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Defining a Set of Keys in Terms of Another Set of Keys

If I have 2 macros, one inside the other, while the top-most one has a bit more parameters, I would like to be able to set the top-most macro's keys as an extension of the bottom one, something ...
psygo's user avatar
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Can you not pass argments to commands using keys?

I use my own LaTeX preamble for university, so I am fairly used to creating macros using tools such as xparse. However, I am unsure why I cannot do something that will choose between two images on my ...
TimeTravelPenguin's user avatar
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Is it safe to use \globaldefs for setting global pgf key-value pairs?

With the help of this post (Is there a way to set a *global* key value using `pgfkeys`?), I found a simpler way to implement a solution to my own question (How can I create commands using multiple ...
frankieee's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I create commands using multiple arguments with pgfkeys in custom environments with tabulars? [duplicate]

I am trying to create my own template package. In this package, there are several custom environments defined. One of those environments starts and ends a table, i.e: \newenvironment{customenvtab}{\...
frankieee's user avatar
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2 answers

Passing #1 to \pgfkeys

I have the following setup to apply macros to certain data of a command: \makeatletter \def\myqu@rck{\myqu@rck} \pgfkeys{/mykeys/macro/.code=\mykeys@defmacro{#1}} \def\mykeys@defmacro#1{\mykeys@@...
Raoul Kessels's user avatar
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Misplaced \noalign when trying to define a command for cmidrules

When trying to maintain large tables with \cmidrules, I find them tedious to use, so I thought I'd define my own shortcut. Instead of writing \cmidrule{1-3} \cmidrule{4-5} I would simply write \...
L3viathan's user avatar
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pgfkeys: Read one key and ignore the others

In my own command \includegraphicsextended I want to add a caption to the pdf page containing File [filename] Page [pagenumber] therefore from the keys in %1 I want to just read the page=... key ...
Silv's user avatar
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Is there a way to retrieve the “source code” and the argument pattern from a macro for reuse (i.e. what \show shows)?

I want to concatenate the “source code” of two macros which share the same argument signature. How do I grab (i.e. expand once) the macro without TeX searching for the arguments which the macro ...
Robert Siemer's user avatar