My blogging is so sporadic lately. Sorry about that. It's just a really busy time right now with Dylan moving out, the holidays upon us and the usual weekly chores.
However, I did want to pop in and share a few things with you today. I've been looking for a new tea kettle for over a year now. I went from wanting a copper one, to a yellow one, then green, then back to copper. But this whole time, I kept thinking back to a particular one that would pop up in my IG feed or on blogs over the years. Every time I saw it, it would catch my eye. I figured that if I still wanted it after all this time, I needed to just take the leap and purchase it. So that's exactly what I did. It's the MacKenzie Childs tea kettle in Courtly Check...
I love the black and white!
Isn't she pretty? I love how the carved red cinnabar bead on the lid matches the red medallions on the handles of all my KitchenAid appliances.
She sits up there all day, ruling the roost. :) She's the new star of my kitchen, but don't tell Francie the Fancy Fridge...
Wouldn't want her to get jealous, ya know. ;)
In other news, I finally replaced the summer flowers on my patio. I can't ever decide if I want pansies or mums. I love mums, but after they bloom, there's this long cycle before they bloom again. But the thought of not buying mums in the fall was a little depressing. So I got the best of both worlds and bought mostly pansies and just one mum.
Can you see the red and white begonias in the flower bed, behind the pots? Most of them are about 10 years old. They just bloom and bloom and bloom. Even with our snow (twice!) last year, they still came back around in the spring and did their thing all summer long.
So as y'all know, Dylan is getting ready to move into his first apartment. He's been buying everything he can think of to furnish it properly. I'm impressed with his taste, but this is what my house looks like lately...
And this isn't even close to all of it. I got 4 deliveries Friday alone! He's purchased a queen size bed, mattress, sheets, a dresser, two nightstands, a coffee table, three bar stools, lamps, a Keurig, shower curtains, plates, glassware, silverware...the list goes on and on and on. Now he's looking at rugs and a sectional. Every time I turn around, we're getting a delivery from Amazon, Target, IKEA, etc. So exciting though!
One more thing. Remember when I showed you this jack-o-lantern on my welcome sign in my FALL HOME TOUR?
I mentioned I was going to replace it with the cornucopia after Halloween. But then I remembered the set also came with these fall leaves, so I put them up instead. I totally forgot these were in there!
I still might put the cornucopia up on Thanksgiving day, since it's kinda cute.
I guess that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!