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Beast Wars timeline

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In 1996, the Transformers brand was given a complete overhaul in the form of Beast Wars: Transformers. A radical departure from the Generation 1 and Generation 2 franchises that preceded it, Beast Wars was headlined by an animated series of the same name, and followed by a direct sequel, Beast Machines: Transformers, in late 1999, both produced by Mainframe Entertainment. Together, Beast Wars and Beast Machines are the primary components that comprise the Beast Wars timeline.

Thanks to its engaging characters and superb storytelling, Beast Wars became immensely popular with fans both new and old. This quickly led to several other parties wanting to write their own takes on the greater world of the two cartoons, evolving the Beast Era to encompass more than just a single universe, with each having their own timeline containing the same Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons surrounded by different supplementary media.

Below is a chronology of the original continuity of just the Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons, untouched by any additional media (barring some minute exceptions written specifically in the context of the cartoons and nothing else). For more timelines of the Beast Era cartoons, see "Other timelines" below.

If Megatron takes the energon wealth of this world unopposed, he will begin a war. A war that will destroy Cybertron and shatter galaxies, until only one side survives. It has been this way for hundreds of stellar cycles, ever since Autobot and Decepticon first began the Great War.

Dinobot, "Law of the Jungle"

The few bits from outside the Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons are in italics.


Ancient past

Vector Sigma

Long ago, Cybertron was originally a green, organic world filled with lush, plant-based ecosystems and animal wildlife. When the first Transformers come to this planet and populate it (as foretold by the supercomputer originally known as Vector Sigma and later known as the Oracle The Reformatting The Key), the planet is gradually transformed into the metallic world of Cybertron. The Transformers (now "Cybertronians") build vast cities over the planet's original nature, constructing layers upon layers of civilizations, until all traces of Cybertron's original organic state are completely lost to time and buried within the planet's innermost layers. The Reformatting Forbidden Fruit Descent Apocalypse Survivor

Millions of years ago

The Ark launches

Over time, many of Cybertron's legends come to be immortalized in a sacred tome called the Covenant of Primus. Nemesis Part 1 Nemesis Part 2 Civil war eventually breaks out between two factions on Cybertron, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Possession They are led by Optimus Prime The Agenda (Part III) and Megatron, respectively. The Agenda (Part 2)

Four million years ago

Launch of the Ark

The Autobots construct a mighty vessel, the Ark, to carry its finest heroes on a voyage into space. However, during its journey through the stars, the Ark is intercepted by the Nemesis, the flagship of the Decepticon space fleet. High above the planet Earth, the two vessels engage in a fierce space battle, in which the Ark is ultimately shot down by the Nemesis before it too succumbs its battle scars. Both ships plummet to the planet below; the Ark crashes into the side of a volcanic mountain while the Nemesis plunges into the deep depths of an ocean. For the next four million years, the Autobots and Decepticons aboard the Ark lie dormant in emergency stasis, Optimus Prime and Megatron included. The Agenda (Part III) Master Blaster Nemesis Part 1

Before the Beast Wars

The Standing Stones

An alien race known as the Vok comes to the planet Earth. They begin an experiment with the planet, Other Voices, Part 1 seeding it with raw crystalline energon Before the Storm and placing several unnatural devices across the planet, including a set of Standing Stones, Chain of Command a flying island with a powerful monument, The Trigger, Part 1 The Trigger, Part 2 a stone circle, an artificial second moon, Other Voices, Part 1 Other Voices, Part 2 a valley of plant life designed to metamorphose into a flying fortress, Other Visits (Part 1) Other Visits (Part 2) and a golden disk designed to control said fortress. Before the Storm Other Voices, Part 2

Beast Wars

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A few million years ago,[1] The Agenda (Part III) Optimal Situation Deep Metal a transwarp portal opens in space, from which two ships emerge. The first is a Predacon ship crewed by fugitives who had stolen a relic known as the Golden Disk. The second is a Maximal science vessel, the Axalon. The two ships battle above an unknown planet before crash-landing in different areas. Upon its descent, the Axalon ejects many stasis pods into orbit. Since the planet is richly-seeded in raw, unstable energon, both crews of Transformers adopt organic-skinned Beast Modes to protect themselves from the radiation. Believing they have come to the wrong planet, one of the Predacons, Dinobot, challenges his commander, Megatron, for Predacon leadership. For his insubordination, Dinobot is blasted away and exiled from Megatron's crew.

The Maximals—Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rattrap, and Rhinox—are soon met by the Predacons—Megatron, Scorponok, Waspinator, Tarantulas, and Terrorsaur—and a battle ensues, from which the Maximals retreat. En route back to their base, they are met by Dinobot, who challenges Optimus Primal for Maximal leadership. Beast Wars (Part 1) Their duel is cut short by another Predacon attack, which unearths a large deposit of energon on a faraway mountain. Both teams race to secure it, with Dinobot joining the Maximals. At the mountain, both sides clash in Beast Mode until Megatron risks transforming to fire a missile at Optimus. But Dinobot deflects the missile to hit the energon, causing a massive explosion. Both teams escape and Optimus declares that the Beast Wars have only just begun. Beast Wars (Part 2)

A month later, Cheetor finds himself captured by the Predacon scientist Tarantulas, but is rescued by Rattrap. The Web Cheetor then gets himself teleported inside the Predacon base during a lightning storm, but uses his wits to escape. Equal Measures The Maximals later investigate a mysterious rock formation of standing stones that bear an unnatural design. A battle with the Predacons triggers a beacon hidden beneath the stones that shoots up into outer space. An alien probe touches down that night at the stones and captures Optimus Primal. The next day, another altercation at the stones sees Optimus released the probe, but which mysteriously vanishes. Chain of Command The self-serving Terrorsaur makes a bid for power against Megatron when he finds a floating mountain full of raw energon that supercharges his body. However, his reign is cut short when Optimus and Rattrap blow up the mountain. Power Surge


Both sides soon gain new additions to their ranks as stasis pods begin to crash down from the sky. The Maximals are joined by Tigatron, Fallen Comrades while the Predacons add Blackarachnia to their ranks. Double Jeopardy The Maximals also create a new defense grid for their base in the form of Sentinel. A Better Mousetrap Meanwhile, Scorponok develops a virus that turns Optimus into a berserker. The Maximals storm the Predacon base to acquire a cure for their rampaging leader. Gorilla Warfare Soon, a temporal probe arrives from Cybertron in search of Optimus Primal and his missing crew. The Maximals attempt to make contact with it, but are prevented by Megatron. The Probe The Predacons then fake their demise to trick the Maximals into looting their ship in order to repair the Axalon, in hopes that the Predacons may steal the ship and leave the Maximals stranded on the planet. Dinobot discovers their treachery and a scuffle aboard the airborne Axalon sees it grounded once more. Victory

Megatron then begins taking more experimental measures against the Maximals. First, he captures Rhinox and forcibly reprograms him into a Predacon. But, Rhinox proves too cunning for Megatron to control and begins taking out each of the Predacons one by one, forcing Megatron to change him back into a Maximal. Dark Designs Megatron then creates a clone of Dinobot in hopes of using him to bypass the Maximals' defense grid Sentinel. However, the clone is defeated by the real Dinobot. Double Dinobot Another stasis pod comes down and Rhinox nearly risks everything to keep the pod's damaged protoform from dying. His efforts are a success and the newcomer Airazor joins the Maximals. The Spark

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During one of Tigatron's field reports, he is attacked by Terrorsaur and Waspinator, who blast him into a cloud-filled gorge. Inside the cloud, they all discover a flying island guarded by weapons of alien design. Seeking to protect this island, Tigatron is joined first by Airazor The Trigger, Part 1 and then Optimus and Rattrap. But Blackarachnia and Scorponok arrive and reach the island's control center first; Blackarachnia then seizes the island's power for herself. Tigatron is forced to destroy the island before it can be used to destroy the Maximal base. Upon the island's destruction, it sends a signal up to one of the planet's two moons, and is then sent out into space. The Trigger, Part 2 This ordeal puts Tarantulas on edge. Sensing the planet's forthcoming doom, he starts making plans to leave the planet when a new stasis pod crash-lands. He and Blackarachnia retrieve it and awaken the new Predacon Inferno, but Tigatron destroys the pod to prevent Tarantulas from obtaining it. Spider's Game

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The Predacons steal the Axalon's rectifier coil, forcing the Maximals to remain in beast mode since their base no longer shields them from the planet's energon. This causes them to act feral and animal-like until Tigatron helps to bring them back to sanity. While the Maximals battle the Predacons in a jungle, Airazor recovers the stolen rectifier coil. Call of the Wild An energon explosion leaves most of the Maximals blinded and in urgent need of repair. Rhinox leads them on a dangerous journey back to the base. Dark Voyage The disembodied Spark of the ancient Decepticon Starscream arrives on the planet and possesses the body of Waspinator. He helps the Predacons take control of the Axalon, but plots to betray Megatron and takes on Blackarachnia as an apprentice. Optimus and Dinobot retake the Axalon and Blackarachnia double-crosses Starscream, blasting his spark out of Waspinator and back into space. Possession

A Predacon attack on the Axalon sees Tarantulas infect Rhinox with an energon discharge virus. The Maximals track down and acquire a cure from Tarantulas's lair. That is all. The Low Road As the Maximals search for any more alien sites, a Predacon attack sees Tigatron accidentally fire a stray shot at a mountain where his tiger friend Snowstalker is, causing an avalanche that claims her life. Grief-stricken, Tigatron takes a vow of pacifism and quits the Beast Wars. Dinobot argues that the war is necessary to prevent Megatron from spreading more destruction to Cybertron and other planets, but Tigatron disagrees. Optimus arrives to break the tension. While he sympathizes with Tigatron, he also reminds him that the Maximals are the only ones who can protect their friends and the planet from any harm caused by the Predacons. This convinces Tigatron to rejoin the war as a defender of life. Law of the Jungle


An alien energy anomaly inside a mountain reveals a mysterious second golden disk, which Inferno brings to Megatron. Wanting to analyze the disk, Megatron declares a truce with the Maximals. Skeptical, the Maximals have Tigatron sneak into the Predacon base to find out what's going on. He learns from the contents of the new disk that the aliens who created the flying island and seeded the planet with energon are on their way. Meanwhile, Tarantulas furthers his plans to leave the planet by stealing a Transwarp cell from the Predacon base. Megatron takes notice and secretly adds his own programming to the cell. Before the Storm

Together with Blackarachnia, Tarantulas decides to steal a stasis pod from the Axalon while some of the Maximals are out investigating another anomaly that creates a domed structure. When Optimus is captured inside the dome, the aliens assume the visage of Unicron to speak with him. They declare that the Maximals and Predacons' presence on the planet has contaminated an experiment they've been conducting, and prepare to "sterilize" the project. An energy beam shoots upward from the dome and strikes one of the moons; the ensuing energy surge knocks the remaining stasis pods out of orbit.

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Meanwhile, Tarantulas and Blackarachnia break into the Axalon Other Voices, Part 1 and proceed to convert a stasis pod into a flight-capable vessel. The moon is transformed into a planet-destroying machine and begins superheating the planet to ignite the energon deposits. The Maximals discover the modified stasis pod and Optimus decides to fly it up to the alien machine and destroy it with a transwarp explosion. However, Megatron's previous sabotage of its transwarp cell traps Optimus inside the pod. He is destroyed in the explosion, along with the alien machine. Other Voices, Part 2

The explosion creates a quantum surge that strikes the planet and drastically changes its environments. The surge also mutates several Maximals and Predacons into new forms called Transmetals. Aftermath Two stasis pods that survived the mass planetfall had their DNA scanners damaged, resulting in a couple of Fuzors: Quickstrike and Silverbolt. Both are recruited by Megatron, but Silverbolt has some reservations about the Predacons. While the Maximals recover another stasis pod (whose protoform is a blank), Tigatron and Airazor go off to search for other pods. Rhinox then conducts a dangerous experiment to access the Matrix.

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Observing the presence of a single moon, Dinobot deduces that this planet is actually Earth. He sneaks into the Predacon base and steals both Golden Disks. He returns to the Maximal base just as Cheetor calls in about a Predacon attack. Rattrap and Dinobot come to his aid and a massive battle begins. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1) Back at the Predacon base, Blackarachnia finds and downloads Megatron's backup data for the Golden Disks, and then destroys the computer. The battle goes well for the Predacons and their fliers take off for the Axalon. The Maximals manage to stop them and spare Silverbolt's life. When Rhinox's experiment ends, he joins the others just in time for them to be thoroughly overwhelmed by Predacon firepower. But the tide is turned by the miraculous return of Optimus Primal, reborn as a Transmetal by Rhinox's experiment with the blank protoform. Silverbolt also chooses to join to the Maximals. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2) Despite having lost the Golden Disks, the Predacons start building jamming towers to disrupt Maximal communications. Megatron also make plans for the future. Tangled Web

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With the contents of the original Golden Disk weighing on his mind, Dinobot questions his place in the Beast Wars and considers rejoining the Predacons. He returns the disk to Megatron as a test of loyalty, but ultimately chooses to remain a Maximal, unwilling to aid Megatron's "insane" ambition that will certainly doom their race. He later discusses something urgent with Optimus. Maximal, No More Tigatron and Airazor find a valley with alien plant life that abducts the pair into space. Megatron steals back the alien Golden Disk from the Axalon and Tarantulas declares himself no longer under Megatron's command, but also Megatron's only hope of surviving the forthcoming alien attack. As both factions rendezvous at the alien site, a massive spacecraft materializes. Other Visits (Part 1) Megatron takes control of the ship and prepares to take it back to Cybertron. But, thanks to Tarantulas's help, the Maximals are able to destroy the vessel—along with the alien disk—before it leaves the planet. Other Visits (Part 2)


A massive stasis pod emblazoned with an X is discovered, containing the monstrous "Protoform X". The Maximals and Predacons fight over it, but an explosion separates Blackarachnia and Silverbolt from their respective teams. They work together to get back to the others, but run afoul the newly awakened Protoform X. Once the Maximals and Blackarachnia defeat the monster, Megatron carves out a portion of X's spark to make him a loyal Predacon, naming him "Rampage". Bad Spark Realizing the severity of Megatron's ability to alter history with the Golden Disk, Dinobot sacrifices his life to stop the Predacons from exterminating the early ancestors of humankind, destroying the Golden Disk in the process. Code of Hero

A damaged stasis pod brings forth Transmutate, a deformed creature whom both Rampage and Silverbolt seek to befriend. As the two battle over the newcomer, Transmutate tries to stop their fight but gets caught in the crossfire and perishes. Transmutate Back when the aliens' "planet buster" was destroyed, it not only created the quantum surge but also a transwarp wavefront that was traveling forward in time Code of Hero and would soon reach Cybertron in the Maximals' home-time. However, both the Maximals and Predacons are surpised to find that the one who arrives from Cybertron in response to the wavefront is ex-Decepticon Covert Agent Ravage of the Predacon Alliance. He allies himself with the Maximals and helps them to finally arrest Megatron.

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Meanwhile, Blackarachnia takes off for a distant location The Agenda (Part 1) and is pursued by Silverbolt. He tries to get her to leave the Predacons and join him as a Maximal, but she refuses. She tries to make him to leave, but he refuses. The two lovers from opposing sides arrive at a volcanic mountain where Megatron had previously dug a tunnel and sealed it back up. They work together to unearth it. Back aboard Ravage's ship, Megatron is interrogated in a holding cell. Tarantulas is revealed to have been an ally of Ravage all along, having been planted into Megatron's gang by the Predacon Secret Police. Ravage, meanwhile, intends to leave no living witnesses.

Megatron then reveals to Ravage the real reason he stole the Golden Disk from Cybertron: It not only contained the location of a large energon source, but also a secret message from the original Megatron. Recalling his original loyalty to the ancient Decepticon leader, Ravage frees his Predacon captive and joins forces with him. The Agenda (Part 2) The Predacons launch a full assault on the Axalon, which the Maximals barely overcome, destroying Ravage and his ship in the process. Megatron retreats, but not back to his base. This worries Optimus, who orders a pursuit.

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At the mountain, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt discover what was buried there: The legendary Autobot spacecraft, the Ark, containing the still-sleeping Autobot and Decepticon ancestors of the Maximals and Predacons. Having previously acquired the Ark's access codes from her download of Megatron's backup Golden Disk files, Blackarachnia plans to take control of the ship for herself. However, Megatron arrives and threatens Silverbolt's life if Blackarachnia doesn't give him access to the ship. She begrudgingly complies and stalls the approaching Maximals with one of the Ark's cannons. Megatron enters the ship's bridge and finds his prize: the dormant body of Autobot leader Optimus Prime. With nothing left to lose, Megatron takes a gamble by blasting Prime's head to kill him, hoping to change the course of history. This creates a massive timestorm that threatens to erase all Maximals from existence. The Agenda (Part III)


Having been originally created from a Maximal protoform, Blackarachnia refuses to die for Megatron's sake and ejects him from the Ark with its security system. She and Silverbolt put Optimus Prime on life support, stabilizing the storm. The other Maximals arrive and work to repair their ancestor's damaged form. Optimus Primal takes Prime's fading spark into his body to save it, which causes Primal to mutate into a new, larger "Optimal Optimus" form. The Predacons are driven off from the Ark but succeed in sinking the unguarded Axalon to the bottom of a deep river. The Maximals salvage what they can from their former base and establish a new one inside the Ark's mountain to safeguard it. Blackarachnia joins Silverbolt as a Maximal-allied Predacon. Optimus Prime is repaired and the timestorm finally ends. Optimal Situation

Still hoping for a response to the transwarp wavefront from the Maximal Elders, the Maximals are instead met with the surprise arrival of Depth Charge, who has come in pursuit of Protoform X (now Rampage). He becomes a reluctant ally to their cause. Deep Metal Seeking to fortify their new base, the Maximals attempt to salvage Sentinel from the sunken Axalon. However, their efforts are thwarted by the Predacons, who steal Sentinel and install it into their own base. Changing of the Guard Megatron creates cyber raptor drones to hunt the early-human anthropoids in another attempt to erase humanity's existence. As the Maximals protect the anthropoids and destroy the cyber raptors, Megatron launches an assault on the understaffed Maximal base in hopes to reenter the Ark. Luckily, he is beaten back by Depth Charge. Cutting Edge


After acquiring a stasis pod, Megatron uses an alien Transmetal driver and the carved-out spark fragment of Rampage to create another clone of Dinobot: Transmetal 2 Dinobot. Cheetor and Depth Charge steal the driver, but the former is caught in the overload of Megatron's Organic Transmetal Unit and is seemingly killed. At the base, Depth Charge disposes of the driver, but Blackarachnia recovers it and keeps it for herself. Soon, a savage cyber-creature begins terrorizing Predacon and Maximal alike. Feral Scream Part 1 The creature is revealed to be Cheetor, having been mutated into a new "Transmetal 2" form. His Beast Mode is still feral, but Optimus helps brings him back to his senses. Feral Scream Part 2

An examination of Blackarachnia reveals that the removal of her Predacon shell program could potentially wipe her core consciousness. Believing the others will force this procedure on her, Blackarachnia takes off on her own, only to be tracked by the new Dinobot. Silverbolt comes to her aid and Optimus explains that the procedure was always going to be her decision to make. Proving Grounds One of Cheetor's anthropoid friends, a young girl named Una, is kidnapped by the Predacons. They use her to finish construction on their new Disuptor Ray, but Una is rescued by Rattrap and Depth Charge before she could fully install the cannon's stabilizer crystal, causing the weapon to explode. Go with the Flow


Using the Transmetal driver, Blackarachnia attempts to turn herself into a Transmetal 2. Silverbolt intervenes and her shell program begins to degrade. Before Rhinox attempts to remove it, Blackarachnia transfers the Ark's access codes to Optimus. Tarantulas finds out about the procedure and tries to disrupt it with a Predacon attack on the Maximal base. One of his safeguards in the shell program reaches Blackarachnia's core consciousness and leaves her braindead. Vengeful, Silverbolt goes after Tarantulas and near kills him in cold oil before Rampage steps in. However, the Transmetal driver revives Blackarachnia as a Transmetal 2 Maximal, allowing her to save Silverbolt from Rampage. Crossing the Rubicon

Megatron and Tarantulas use a control suit piloted by Quickstrike to possess Optimus's body. Megatron is granted access to the Ark and the Predacon leader takes the original Megatron's spark into his own body. Tarantulas has Quickstrike attempt to drown Megatron in a lava pool so that Tarantulas can rig the Ark to explode. But Megatron survives, upgraded into a new giant dragon form. Blackarachnia frees Optimus from Quickstrike's control and stops the Ark from blowing up. After a battle with Optimus, Megatron retreats, flying out of the mountain's volcano mouth. Master Blaster

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Elsewhere in the universe, two members of the alien race known as the Vok notice a temporal disruption at "Nexus Earth". Still possessing the abducted Tigatron and Airazor, they fuse the two Maximals together into a new being, Tigerhawk, whom they possess and dispatch to Earth as their emissary. Having not forgotten Quickstrike's recent doublecross and collaboration with Tarantulas, Megatron puts the Fuzor on trial. The court is cut short by the sudden arrival of Tigerhawk, who destroys the Predacon base upon impact. He defeats all of the evacuated Predacons and is about to eliminate Megatron before Optimus arrives to stop him, since Megatron still possesses the original Megatron's spark.

Tigerhawk despatches Optimus but is quickly subdued by Tarantulas. The spider tries to control the Vok emissary, but the two aliens emerge from Tigerhawk and enter Tarantulas; all three are killed by Tarantulas's own machine. Cheetor rescues Tigerhawk and the combined spark of Tigatron and Airazor takes its proper place within Tigerhawk's body. Other Victories The Maximals observe that Tigerhawk's arrival coincides with a prophecy written in the datatrax of the Covenant of Primus, suggesting the whole Beast Wars to have been preordained. Meanwhile, now lacking a base, the Predacons become more desperate than ever.

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Megatron sends Inferno, Quickstrike, and Waspinator to search for a new base while he, Dinobot, and Rampage explore one last option left by the late Tarantulas: At some point prior, the spider had found and restored the sunken Decepticon warship Nemesis at the bottom of the sea. Now it falls into Megatron's hands. Meanwhile, Waspinator quits the Predacons after growing sick of all the suffering he's endured. The Maximals race to stop the Nemesis from launching and both Depth Charge and Rampage perish in one final duel with each other. The Nemesis rises from the sea Nemesis Part 1 and begins attacking the land.

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Tigerhawk dies in a brave last stand against the vessel, Inferno and Quickstrike are caught in the blast of the ship's fusion cannon, and the Maximals try desperately to reactivate the Ark, but to no avail. The Nemesis reaches the mountain and Optimus enters the ship to battle Megatron one-on-one. All the while, Dinobot develops a change of heart. Upon Rampage's passing, his spark became "complete" Nemesis Part 2, miraculously made whole by the consciousness of the first Dinobot. Hall of Fame 2010 Dinobot nominee bio

He secretly leaks word to the Maximals of an Autobot shuttle aboard the Ark, and then refuses Megatron's order to fire on the Ark with the Nemesis's fully-charged fusion cannon. Rhinox takes the Autobot shuttle and flies it up to the Nemesis; he crashes through the warship's bridge, disabling the Nemesis and causing it to crash-land somewhere far beyond the horizon. Nemesis Part 2 With Megatron finally defeated, the Maximals return the stolen spark of the original Megatron back to its rightful owner. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/23

Four of the Maximals—Blackarachnia, Optimus, Rhinox, and Cheetor—meet with Waspinator in a jungle. Descent With Megatron shackled to the roof, the Autobot shuttle takes off and flies into transwarp space; the Maximals aboard declare the Beast Wars to be finally over. Back down on the planet, Waspinator remains behind as the anthropoids' new ruler. Nemesis Part 2

After the Beast Wars

Eventually, Waspinator grows bored of ruling the anthropoids, who likewise grow sick of worshipping him. They decide to kick him out of the tribe and send him off into the night. The Catalyst

Exactly what happens to Waspinator after this point is unknown, but he inevitably makes his way back to Cybertron through unspecified means that "took forever".

A thousand other wars

Obsidian and his consort Strika fight and win a thousand wars together. The two of them go on to be revered as the greatest generals in Cybertronian history. The Strike

20th Century–onward

Great War

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In 1984, the eruption of a volcano on Earth awakens the dormant Autobots and Decepticons lying within the Ark, the Autobot starship now embedded within the volcano's mountainside. The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the Decepticons, led by Megatron, resume their age-old conflict of civil war between the two factions, igniting a secret conflict that history would later come to call "the Great War". The Agenda (Part 2) The Agenda (Part III) Master Blaster Around this time, the humans of Earth launch a spacecraft named Voyager, aboard which a golden disk is carried out into space. The Agenda (Part 2)

Among the Autobots who fight alongside Optimus Prime are Prowl, Ironhide, Jazz, and Ratchet. The Agenda (Part III) Those on the Decepticon side include Starscream, Possession Ravage, The Agenda (Part 2) Skywarp, Soundwave The Agenda (Part III) and Shrapnel. Dark Designs

At some point, transwarp technology comes into development. Around this time, a defeated Megatron finds and intercepts the Earth spacecraft Voyager out in space. Hedging his bets should he ultimately lose the war, he inscribes a secret message onto the craft's golden disk, instructing any Decepticon descendants that may find the disk to use the new transwarp technology to ensure the Decepticons' total victory in the end. The Agenda (Part 2)


When Starscream betrays the new Decepticon leader Galvatron, he is repaid in kind when Galvatron blasts him into oblivion. Possession However, Starscream's spark possesses a mutant, indestructible quality that grants him a sense of immortality, Bad Spark enabling his spark to endure without the need of a physical body. Possession The Autobots and Decepticons have an encounter with the giant Transformer known as Unicron, Possession Other Voices, Part 1 whose head comes to orbit Cybertron (presumably upon his destruction). Prometheus Unbound

A virus known as the "Hate Plague" breaks out, which boosts one's adrenaline, suppresses the neocortex, and shuts off self-diagnostics. (It is presumably cured by Optimus Prime.) A Wolf in the Fold

Ultimately, the Great War ends[2] with the Autobots defeating the Decepticons, Possession The Agenda (Part III) thanks to additional support provided to the Autobots by the humans of Earth. Code of Hero

After the Great War

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A formal peace treaty, the Pax Cybertronia, is ratified and signed by the Autobots and Decepticons. A few Decepticons are granted amnesty, most of whom simply retire. The Agenda (Part 1) An unstable peace begins and lasts for "centuries".[3] Beast Wars (Part 1)

Over time, Cybertron undergoes "the great upgrade from Autobot to Maximal." The Search New city layers are built over the city-states of old, with the city of Cybertropolis built over the ancient Autobot city of Iacon. The Search However, some Autobots and Decepticons do still remain, living in retirement. Other Visits (Part 2) The Agenda (Part 1)

As a result of the Autobots winning the Great War, it is their descendants, the Maximals, who become the ruling power on Cybertron, with the Decepticons' descendants, the Predacons, subordinate to Maximal authority. The Agenda (Part III) Organized as a democracy, Chain of Command the Maximals install a High Council to govern them. Deep Metal In time, the members of this council become known as the Maximal Elders. The Agenda (Part 2) Master of the House

The Tripredacus Council

By now, the Predacons are governed by the Predacon Alliance, Other Visits (Part 2) led by the Tripredacus Council. The Council secretly plots a long game, planning for such a time when the Predacons can rise up and take Cybertron for themselves. The Agenda (Part 1) Until that time, however, they must cooperate with the Maximal Elders to keep the peace on Cybertron. The Agenda (Part 2) Unbeknownst to the general populace, the surving Decepticon Ravage had been reprogrammed and rebuilt as a Predacon, and becomes a covert agent for the Tripredacus Council. The Agenda (Part 1)

At some point since its original space launch centuries ago, the Golden Disk of Planet Earth ends up on Cybertron and becomes the most carefully guarded relic on the planet, Beast Wars (Part 1) The Agenda (Part 2) locked away deep within the Hall of Records. Hall of Fame 2011 Waspinator bio While some historical records remain accessible to the public through the Chronicles of Cybertron, certain information about the planet's war history is classified by the Maximal Elders, Possession with all travel to Earth-space forbidden by the High Council. Deep Metal However, these restrictions seem to apply less so for the Predacons, as one Predacon is able to study Cybertron's military history. Possession

Meanwhile, a certain Predacon reads excerpts from the Covenant of Primus about a legendary figure named "Megatron". Inspired by these legends, the Predacon takes the name for himself, Nemesis Part 1 a name also shared by the greatest leader of the Decepticons. Master Blaster In time, The Predacon Megatron becomes a publicly known criminal. Home Soil

Present era


In the present age of the Maximals and Predacons,[3] the Pax Cybertronia remains in effect. The Agenda (Part 1) Cybertron and its Maximal populace are still governed by the High Council of Maximal Elders The Agenda (Part 2) Deep Metal Master of the House who reside within the Council Citadel in Cybertropolis, the central city of the planet. Master of the House Out in space, the Tripredacus Council rules the Predacons from their space station, Predacon Command Outpost One, The Agenda (Part 1) with Predacon law is enforced by the Predacon Secret Police. The Agenda (Part 2)

Cybertronian society

The Maximals and Predacons reside both on Cybertron and on various space stations, such as Colony Omicron and Starbase Rugby. Deep Metal Nemesis Part 1 Energon is mined as a natural resource in places like the Vespa System. Dark Voyage Stasis pods equipped with DNA scanners are used to carry protoforms on deep space missions to other planets, placed aboard vessels equipped with transwarp technology. Beast Wars (Part 1) The Spark Once such vessel, captained by a Maximal scientist, leaves Cybertron on a voyage of exploration; its crew settles on a planet inhabited by chlorophyll-based lifeforms. The crew acquires new alternate modes based on the planet's local lifeforms, adopting the forms of sentient plants. Home Soil

Four stellar cycles ago

Maximal scientists conduct an experiment on a protoform, attempting to replicate the immortal qualities of the ancient Decepticon Starscream's mutant indestructible spark. The result is "Protoform X", an uncontrollable monster incapable of being recycled. Bad Spark Protoform X escapes to Colony Omicron and massacres everyone there. The only survivor is Depth Charge, a Maximal who works as the colony's head of security. Filled with a thirst for vengeance justice, Depth Charge proceeds to hunt X down for four stellar cycles. Deep Metal


Protoform X continues his rampage. He pays a visit to Starbase Rugby, where some of Depth Charge's friends reside. They are slaughtered too. Nemesis Part 1

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A young Maximal works as an energon miner in the Vespa System. Dark Voyage He, along with two others, later joins the crew of the exploration ship the Axalon under the captaincy of the young and untested Optimus Primal Beast Wars (Part 1) (who was named after the legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime). The Agenda (Part III) The Strike

Deeming the Predacon known as Megatron to be a dangerous rogue, The Agenda (Part 1) the Predacon Secret Police plants a mole, Lieutenant Tarantulas, into Megatron's criminal gang, in hopes that Tarantulas's infiltrating Megatron's operations may eventually lead to the Predacon criminal's inevitable capture. The Agenda (Part 2)

After four long stellar cycles, Depth Charge finally captures the renegade monster Protoform X. He brings the creature back to Cybertron and asks the High Council to find a way for its spark to be destroyed. The Council, however, declines his request and instead turns Protoform X over to the science division to be placed into a stasis pod aboard the Axalon and be shipped off-world to be dumped someplace far away. Depth Charge is displeased with this decision and warns the Council that Optimus Primal is likely to botch the disposal of Protoform X. Deep Metal Bad Spark

Theft of the Golden Disk

Having grown dissatisfied with the Predacon Alliance's slow methods in taking over Cybertron, Megatron decides to take matters into his own hands, The Agenda (Part 2) by orchestrating a plot to steal the fabled Golden Disk. Hall of Fame 2012 Megatron (Beast Wars) bio He gathers a band of subordinates The Agenda (Part 2) (one of whom is named Wasp) Hall of Fame 2011 Waspinator bio to help him steal the Golden Disk, and instills loyalty in them with the prospect of the disk containing the location of a great source of energon The Agenda (Part 2) Beast Wars (Part 1) (hiding his true agenda from most of them). Tangled Web Maximal, No More The Agenda (Part 2)

The heist is a success. Megatron and his crew steal the Golden Disk Beast Wars (Part 1) from the Hall of Records Hall of Fame 2011 Waspinator bio and escape Cybertron aboard a transwarp-capable vessel. Due to being the only available ship that could lock onto to the warp signature of Megatron's ship, the Axalon and her crew are ordered to give pursuit Beast Wars (Part 1) (in spite of the Axalon already carrying the captive Protoform X). Bad Spark The two ships activate their Transwarp Drives and disappear through a portal. Beast Wars (Part 1)

After the Golden Disk theft

The Probe orbiting wotsit.jpg

Furious over the disappearance of the Axalon, Depth Charge leaves Cybertron aboard a Starhopper to seek out the missing vessel himself and finish what he started. Deep Metal

In time, the Maximals send out temporal probes to search for the missing Axalon across space and time. The Probe Unfortunately, the probes' searches reveal no findings of the Axalon. The Agenda (Part 1)

A transwarp wavefront from the time of the Beast Wars travels into the future and arrives within Cybertron space about a deca-cycle[4] after the disappearance of the Axalon and Megatron's ship. The wavefront hits Predacon Command Outpost One, where the Tripredacus Council identifies its signature as matching that of the ship stolen by Megatron.

Wanting to rid themselves of the threat of Megatron for good, the Council sends one of their agents, Ravage, back in time aboard an experimental transwarp cruiser to eliminate Megatron and all witnesses to his mission. Wanting to handle this situation themselves, the Council also arranges for one of their satellites to "accidentally" explode in the path of the transwarp wavefront, preventing it from being detected by Maximal sensors on Cybertron.

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Out in deep space, Depth Charge continues his search for the missing Axalon. His Starhopper enters the forbidden Earth-space sector in defiance of the High Council. Conducting a quantum scan yields a positive detection of Protoform X's energy signature in the vicinity. Suddenly, a temporal anomaly materializes ahead; Depth Charge's ship is pulled into the vortex, which proceeds to Transmetalize Depth Charge. He and his ship disappear as the anomaly closes, pulling him back in time to the Beast Wars. Deep Metal

Back on Cybertron, the planet undergoes the Quantum Cycle Upgrade, in which external DNA scanners and stasis pod technology are discarded in favor of incorporating internal DNA scanners directly into the superstructures of each Transformer, creating a more convenient method for scanning Beast Modes. Survivor

Before the Spark War

In transwarp space, the Maximal victors of the Beast Wars travel back to their future home-time aboard Autobot Shuttle Omega Delta, with the Predacon criminal Megatron bound to the ship's roof as their captive. Descent However, Megatron manages to break free of his bonds and tumbles off and away from the ship, disappearing in transwarp space before a massive blast rocks the shuttle and its crew. Unbeknownst to the Maximals, Megatron lands back on Cybertron well ahead of his captors. Descent

During this time, he somehow develops a strong distaste for his beast mode and all organic life in general. He makes it his life's mission to purge both himself and all of Cybertron of any and all organic material, to create a sense of pure technological perfection. Master of the House He eventually begins a plan to make his victory absolute. Within a lab located in or near Cybertropolis, Mercenary Pursuits he develops a virus designed to inhibit one's transformation abilities and eventually induce permanent shutdown. Master of the House

Spark War

Megatron takes over Cybertron

There is no warning. Having perfected his transformation virus, Megatron sets it off, unleashing it all across the planet Cybertron, infecting and deactivating everyone in its path. Forbidden Fruit Then, Vehicon drones swarm through Cybertropolis, hunting down any survivors Forbidden Fruit to have their sparks extracted in special factories. Discovery No one is spared from this fate. Even Waspinator, Megatron's old comrade from the Beast Wars, has his spark extracted.[5] The Catalyst Megatron installs himself as the new ruler of Cybertron inside the Council Citadel, hooked up to a special harness that grants him full control over every facet of the planet. Master of the House


High above Cybertron, Autobot Shuttle Omega Delta finally emerges from transwarp space only to be fired upon Descent and shot down by the planet's automated defenses. Fires of the Past. The shuttle's Maximal crew is immediately set upon by Vehicon Tank Drones that incapacitate each Maximal with Megatron's virus. While the paralyzed Rhinox and Silverbolt have their sparks taken, the other four are devolved from their Transmetal bodies back into their organic beast mode forms and cannot transform. Descent They go into hiding and go offline for a time. Fires of the Past

They each awaken with amnesia, unaware of how they got back to Cybertron and why they're back in their older forms and cannot transform. Vehicons continue to hunt them down until a mysterious voice leads Optimus Primal to reunite with Rattrap, Cheetor, and Blackarachnia. The voice guides them down deep into Cybertron's underground and reveals to them its identity as the Oracle, an ancient supercomputer. The Oracle reformats the Maximals into new technorganic bodies in which they must re-learn how to transform. The Reformatting

Cheetor and Blackarachnia go topside to visit Cybertropolis, only to find the whole city completely depopulated. Optimus investigates the Council Citadel for answers, but is shocked to find none other than Megatron inside and in full control of Cybertron! Megatron claims to have won the Beast Wars and that his sparkless creations—the Vehicons—represent his vision of a technologically pure Cybertron devoid of the organic life that the Maximals represent. The Maximals best the Vehicons at first, but are forced to retreat. Master of the House

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Frustrated with the Maximals continuing to defeat his Vehicons, Megatron creates the Vehicon GeneralsTankor, Jetstorm, and Thrust—from three stolen sparks. Meanwhile, Blackarachnia begins having flashes of the past that set her curious to discover what happened when she and the others first returned to Cybertron. She and Rattrap uncover their old Autobot shuttle, but its destruction prevents them from learning more beyond recovering their memories of Rhinox and Silverbolt. Fires of the Past

The Vehicon Generals compete against each other in capturing the Maximals to receive a reward from Megatron. As the Maximals search for a potential survivor, Cheetor and Rattrap find the laboratory where Megatron created his virus. Rattrap uses a transformation enhancer to stimulate his transformation abilities, but his inability to control it gets all of the Maximals captured. Inside the Citadel, he manages to free himself and the others and a battle ensues. Optimus tries to contact Tankor's spark to sway him to the Maximals' side, but Megatron undoes Optimus's effort, restoring Tankor to normal. Mercenary Pursuits


As Rattrap continues to struggle learning how to transform, his efforts are observed by a bat, who turns out to be a Maximal survivor. The bat leads them to an organic tree whose fruit has sustained him, but the fruit regresses the other Maximals to primitive, feral mindsets when they eat it. Cheetor is forced to destroy the tree and Optimus reformats the bat into a technorganic form, introducing himself as Nightscream. Forbidden Fruit Rattrap finally learns how to transform, but finds his body to be without weapons. He also causes an accident at a Vehicon assembly plant that sees a complete power outage for the whole city.

Overhearing the other Maximals discuss Rattrap as a liability, he risks bargaining with a now weakened Megatron; in exchange for weapons, Rattrap promises no harm will come to Megatron until he's repaired himself. Megatron offers Rattrap to join his side for one night; should any harm befall Megatron, Rattrap gives up his weapons. The other Maximals arrive and mistake Rattrap for a traitor, unaware of his deal with Megatron. Dawn comes and Optimus arrives, arguing that Rattrap is stronger than everyone gives him credit for. Seeing that Rattrap kept his end of their bargain, Megatron does as well. Rattrap discards the weaponry and returns to the Maximals. The Weak Component

The shared spark of Tankor and Rhinox

During a field mission, the Maximals discover a factory yard full of bodies whose sparks were all removed. A battle with the Vehicon Generals sees Blackarachnia trapped inside the factory alone with Thrust, who begins to show some unusual concern for her. Blackarachnia deduces that this factory was used by Megatron to steal everyone's sparks, and begins to suspect that Thrust's spark may actually be that of the missing Silverbolt. This leads the Maximals to realize that all three of the generals must be saved instead of destroyed. Discovery

As Optimus seeks guidance from the Oracle, Cheetor leads a mission to try to get through to the sparks of the Vehicon Generals. While he and Rattrap target Tankor, Blackarachnia attempts to get through the Thrust. Rattrap taps into Tankor's old memories and discovers that the Tank General is none other than Rhinox. Meanwhile, Blackarachnia's spark is extracted by Jetstorm, Descent but Nightscream recovers it. Below ground, Optimus receives a couple of haunting, nightmarish visions from the Oracle.

As the Maximals try to reach Rhinox's spark within Tankor, Optimus meets Rhinox on the mental plane and is devastated to hear his old friend side with Megatron. His spark having apparently been corrupted, Rhinox's personality asserts itself over Tankor and declares himself in agreement with Megatron's vision of technological perfection. Optimus arrives and convinces the other Maximals to accept Rhinox's choice. Back at the Maximals' base, Optimus tells them that he now believes that they were sent to Earth by the Matrix to fight in the Beast Wars and bring the organic elements in their bodies back to Cybertron, to restore nature to the planet. Apocalypse

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Determined to rid himself of his organic beast mode, Megatron decides to capture Nightscream and figure out how he acquired an organic beast mode on Cybertron and then reverse it. He sends his Diagnostic Drone with the Vehicon Generals, but while Jetstorm and Thrust battle the Maximals, the new Tankor-Rhinox begins his own agenda to overthrow Megatron and reprograms the Diagnostic Drone to serve him instead. During the battle, Optimus and Nightscream discover a deep underground cavern filled with fossilized animal skeletons from Cybertron's ancient past—where Nightscream must have scanned his beast mode. While the Diagnostic Drone pretends to still be loyal to Megatron, Tankor discovers the location and existence of the Oracle. Survivor However, Megatron is no fool and suspects Tankor's treachery. End of the Line

Chessmaster Tankor with his pawns

Having taken up residence within the fossil chamber, the Maximals begin drilling for water but instead unearth organic goop from the planet's core. Meanwhile, Tankor uses the Diagnostic Drone to access the ancient Vector Sigma Core inside the Oracle to acquire a program for the Key to Vector Sigma, one that can turn organics into technomatter. He tests it on the Maximals and seemingly perishes from the key program overloading. However, he had actually faked his death to throw himself off of both Optimus and Megatron's radars while he manipulates both sides to his own ends. Meanwhile, Cheetor becomes frustrated with Optimus's decisions and continues to butt heads with him. The Key Once tensions subside, the Maximals hold a funeral for Rhinox, unaware that he was secretly still alive.

Wanting the Maximals and Megatron to destroy each other, Tankor enables Rattrap to find a catalyst program that rapidly increases plant growth. Cheetor uses it on some vines and Megatron decides to retaliated by downloading the Key to Vector Sigma program into his Tank Drones, all according to Tankor's plan. At the same time, Blackarachnia discovers that Thrust's spark is actually that of Waspinator, while Jetstorm is Silverbolt. Optimus also finds out that the Oracle has been tampered with. The Catalyst But when he hears about the Key program in the Tank Drones, Optimus throws caution to the wind and blindly follows a false Oracle vision created by Tankor that leads the Maximals to the legendary Plasma Energy Chamber, whose energy can overload any electro-mechanical system.

Doomsday for Cybertron

With Optimus and Megatron each armed with a doomsday weapon, a great battle ensues. Both leaders confront each other before Tankor reveals himself as the mastermind behind this battle. However, Megatron was onto him all along and disables Tankor with a built-in failsafe. As the Tank Drones activate the Key program, Optimus unleashes the plasma energy, creating a storm of mixed energies that kills all three and threatens to destroy the whole planet. End of the Line Entering the Matrix, Optimus realizes his mistake and is consoled by the spirit of Rhinox, having been restored to his old self upon his death.

The technorganic orchard

Optimus is given a second chance to save Cybertron and redirects all the energies of both the Key program and the plasma energy through the Oracle into the Matrix. Cybertron is saved, but at the cost of Optimus's life. The other Maximals gather together and plead for Optimus to come back. Optimus now realizes that their mission is to create a balance on Cybertron between the organic and the technological, and is permitted by the Oracle to return to life. The Oracle then disappears from its chamber, Fallout placing itself inside Optimus, The Search while an ominous flying fortress—the Grand Mal—emerges from Megatron's citadel. Fallout

Another Maximal survivor named Noble is found, along with a savage creature that attacks Maximal and Vehicon alike. It is revealed that both Noble and "Savage" are one and the same, a fully organic Transformer with two beast modes. Savage Noble Noble begins exhibiting primal episodes where he uncontrollably tries to break into Megatron's citadel every night. On the sixth night, he successfully gets inside and reveals to everyone that he is really Megatron! Having finally split himself between his organic and mechanical halves, his spark had ended up in the organic half. He transfers his spark into the Grand Mal and discards the organic Noble. Prometheus Unbound However, Noble develops an animal-like mind of his own and forms a bond with Nightscream. In Darkest Knight

Now in command of his Grand Mal form, Megatron abducts Optimus and Cheetor, scanning the former to learn more about the Oracle. Meanwhile, Blackarachnia uses a combination spark extractor/DNA scanner with some organic goop and bone fossils to forcibly reformat Jetstorm back into Silverbolt. However, he is less than grateful to her and full of vengeance toward Megatron. The two break into the Grand Mal to rescue Optimus and Cheetor. Silverbolt, however, is wracked with guilt over having secretly enjoyed his time as the villainous Jetstorm. In Darkest Knight Megatron spends his time studying his Oracle download from Optimus. The Search He also unleashes a new hate-inducing virus on the Maximals to try to prove to Optimus how their chaotic existence goes against the Maximal leader's own ideals of harmony, but the Maximals overcome the viral infection. A Wolf in the Fold


Eventually, the technorganic orchard begins to wilt and die, just as a lost Cybertronian ship arrives and crashes near Cybertropolis. The Maximals race to get there ahead of Thrust and find the ship full of alien plant life. A monstrous plant creature attacks them and bores down into the Oracle's chamber. Recognizing symptoms of Megatron's virus in the creature, Optimus reformats it, revealing it to be a plant-based Maximal scientist named Botanica. She defends the chamber from invading Vehicons and uses her plant knowledge to revitalize the orchard. Home Soil The new addition to the Maximals prompts Megatron to create new Vehicon Generals.


Using the sparks of the two greatest generals in Cybertron history, Megatron brings forth Obsidian and Strika. The Strike As Megatron's plans for Cybertron near their completion, he uses his Oracle download to send Optimus a false vision about the missing sparks, sending the Maximals on wild goose chases to lure them into Vehicon ambushes. In the abandoned city of Iacon, Megatron uses a hologram of Optimus Prime to trick Optimus Primal into granting him full access to the Oracle, but which Optimus also uses to download from Megatron the location of the sparks into himself, revealing that they are inside the Grand Mal. The Search

The Maximals prepare to storm the Grand Mal and liberate the sparks, but the reappearance of Noble complicates their plans. Nightscream is forced to get tough with him and orders him to stay behind. As the Maximals infiltrate the Grand Mal, Megatron begins his grand ascension by absorbing all the sparks into his own. His spark rises from the fortress and lashes out at the Maximals. Before he can strike Nightscream, Noble arrives and saves him. Megatron impales the creature, who dies in Nightscream's arms.

Megatron's grand ascension

An anguished Nightscream fires a sonic scream directly at Megatron's spark, depolarizing it and causing it to release the sparks back into their containment grid. The Maximals take control of the Grand Mal and eulogize Noble for his sacrifice that gave them this victory. The Siege However, as the Maximals celebrate and work to restore life to Cybertron, a mysterious force possesses various fallen bodies and attacks Maximal and Vehicon alike. This force is revealed to be Megatron's depolarized spark, which Rattrap re-polarizes and traps within a Diagnostic Drone. The still-loyal Obsidian and Strika seize him and retreat. Spark of Darkness

Megatron manufactures a massive army of Vehicon drones with Strika, Obsidian, and Thrust leading the charge. He also plans to build a new, more powerful body for himself. The Maximals work to defend the Grand Mal and prevent the Vehicons from accessing the sparks within, but eventually, the drones breach the fortress's shield and send it to crash-land into the Citadel. The Downward Spiral As the Vehicons begin field repairs, Optimus confers with the Oracle one final time and receives a spark power boost that he passes on to the other Maximals. The final battle commences with the Vehicons' assault on the Grand Mal. They attack underground as well, destroying the technorganic orchard and the fossil chamber. The Maximals defend both fronts, but Megatron uses his access to the Oracle to depower their spark boosts. Cheetor faces all three generals at once, sending Strika and Obsidian into orbit with the Grand Mal's anti-gravity generators and uses a spark extractor to finish off Thrust.

The seeds of the future are buried in the past

As Megatron's new body is completed, the Maximals are overwhelmed and all but Optimus have their sparks extracted. Megatron reveals himself to Optimus in a recreation of his old "Optimal Optimus" body (sans Beast Mode). When Legends Fall The last two living beings on Cybertron, Optimus and Megatron duke it out in one final duel. Megatron proves himself the victor and takes the fallen Optimus to the top of the Citadel, where he unleashes all of the sparks and absorbs them into his own, renewing his grand ascension.

Megatron then proceeds to activate the Oracle's Key to Vector Sigma program to fully mechanize the planet's organic core, but cannot while Optimus is still linked to the Oracle. Megatron severs Optimus's connection and fires the Key at the core, but the Oracle enables Optimus to reformat Megatron's throne into technorganic vines that ensnare Megatron. Optimus pushes him forward and blasts him free of the vines to send both of them plummeting down into the organic core. Seeds of the Future

After the Spark War

The Great Transformation

The deaths of Optimus and Megatron, both still connected to the Oracle, triggers the Great Transformation, a planetwide reformatting into a completely technorganic state. The dawn of a new day reveals Optimus's Maximal comrades restored to life, along with the entire population of Cybertron's spark now restored to new bodies. Even Waspinator is revived in a diminutive Thrust-headed wasp body. The downed Grand Mal now lies as a mountain covered in plants and trees. Seeds of the Future

Other timelines

Among the myriad alternate timelines in which the Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons are a part of, the following are the most major ones:


  1. The Beast Wars episodes "The Agenda (Part III)", "Optimal Situation", and "Deep Metal" dated the Beast Wars to be set "four million years", a "couple of million years" and "a few million stellar cycles" before the Great War begins in 1984.
  2. It is never stated explicitly in either Beast Wars or Beast Machines when the Great War ended. In the Beast Wars episode "Possession", Blackarachnia states that the Autobots and Decepticons warred with each other "for centuries." This could either suggest that the Great War went on for that long, or refer in part to the pre-Earth warring the two factions did on Cybertron before the Great War. The general fan consensus is that the war ended at some point in the 21st century, and most expanded universes for the Beast Era agree with this.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Exactly how much time passes between the age of the Autobots and Decepticons and that of the Maximals and Predacons was never clarified in a consistent manner between the Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons. The most common consensus is three centuries, because of a line in the episode "Dark Designs" where Blackarachnia states that the "Great Wars" were "three centuries ago." The first episode mentioned that the Maximals and Predacons had been at peace "for centuries", and "Law of the Jungle" mentioned that there had been "hundreds of stellar cycles" (that is, "hundreds of years") since the Great War first began. However, the rest of Beast Wars would suggest a significantly greater span of time: The production bible for Beast Wars indicated that the age of the Autobots and Decepticons was considered by the Maximals and Predacons to be the stuff of "Cybertron Mythology", which was reflected in episodes like "The Agenda (Part III)", "The Reformatting", "The Key", and "End of the Line" where characters initially treated things like the Ark, Vector Sigma, its key, and the Plasma Energy Chamber all as mere legends before discovering the reality of each. The episode "Possession" also established the Autobots and Decepticons to be the Maximals' and Predacons' "ancient ancestors", with only Blackarachnia, Optimus Primal, and Dinobot having ever heard of the Decepticon Starscream. In the Beast Machines episode "Sparkwar Pt. II: The Search", Nightscream mentioned that the Great War was "eons ago", which feels truer to the spirit of how far removed from the Autobots and Decepticons Beast Wars intended the Maximals and Predacons to be. And yet, most expanded universes for the Beast Era have leaned into the "three centuries" statement and taken it to heart instead.
  4. The episode incorrectly used the term "mega-cycle", which is approximately one Earth hour. "Deca-cycle" was the likely intended term, as it is approximately one Earth month.
  5. As noted further above, exactly how Waspinator returned to Cybertron in the 24th Century is never explained.
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