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Bank is a Mini-Con from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Bank is the one on the left.

Bank is a member of the Urban Protection Team. He can combine with his teammates to form Bumble.



Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime, surprised that his human audience in Quadwal had heard of the X-Dimension Mini-Cons, named Bank as a member of the Urban Protection Mini-Con Team in his listing of the ten X-Dimension teams. Ask Vector Prime


Legends of the Microns

  • Magna Convoy DX Set (2003)
Bank was repurposed from the Exdimensions version of Bank. The last of the Exdimensions Mini-Con redecoes despite being the first Mini-Con team released in Japan, this version of the Street Action Team was available only as part of the massive Toys"R"Us-exclusive Magna Convoy DX set, with the Japanese version of Powerlinx Optimus Prime and a clear-plastic version of Overload. Sureshock was redecoed in a scheme somewhat inspired by her Japanese namesake Arcee; white plastic with red and black, and pink paint applications.


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