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Questions tagged [equation-number]

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Numbering in Eqnarray Environment [duplicate]

I’m using LyX 2.4.2, and numbering equations on the left in the eqnarray environment doesn’t work, although it works on the right. Is there a way to fix this?
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Equation numbering doesn't start at 1 for alignat inside minipage inside tabularray

I want to compare different ways to create environments containing equations. For this, I use a large tabularray environment containing minipage environments containing, for example array, align and ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
2 votes
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Insert equation labels inside a `tikzcd` diagram in a way compatible with `cleveref`

This question is a follow-up to this one. I want to annotate tikzcd diagrams with labels that can be referred to with \cref, placing the labels in arbitrary places in the diagram (usually, in the ...
Quentin's user avatar
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Change width of displaymath equations

I wish to globally change the width of math equations. My problem: fleqno option together with leqno puts the label within the margins of the text with little space to the equation. Thus, having long ...
LaTeChiMan's user avatar
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How to tag related equations with the same number, but with a suffix letter

I am reading a book were the numbering of equations follows the format (<section>.<eq number>) with an additional perk, namely that whenever it makes sense to gather a set of equations ...
Albert's user avatar
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Where to put equation number when the range is on the separate line?

I always put numbers for multi-line equations as follows (e.g., using equation and gathered): My co-author wants to do (e.g., using gather and nonumber). Is there a commonly accepted convention for ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Quote Equation number with horizontal alignment

I have using quote with displayed numbered equation. But the eq number (1) not moved from right to left. Can anyone advise me how to fix. Source TeX code is: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{...
KGSR's user avatar
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Correct numbering of Figures and Equations when Using 'Parts' and 'chapters'

strong textI am currently writing my thesis. I have formatted it by having several 'parts' and within that 'chapters'. At the beginning of the 'part' I give an overview of the coming chapters. I ...
I Shand's user avatar
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Putting an enumerated list on an equation counter

I would like to put certain enumerated lists on the same counter as my displayed equations. Can anyone suggest how I can do this? Close to minimal working example below. \documentclass{amsart} \...
A.M.'s user avatar
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LuaLaTeX pdf: Labelled equations in a two columns not working

Trying to get this to come out as two columns of labelled equations however, I've got misaligned columns vertically. Does anyone know how to fix it? \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{...
Will Duke's user avatar
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Suppress chapter number from the equation number but restart automatically in each chapter from 1

using the following code, I suppressed the chapter number from the equation. but it does not stop and in the next chapter the equation number does not start from 1. What should I do? I have used the ...
ali golbabaei's user avatar
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Adding equation name along with equation number

I want to include an additional text (say the equation name), along with the equation number. The equation name is to be displayed only at the place where the equation is displaced, i.e. when I use \...
joseph praful's user avatar
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How to left-align some (not all) single-line, labeled equations in beamer? I tried ```fleqn``` but it gives problems

I'm working on a presentation with beamer, and I use the equation environment in two cases: a line with only mathematical expressions, between two lines of text, and centered horizontally (pretty ...
AmenoParallasse's user avatar
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Change the equation reference style

I'm writing my undergraduate thesis and right now when I refer to an equation in the text the number of the equation is shown without the parenthesis. While in the equation itself the number is shown ...
Gabriel Marino's user avatar
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Numbering equations in Latex

I am writing a document in Latex (documentclass report) in which I use only chapters and sections (no subsections). However, the numbering of equations takes in account the subsection (e.g. the first ...
User7002's user avatar
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Is it possible to add a vertically centered equation number to an align environment consisting of an even set of equations?

I have the following MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \allowdisplaybreaks \begin{document} \begin{align} a &= b \\ &= d \\ &= e \\ &= d \\ &= e \\ &= d \\ &...
Euclides's user avatar
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How to specify own equation numbers in context? Compared to align* in Latex?

How can I reproduce this in context? I am using TL 2023 \documentclass[12pt,notitlepage]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align*} \sin x &= \int_{0}^\infty \cos x \,dx \tag{...
Nasser's user avatar
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How can I number this type of relationship?

numbering this code \begin{‎align‎}‎‎ ‎(P4)‎\left\{‎ \begin{array}{l} ‎\max\sum_{i=1}^{m}‎w‎_{‎i}‎(1-z_i)‎‎\\ \mathrm{s}.\mathrm{‎t}‎:‎ \begin{‎‎array‎}{|‎r‎}‎‎ ‎log(e_i)\geq \...
mary's user avatar
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Split a long equation across lines with the numbering bottom aligned

I try to write this equation on overleaf and numbering in second line (the same as in the picture) but I couldn't. Another problem is when I use align or equation, the prime in max' function goes to ...
Lyn's user avatar
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Numbering individual cases

I have the following equation: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{cases} \begin{document} \begin{numcases}{x = } \label{eq:case1} x+1\\ \label{...
E-O's user avatar
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Comma after an equation coincides with the equation number

The comma after the equation coincides with the number of the equation using the eqnarray . How can get rid of that? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \...
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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Comma in an equation coincides on the equation number [duplicate]

The comma after the equation coincides with the number of the equation using the eqnarray . How can get rid of that? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{eqnarray} ...
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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Equation alignment in right side

I have an equation and wanted to align in right side of the page as it is cutting into the margin. So I used an flalign environment but it still is not working great. How can it be solved? \...
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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restate an equation

I know the restatable environment from the packages thm-restate combined with thmtools, which allows to formulate theorems that can be restated later in the document. Now I am wondering, if there is a ...
Nathanael Skrepek's user avatar
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How to modify the appearance of equation numbers

My Latex code : \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\thesection.\arabic{equation}} \makeatletter \numberwithin{equation}{section} \numberwithin{equation}{...
Md. Abde Mannaf's user avatar
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How to keep equation number in a colored box in latex

I wish to customize the appearance of the equation number in latex. For example, see the below equation number is kept in a black box. How to achieve such a style?
Sayan's user avatar
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How to get equation number outside of the tcolorbox?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathtools,amsfonts,amsmath,amssymb,amsthm} \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} \begin{document} \begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,boxrule = 1pt, colframe = myLColor, ...
user824530's user avatar
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How can we typeset a multi-line expression with both an equation number and a comment?

What is your favourite way of typesetting (multi-line) mathematical expression (with an equality or inequality symbol in the middle) that needs to have both a number and a comment? Here, a comment ...
Saptam's user avatar
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Fixing an equation numbering issue

I'm writing a paper with multiple authors and I'm having trouble fixing an equation numbering issue. The desire was for equations to be numbered within subsections. At the same time, the goal was for ...
Confused's user avatar
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How to use \nonumber in \gather environment?

I have two equations in the \gathered environment. \documentclass{book} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \Delta U_{ab}+\Delta U_{ba}=0\\ \...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
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Add citation/cross-reference directly to equation number

I am working on a document that references equations in multiple textbooks. To enable the reader to quickly jump to the exact location in each source, I would like to add the reference to the equation ...
Wasserwaage's user avatar
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Custom equation environment using cleveref gives wrong numbering

I want to make a custom environment for important equation and use separate numbering for these. I got it working as shown in my "MWE": \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
FireDuckz's user avatar
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Numbering equations in aligned environment

I have the following code: \begin{align*} \xi(z)=0 &\iff \begin{pmatrix} \pi_P \circ z \circ \iota_P & \pi_P \circ z \circ \iota_Q \\ \pi_Q \circ z \circ \iota_P & \pi_Q \circ z \circ \...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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Not enough space between equation and equation number

I compile a large equation in display mode with a label and this is what I get: Is there any way to increase the spacing of the equation and the (45)? Here is the code (sorry for including all ...
reloh100's user avatar
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IEEEeqnarray - Centred numbering

I love IEEEeqnarray, but after searching through Stack I haven't found a good solution for grouping equations under a single number which is vertically centred with the rest of the equations. ...
AHuffman's user avatar
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newtag for my equation-environment

I would like to create a newtag for my equation-environment \NewEnviron{MyEq}{\begin{equation}\BODY\end{equation}} with this tag: $\mathbb D$.number-of-my-equation. For example \begin{MyEq} A+B=C\tag{...
Puck's user avatar
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How to number a group of equations in html/Mathjax [closed]

I am using MathJax on my website. When I number a single equation, it turns out all right. However, for a group of equations, it doesn't work. I have to modify the code like below and only then the Eq ...
QMC's user avatar
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problem with \ref getting ?? Texshop 4.74 4.77

I have a mac desktop running TexShop 4.74 and a macbook air M1 running 4.77. When I run a document (created on the former and running PERFECTLY) but over on the latter, any \ref to a tagged equation ...
PeTeR's user avatar
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How to make the Begriffsschrift equation number be aligned at the bottom line?

First an MWE and its output are as follows: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[tbtags]{amsmath} \usepackage[bguq]{frege} \begin{document} The alignment is as desired: $\Fconditional[{\Facontent[1]}]...
M. Logic's user avatar
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