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Autobot X (G1)

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The name or term "Autobot X" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Autobot X (disambiguation).
Autobot X is an Autobot drone from the cartoon portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"ARR I'm a monster, fear me!"

Autobot X was a veritable Frankenstein's monster of an Autobot, a robot constructed from various spare parts at Autobot Headquarters on Earth.

Its patchwork design did not provide it with an alternate mode; however, its mishmash assembly gave it the use of various Autobots' special powers and weapons.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Don Messick (growls, English), Corey Burton (Spike, English), Takurō Kitagawa (Japanese), Antônio Patiño (Brazilian Portuguese), Edgar Givry (European French)
He was just probably enraged by something.

Sparkplug Witwicky created Autobot X out of spare Autobot parts as an experiment. During the initial test run, Autobot X instantly started to destroy Wheeljack's workshop. With Sparkplug unable to control him, Ironhide, Prowl, and Trailbreaker were forced to bring Autobot X under control through force. Optimus Prime ordered him to be deactivated, but Sparkplug asked that he be allowed to fix Autobot X's bugs. Wheeljack volunteered himself and Ratchet to help, in hopes that Autobot X's body could be a temporary home for any Autobot mind whose own body was in need of serious repair. Optimus Prime approved.

At a rocket base test site, Spike was severely injured by Megatron. The only way to save him was to transfer his mind out of his body, at the recommendation of the doctors at Metro Hospital. Sparkplug and Wheeljack arranged to transfer Spike's mind into Autobot X. The process had unstable results, however, and for a time, a confused Spike turned against the Autobots.

Once Spike's body was healed, Wheeljack and Sparkplug transferred Spike's mind back into his own body. The transfer equipment apparently did not survive its second use, and Ratchet speculated that it was perhaps best left unrepaired. Autobot Spike

Generations Selects Special Comic

Main article: Neo Autobot X

Kre-O online manga

Autobot-X Kre-O Character Image.jpg

Spacewarp's Log

Spacewarp once encountered a bot matching Autobot X's description, calling him the weirdest bot she'd met (at least outside of Axiom Nexus). She had no idea what his spark looked like, although she knew it was human. What this means about humans having sparks when not in a robot body is unknown. Spacewarp's Log (2), 2016/01/03


Transformers Legends


When Spike was injured during a battle, Wheeljack brought Autobot X out of storage and transferred Spike's mind into the robot form in an attempt to save him. The trauma of the experience sent Spike berserk, and he fled Autobot HQ to be later found by Skywarp and Thrust, who turned him against the Autobots. Spike was eventually brought to his senses when his father was injured during the ensuing battle, and once his mind was transferred back into his body, Autobot X was put back in storage. Autobot X





My pastime is drinking oil from my victim's legs.
  • Autobot X has a pair of bolts in his neck, similar to Frankenstein's monster.
  • Among the components on Autobot X's body includes:
    • Trailbreaker's right foot, kneecap detail, left thigh, arm cannon and left chest
    • Optimus Prime's right leg, left crotch plate, the right side of his abdomen, and his antenna headpiece and parts of the helmet
    • Jazz's left leg, photon rifle, (mounted on his right arm) and crotch piece
    • Hound's foot guard, wheel, left forearm, shoulder-mounted missile launcher and right fender/shoulder
    • Mirage's kneecaps
    • Prowl's right chest/front bumper
    • Bluestreak's left door
    • Sunstreaker's left shoulder exhaust and right arm/hand
    • Wheeljack's left shoulder and helmet
    • Sideswipe's helmet
    • Ratchet's helmet and crest

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Cybertron X (サイバトロンX Saibatoron X, "Autobot X"), Spike Robot (when inhabited by Spike's mind)
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