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Customize order and punctuation in biblatex

it's my third day of fighting biblatex already. I'm writting my thesis from economics and have some strict editting requirements. I did my best to match the required citation scheme and after hundreds ...
DamurDamuros's user avatar
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Reverse the order of the sections

I want to reverse the order of the sections in my document. Is it possible to have a command or environment reversed for doing in the following way: main.tex \documentclass{article} # packages and ...
raf's user avatar
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Re-writing a LaTeX document programatically

Over time, I have written a LaTeX document for some work I'm doing. Basically, I have a main.tex file that imports each of my little chapters, bibliography, and whatever I have. Is there a way to, ...
Orsu's user avatar
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Editing a bst file for an incollection (book chapter) reference style, error in order

I am editing a bst file and I need to produce the following reference of a book chapter: Surname, IN (Year). 'Title of chapter', in Editor Surname, IN (ed.), Name of Book, Place:Publisher, pp. 1-10. ...
Martin's user avatar
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Make the instructions added to a given hook in the end applied in a different order

Let's suppose that, in the source file of a class, different instructions are added to the same hook (e.g. begindocument/end) in different (potentially distant) places, and in a certain order. Is ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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page numbering order for table of content, list of figures, list of tables, and nomenclature

I don't know how to fix the order of page numbering for table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and nomenclature. I use \renewcommand to change the Arabic numbers to Roman; however, for ...
Hossein's user avatar
2 votes
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Cooking Recipe with a timeline

I love cooking large menus whenever we have family or friends visiting us but I tend to struggle with my time management in terms of preparation for different courses. This is why I thought of ...
SignPadDeck's user avatar
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1 answer

Index subentries be alphabetized by the topics following the connective words/phrase

I need to arrange the subentries in alpha order not with the words like and, as, the, and for etc. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex \begin{document} This is for test\index{...
GowriSaro's user avatar
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