also joined the Maximals in their first confrontation with the powered-up Megastorm, now the Angolmois-Energy-infused Gigastorm. Megastorm Reborn

Bighorn was part of a Maximal plan to destroy Gigastorm. The Archduke of Destruction was lured into a mountain pass where the Maximals destroyed the ground under his feet, then set off a natural gas explosion. Unfortunately, even this amount of devastation wasn't enough to deal with Gigastorm. The conflict was interrupted by the arrival of Scuba's new vehicle, the Tako Tank, which helped turn the tide against Gigastorm when the initial plan fell apart. The New Weapon, Tako Tank

After detecting a faint distress signal from space, Bighorn and the Maximals recalled their encounters with the Seacons. Bighorn lamented how he never won the love of Miss Squid-Lady, and grilled the squid Scuba about how he really felt about Scylla. The Artificial Planet Nemesis

Scuba was in the process of demonstrating the Tako Tank's capabilities to Bighorn and the others when Lio Junior detected emissions of evil Angolmois Energy. Bighorn followed Lio Junior as he tracked the Angolmois Energy to a mining facility being run by the Autorollers. The Maximals charged into battle, only to learn a lesson about planning and overconfidence when the Predacons locked them inside the base and then blew it up. Miraculous, Bighorn and the others survived. Gigastorm's Treachery

When Tasmania Kid accidentally trapped himself in the runaway Tako Tank, Bighorn and the Maximals chased him down until Scuba could disable the vehicle. They stumbled into an attack by Starscream and BB, who were soon upgraded by exposure to Angolmois Energy into Hellscream and Max-B. The End of Starscream Dirge and Thrust soon underwent their own upgrades, becoming Dirgegun and Thrustor. They confronted Bighorn and Tasmania Kid to test their new abilities, and Bighorn was nearly undone by Dirgegun's ultrasonic wave attack. The Lio Convoy Assassination Plot

When a mysterious ship crashed on Gaia, the Maximals prepared to investigate. Lio Junior volunteered to lead the expedition, but Bighorn and many of the others teased Junior for his youth and inexperience, saying a more seasoned Maximal should be in charge. Tasmania Kid stepped up to support Lio Junior and volunteered to assist him on the mission, leading to Lio Convoy's approval. The mission revealed the crashed ship was a teleport gate, able to summon warriors from anywhere in space and time. Although the Maximals captured the command key for the gate, the gate itself was seized by the Predacons and Tasmania Kid was seriously injured defending Lio Junior. Bighorn and the Maximals blamed Lio Junior for Kid's injuries, leading Junior to take on the Predacons alone. Kid finally climbed off his sickbed to tell Bighorn and the others to leave Lio Junior alone, as he was only trying to show them he was a worthy comrade, and win their trust.

With Lio Junior's command key, the Predacons summoned an apocalyptic beast known as Majin Zarak, and lay siege to Gaia. Bighorn and the Maximals were unable to get close enough to defeat Majin Zarak, but Lio Junior summoned Optimus Primal using the gate to supplement their forces. The Maximals lured Majin Zarak into a box canyon, where Lio Convoy and Optimus Primal combined the power of their Energon Matrixes to defeat the great beast. Bighorn watched on as Optimus Primal returned to his personal war through the gate. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

Hello chipmunk, can you be my girlfriend?

With the artificial planet Nemesis creeping ever closer to Gaia, its influence on the Angolmois Energy was ever more keenly felt. Bighorn had befriended a family of squirrels in the forest, and was very concerned about their well-being in light of the eruptions of Angolmois Energy. He and the Maximals tried using freeze devices to cool the unstable Angolmois Energy before it upset the planet's core. The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic They also constructed an artillery cannon to feed off of the Angolmois Energy as a weapon to destroy Nemesis before it reached the planet. Although the Maximals enacted a complicated plan with several decoys to prevent the Predacons from interfering, the cannon ultimately failed to sustain power and Nemesis continued unabated. Knock Out Nemesis Bighorn was also present when Lio Junior temporarily turned against the Maximals, poisoned by corrupted Angolmois Energy forced into his system by Galvatron. Fortunately, the effects weren't permanent and no serious harm was done. Lio Junior's Revolt!?

Bighorn and the Maximals were working on breaking down the Yukikaze for Lio Convoy's latest plan against Nemesis when a UFO robot crashed nearby. NAVI determined the robot was sent by automatic signal from a Gaian colony temple on Mars in response to Nemesis's arrival. The emissary robot claimed it could stop the corrupted Angolmois Energy, and so Lio Convoy told Bighorn and the others to keep working while he investigated. Emissary of the Fourth Planet Unfortunately, it turned out the robot planned to stop the corrupted Angolmois Energy by crashing the moon into Gaia and destroying everyone on it. Bighorn and the Maximals joined Lio Convoy at the mother computer to break through its defenses so that NAVI could reprogram it, saving the moon, Gaia, and everyone on both. The Crisis of Planet Gaia

When you forget everything on the day of the test.

NAVI and Drill Nuts assisted the Maximals in retrofitting Skywarp and Santon's spaceship so that it could be used to reach the artificial planet Nemesis. An underground launch tunnel was built in secret under the Rock Mountains to launch the ship into space. Secrecy was paramount, and so when Hellscream and Max-B began snooping around the mountains, Lio Convoy had Bighorn and the team "reveal" the location of their Niagara Base to Dirgegun and Thrustor, drawing the Predacons' attention away. The Rock Mountains launch tube was uncovered soon anyway, leading Bighorn and the others to race from Niagara to the mountains in order to make the launch window. They were opposed by Galvatron, but their friends Magnaboss and Tripledacus helped clear the path. Bighorn and the Yukikaze crew made it on board the ship with Lio Convoy and Apache at the last moment, clearing the atmosphere and flying out into space. Fly Out! Planet Gaia

Bighorn and the crew were cut down in their flight to Nemesis by the Seacons, who had been mesmerized into Galvatron's service. They crashed on an asteroid and battled God Neptune and his component parts. After God Neptune was defeated and the Seacons restored to normal, Bighorn tried to reunite with "Miss Squid-Lady", but Scylla still only had eyes for Scuba. They offered the Maximals their energon to recharge their ship, and Moon and Artemis led the Maximals through a slingshot maneuver around the moon that got them back on track to Nemesis. Revenge of the Space Pirates

As the Maximals arrived on Nemesis, they abandoned ship so the Predacons shot down an empty vessel. Bighorn and the others gathered by an exhaust port, which NAVI calculated could lead to Nemesis's core. While Lio Convoy and Scuba went spelunking to shut down Nemesis at the core, Bighorn and his fellow Maximals remained behind to defend their rear flank. Breaking into Nemesis After Galvatron pulled the full force of Gaia's Angolmois Energy into Nemesis, he emerged from the core claiming Lio Convoy was dead. Despite this disheartening news, Bighorn and the Maximals continued to fight on in the name of their commander. Legend! The Green Warrior

In the end, Lio Convoy was not dead, but had combined with Lio Junior into a powerful Green Warrior. Moreover, Scuba and the Tako Tank had reached the core and arranged for Nemesis's destruction. As Galvatron and the Green Warrior battled, the Cyborg Beasts continued to hassle the Maximals. When Nemesis finally erupted, Lio Convoy used all the strength of his Energon Matrix to preserve the lives of Bighorn and his Maximal brethren. Although Gaia was saved, the Maximals were left floating in the void, caught in a wormhole created by Nemesis's destruction. They took heart, however, in the appearance of a great light Lio Convoy said would lead them to their next adventure. Farewell! Lio Convoy

The Maximal Brainwashing Operation

Bighorn and the other Maximals worried that something might have happened to Diver and Tasmania Kid when they failed to return to base after being out on patrol. When Dirge and Thrust wandered close to the Yukikaze, the Maximals seized the opportunity to question their enemies about their missing friends. Bighorn helped take down the two jets, but was then surprised to discover that they now sported Maximal faction symbols. Somehow, the damage Dirge and Thrust had sustained during the fight had caused them to switch allegiance!

Later, Diver and Tasmania Kid finally turned up, crawling their way back to headquarters. Bighorn rushed out alongside Apache and Lio Convoy to greet them, only to be attacked! Starscream had brainwashed the Maximals into Predacons, and used them as bait to draw out Lio Convoy's forces. A heated confrontation ensued, only for the fighting to be brought to an end by a stray shot from Megastorm. The explosion greatly injured the Predacon forces, forcing them to retreat. To Bighorn's relief, the blast also returned Diver and Tasmania Kid to their former selves. The Maximal Brainwashing Operation

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

After the defeat of Unicron, Bighorn returned to Cybertron, where he helped with reconstruction. Graduation Ceremony!!

BomBom comic continuity

Beast Wars II comic

Bighorn was among the Maximal troops who opted to slack off when the rainy season rolled around, stating that the stormy weather made it too difficult for them to go out on their regular patrols. Apache was infuriated by his comrade's laziness, though their attitudes quickly shifted when Lio Convoy came on-deck, and they all snapped to attention. The lot of them were forced into action shortly thereafter anyways, as Diver reported in that the Predacons were headed their way aboard a giant tank. Bighorn and Apache led the main offensive against the enemy juggernaut, but found that their attacks had little effect on its impenetrable hull. Even Bighorn's missile attack left the vehicle unscathed! The pair were forced to instead change tactics, and lured the tank into a nearby river. There, Diver and Scuba were able to plant bombs on the tank's more vulnerable underside, crippling it. Bighorn was genuinely impressed by Apache's plan after seeing it go off without a hitch. Lio Convoy then took over the battle and defeated Megastorm, making him accidentally trigger the tank's self-destruct mechanism in the process. After it detonated spectacularly, the overcast skies began to clear, signaling the end of the rainy season. Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank!

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Infiltrate the Mystery Island! Free the Captured Matrix!

After laying eyes on the repulsive Seacon Scylla, Bighorn became immediately smitten. Unable to write a proper love letter, however, he enlisted the aid of Scuba to compose the romantic confession. Scuba did so, but upon delivering it to Scylla on Bighorn's behalf, the femme squid got the wrong idea. Thinking the love letter was from Scuba, she proceeded to fall madly in love with him. Scuba found himself being chased by the homely wench, who wouldn't take "no" for an answer. Bighorn eventually confessed his infatuation to Scylla in person, but she politely turned him down, as she was only interested in dating guys with tentacles. Realize the Forbidden Love!

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Make a Surprise Attack on the Super Weapon Base! Recover the Bonds Lost! All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet! Win the Battle of Light and Darkness! The Beast Wars "Neo" Begin!!!

Beast Wars Neo comic

There was a statue of Bighorn dressed like a monk in a (probably) Japanese-styled temple on Break's home planet. Bighorn was the one who evolved the native penguins to become Transformers, thus making him be worshiped as a god of the planet. A Battle Fought Alone

Legends World

Bighorn borne witness to Windblade's declaration that the Legends World would come to an end. Bonus Edition Vol. 12 He would later enjoy Windblade as a waitress at a "little sister cafe" in Akihabara, where he would fall for her charms enough to buy expensive lunches. Windblade Sequel He was present when Megatron was inaugurated chairman of Tera-Kura Co. Presidential Inauguration! Lord Megatron Bighorn was among the happy customers of Tera-Kura's new Nightbird clones, and was mighty upset when the company tried to recall them just because they'd been a bit naughty and gone on a destructive rampage. Bonus Edition Vol. 15

When Windblade didn't show up at the cafe one day, her waitress spot taken by Armada Starscream, Bighorn got upset and left. While reminiscing about her good times in the Legends Universe, Windblade remembered feeding Tigatron while Bighorn jealously looked on. LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue Bighorn later tried to claim Armada Megatron's discarded Unicron of Light toy for himself, Bonus Edition Vol. 18 and watched Deadlock pay a visit to a local internet cafe. Bonus Edition Vol. EX He was in the audience of Cancer's first concert, Bonus Edition Vol. 24 watched Scourge explode in the sky during a fireworks show, Bonus Edition Vol. 26 and attended another concert held by Blaster, Cancer, and Rosanna. Bonus Edition Vol. 27

Bighorn was among those hypnotized into serving Mindwipe, Bonus Edition Vol. 34 and was in a crowd that cheered for who they thought was Optimus Prime (actually Ginrai). Bonus Edition Vol. 35 He was later swallowed whole by Trypticon and used as a living battery, Bonus Edition Vol. 43 and watched Hot Rod battle Scourge Bonus Edition Vol. 45 Bighorn bought a transtector car at one point, but later sold it off to Kup who would use it as his new body. Bonus Edition Vol. 46 He was among the citizens converted into an Insecticon clone by Kickback but was restored after his defeat. Bonus Edition Vol. 47 He was shocked when Scylla began dating Brawn, Bonus Edition Vol. 48 and was part of a crowd witnessing Broadside's arrival in the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. 53

Bighorn visited the Wolf Circus Bonus Edition Vol. 63 and later cheered as Topspin repaired the city after the latest invasion. Bonus Edition Vol. 66

Beast Wars: Uprising

Beast Wars Uprising Bighorn.jpg

Bighorn was one of the Resistance's oldest members and a key ally of Lio Convoy. One time, the two of them made a solo run at the Cortex to hit a prominent Builder.

He was one of the most popular guys in the Resistance Burning Bridges but you wouldn't have liked him because when he turned up in the raid on Fortress Maximus, he was constantly disparaging and dismissive of the new member Buzzclaw. As it turned out, Buzzclaw was set up as a patsy so they could kill Maximus and Bighorn knew; he was the only Resistance member to not give much of a crap about using him. Head Games

Half an orbital cycle later, he led a platoon to capture the strategic Melpomene Bridge. A mixture of loud encouragement and threats (the enemy, Stiletto, felt "Bullhorn" was more apt, ho ho). The Maximal Command Security Force blew the bridge up but Bighorn, enraged at his comrades' deaths, was on their side and attempted to kill them. Unfortunately for him, Stiletto was an expert in knife combat and quite brutally put him down before he could kill Overshoot.

To the dismay of B'Boom, Lio Convoy decided against a reprisal strike on Bighorn's killers due to their strapped resources. Burning Bridges

2005 IDW continuity

Bighorn was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals. When the Maximals invaded Cybertron, Bighorn was one of the many warriors who wound up battling Arcee. Unforgivable

2021 Beast Wars comic

In the age of the Pax Cybertronia, Bighorn visited the Sculpture Garden in Iacon. Thicker Skin


Beast Wars

Kind of a reverse "pull my finger".
  • Bighorn (Deluxe, 1997)
  • ID number: C-13
  • Release date: March ??, 1998
  • Accessories: "Buffalo Missile"
  • Known designers: Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
Part of the first wave of Beast Wars II toys, Bighorn is a redeco of the Hasbro Beast Wars Deluxe Class Bonecrusher toy, transforming into a black organic bison with red robot parts. In both beast and robot modes, pulling back on his beast mode tail causes his robot mode head to launch forward in a lunging headbutt attack. This attack also launches a spring-loaded missile from his robot-mode mouth at the end of his lunge.

BWII-toy VS13-BighornBBStarscream.jpg
  • 2 Against 1 Showdown: Bighorn VS Starscream & BB (Vs pack, 1997)
  • ID number: VS-13
  • Release date: March ??, 1998
  • Accessories: "Buffalo Missile"
Bighorn was also available in a "2 Against 1 Showdown" (2対1の対決, 2 tai 1 no taiketsu) multi-pack with the Predacon pairing of Starscream and BB, also released in the first wave of Beast Wars II toys.
All of the toys in this set are identical to their individual releases.

  • Telemaga Special Cybertron 6-piece Set (Multi-pack, 1999)
  • Accessories: "Buffalo Missile"
An incredibly pastel version of Bighorn, in lavender, yellow, and light gray, was part of a six-piece set of unique redecoes of the main Cybertron cast of Beast Wars II, the grand prize in the "New Beast Warriors Contest" in the February 1999 issue of TV Magazine. The details of this contest are currently unknown.


  • Beast Collection Special 10 (PVC set, 1998)
A clear-blue super-deformed PVC of robot-mode Bighorn, based on his animation model, was included as part of a ten-piece set of PVCs.
This set was also marked as a "Clear Version Special Set", but it's unknown if an opaque set was ever released.
This set also includes PVCs of Lio Convoy in both robot and beast modes, Galvatron in both robot and dragon modes, Apache, Scuba, Tasmania Kid, Megastorm, and Starscream.

Beast Fighters

  • Bighorn (candy toy, 1997)
Kabaya's Beast Fighters Bighorn was a small, super deformed PVC model which was hollow inside, designed to be used as a finger-puppet. It was available in a blindpack with fizzy "Ramune" candy.


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