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2 votes
2 answers

Define custom keys for graphicx

I would like to define some shorthand keys for includegraphics[]{} like so: fullwidth -> width=\textwidth, halfwidth -> width=0.5\textwidth etc. What is the best approach for this?
likethevegetable's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using definitions for key-val arguments

I'm making a \logo command like the \title command used for the title page. By default, I would like to use the graphbox smash key-val arg to be tl. But later on (depending on a users choice, say by ...
likethevegetable's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Passing options from a newcommand to a another command (\includegraphics)

I'm making a command called \seal that uses the \includegraphics function. The command \seal has some key=value options of its own (color, beamer, trimz) and it must accept all options of \...
elmo's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How correctly pass to a command a tuple of parameters parsed from an arbitrarily long list?

Following my previous question, I am continuing the design of a complex image embedding command and I have still problems in managing joint groups of parameters I need to pass to other commands in ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Numerical variables to use as a scale parameter in figures

I have a text with several figures, and I want to change their size in order to see the effect (position, for example) in the text. To define its size, I am using the scale parameter in the \...
JohnMarvin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Passing arguments to includegraphics

I have a multi-page PDF document, which must be 'cut up' and spread across pages. To this end, I would like to have a command defined, something like \newcommand{\flub}[2]{\includegraphics[page=#1,...
D. Wagner's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Package keyval error when compiling bibliography (Package keyval Error: given_i undefined. \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]) [closed]

I'm quite new to LaTeX. I had MiKTeX 2.9.5987 and I use TeXstudio as editor to write a thesis. I had no errors in my .tex file for long, but due to missing/messing graphicx package (I wanted figures ...
Sara Iaco's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to configure complex options for graphics groups in LyX

I have a document with several images from a few different sources. I'd like to indicate different formatting options for each source. I understand I can use graphics groups for this, but I don't know ...
João Mendes's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Use \setkeys{Gin} to set default scale value doesn’t work

I’d like to make all my graphic a little smaller and tried to set the scale-value of \includegraphics globally with \setkeys{Gin} but while changing width works fine scale has no effect. \...
Tobi's user avatar
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