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Questions tagged [cite-package]

For question regarding the cite package which modifies the basis LaTeX citation mechanism.

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Multiple citations of the same reference, each time with a different page number

Problem description: I cite the same references multiple times; each time they are cited, different page numbers are provided; the page numbers are being shown together with the citation, on the ...
BsAxUbx5KoQDEpCAqSffwGy554PSah's user avatar
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Create two columns with references cited at the bottom of slide inbeamer

URGENT, Can somebody help me code the following format in latex beamer. contains heading at the top two columns for adding the content in the slide. the details of the references mentioned in the two ...
amit goel's user avatar
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Multibib prints redundant references in two bibliographies when cite command is redefined

I have a document where I have two bibliographies, defined using multibib. I am trying to change how in-line citations are displayed, but this causes multibib to print redundant references in both ...
grover's user avatar
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Combining cite, bibunits, and hyperref: Links do not work

When using the cite, bibuints, and hyperref packages together, there are no links from citations to the references list. How can I get the links to exist while keeping the default cite citation ...
possum's user avatar
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How to put consecutive citations with a comma instead of a hyphen?

I have a bunch of citations in my report for which I am using \cite{author1, author2, author3, author4, author5}. The output of this is [1-5]. But I want something explicit like [1,2,3,4,5]. Is there ...
Nephilim700's user avatar
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Biblatex not printed & no number, only the citation key is bold [duplicate]

I have a question regarding a bibliography which does not compile/only shows the citation key in the test as shown below: My code for this is: \documentclass{tudelft-report} \usepackage{biblatex} \...
Sanne Broek's user avatar
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Citations do not show correctly in the \include{} text

I am writing my thesis, and I use \include{} command so I could write each chapter separately and then combine them in the main document to have a more clear structure. However, I find that the ...
wxwuse's user avatar
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How to cite [1-2] using \usepackage{cite}?

When I make a citation like \cite{a,b} the result is [a,b]. However, how can I make the following command \cite{a,b} produce the citation [1-2]? This same question was answered for the natbib package ...
Lucas Morais's user avatar
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How to write multiple citation in one bracket cite package?

I am using "cite" package to cite multiple package into single bracket. But, it is not working. For example. \usepackage{cite} Previous studies~\cite{sinha,saha,Meli2019HowBC} have ...
Setu Kumar Basak's user avatar
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Why does my citation turn?

The top rows are all added citations and all were added in the reference file of lyx the same way but why does some of it becomes ? not a proper citation.
YONG YI JIE JEREMY's user avatar
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How to choose separating symbol in citations?

Currently my citations are like: "blah blah (1) blah blah blah (2-6) blah blah blah blah (7,8)" But I need that "(7,8)" to be "(7-8)". I'm using abntex2cite package, ...
Flávio Oliveira's user avatar
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"Package biblatex Error: Incompatible package 'cite'." appears, though I don't use 'cite' package

I am writing a thesis on Overleaf, but I have been struggling with this error. This error occurs in the first 5 lines. \documentclass[fleqn,10pt]{wlscirep} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{...
quolityoflife's user avatar
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Descending order with compress option of the cite package

I'm loading the cite package for my project. Is there any simple way to change the order of numbers within the compressed version of the citaions in the output? The default behaivior of the cite ...
Qaher's user avatar
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Centered table text not aligned with multirow and cite

When I center a tabular column, it does not align correctly when I mix \multirow with \cite. Example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{cite} \usepackage{multirow} \...
Albert's user avatar
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Why is there a space before the last full stop in the citation?

When I write a citation, the compiled file has a space before the last period. Example: Butt, Miriam. 2012. Modern approaches to case: An overview. of Malchukov & Spencer . Note the space ...
Norah's user avatar
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Resolve Class revtex4-2 Error: The cite package cannot be used with revtex4-2 error

My MWE called texfile.tex is: % Paper template \documentclass[reprint,aps,amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts]{revtex4-2} %%% External packages \usepackage{graphicx,bm,xspace,dcolumn,mcite} %%% Document ...
tachyon's user avatar
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Unwanted space after citation

In my latex code an unwanted space is appearing after the citation. I am using \bibitem to put the referential information and \cite to cite the papers: As the latex code is large I'll put the reader ...
Diego Freire's user avatar
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How can I get the result Refs. [1,2-4] in the given code?

I am using this code for citations \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{cite} \begin{document} Refs. \cite{a,b-d} \begin{thebibliography}{} \bibitem{a} a \bibitem{b} b \bibitem{c} c \...
math2021's user avatar
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How to include the number in the reference list using apacite

I am using a template that uses the apacite, and define it as follwoing: \RequirePackage{apacite} \let\cite\shortcite %xx So get et al. with three authors the first time. \let\citet\shortciteA %xx ...
e0238015's user avatar
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Citation not working. Colon (":") in label / citation key causes a problem. Worked before [closed]

My previous paper uses this citation style: \cite{watson:1992}. (there is a colon inside the key). Now, I move this paper's latex code into a new file, and the above format is not working anymore. ...
Nygen Patricia's user avatar
4 votes
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\cite command using cite package in X column of tabularx cannot be centered

In the following example, using natbib package can be centered in the X column, but cite package can't. I want to know why? \documentclass{IEEEtran} \usepackage{tabularx} % \usepackage[square,numbers,...
Clara's user avatar
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IEEEtran conference class won't let me put multiple citations into 1 bracket with BibTex

First post here so I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, but here it goes: Like this post, I seem to struggle with putting multiple citations into the same brackets. The solution that's presented \...
MrTomatosoup's user avatar
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Error: undefined control sequence missing = inserted for \ifnum

I'm trying to write my paper with the Taylor & Francis LaTeX template. I get this error whenever I cite an author, although I have already entered all the references in interactapasample.bib. \...
kammad93's user avatar
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Bibliography error in TeXworks

I use Latex quite well but I have only used Overleaf so I didn't have any problem. Now I've start to use TexWork editor and I have some issues with Bibliography. I've create this basic script \...
Brando Brandi's user avatar
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Change the order of references display

When I reference multiple references, it shows as [1-3] while I want to [3-1]. My code as follows: \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[paperwidth=210mm,paperheight=297mm,left=2.5cm,right=3.5cm,...
u1997's user avatar
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Superscript in citation and bibliography (using interact document class) [closed]

I am using a template for a journal paper (Taylor & Francis), it has \documentclass[]{interact}. I want to use the superscript citation as shown in the next figure: I am using also the following ...
Lee's user avatar
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How to get type of reference (eg. if it is @book, @article, ...) from citefield in biblatex?

I want to see title, year, abstract and type of a reference (eg. if it is book, article, ...) in citation in my draft (to be able to check if it is correct (for debugging;) ), I have many references). ...
Janko's user avatar
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compress citation list in beamer

I am working on a presentation using beamer. I have a bl.bib file that has several entries in it. I'm also using the cite package but when I try to cite several references together, i.e., \cite{ref1, ...
user242197's user avatar
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References is not showing up - Bibtex

\documentclass[12pt,a4 paper,title page,]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={6.5in, 8.5in}]{geometry} \usepackage{amsmath} \numberwithin{equation}{section} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{ {...
seVenVo1d's user avatar
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How to add note before URL in a webpage citation?

I want to get online accessed 19-July-2020 before the URL. Currently it's coming after the URL. The MWE is - \RequirePackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{mybib.bib} @misc{citekey, title = {...
MAzharul Islam's user avatar
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Citation call-outs of the form [1,3-7]

How one can get a citation as the one in the title when some references are consecutive, for example: the code \cite{ref1,ref3-ref7} does not work. However, I see this in many papers. Is there any ...
S. Maths's user avatar
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particular citation style in superscript mode

In a document, I am using the package \usepackage[superscript]{cite}. Therefore, normally this package gives citation as superscript. But, somewhere in the text, I want to write as " .......[1]&...
debashis bhowmik's user avatar
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Highlighting the cited references

I am using Latex to write approx. 60-pages long academic report. In my first draft, I had around 90 references but my reviewer (professor) told me to use fewer references. Hence, I have deleted ...
stochastic learner's user avatar
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Bibliography not printed using biblatex and natbib

I have problems with making a reference list in Overleaf. I have created a .bib file with my references, but it won't print at all or it just the bib-file name. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[...
Emily's user avatar
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Shift to the right or left bend arrow in xymatrix package

We suppose that we have a code build with xy package. For example this or another MWE: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix{ \Omega \ar@{->}[r] \ar@...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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bringing cite (package cite) without line breaks to work

I will ask a new question: I created a working example: \documentclass[a4paper,oneside,12pt]{book} \usepackage[nobreak]{cite} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \...
Romaxx's user avatar
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Problems with citations

I have LaTex document with this preamble \documentclass[12pt,1p]{elsarticle} \usepackage[cmex10]{amsmath} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{graphicx} \...
Anatoly's user avatar
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Bibliography LaTeX et al

Please, which latex bibliography will I use to have my citation as, e.g. [mashroom et al. 2008], and I want the year 2008 to be in blue 'hyperlink'.Thank you
bello's user avatar
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Problem with superscript citations and page numbers

I am using superscript citations and it mostly is working fine, but when I try to add page numbers, I get a runaway argument error. An MWE is \documentclass[12pt,reqno]{article} % Sets 12pt ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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LATEX _about '\cite' [duplicate]

I want to get " By [16, Proposition 4.2]" in my article, but when I input "[\cite{16}, Proposition 4.2]" in my article, then pdflatex-bibtex-pdflatex-pdflatex, what I get is "[[16], Proposition 4.2]"....
wendy's user avatar
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Citation on first line causes whitespace indent

tex code: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{cite} \setlength\parindent{0pt} \begin{document} \section*{First Chapter} \cite{naiveset} First line. \newline \cite{knuthwebsite} Second ...
Anonymous Entity's user avatar
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Problem with bibliography creation, LaTeX template for a Wiley journal

I am using a template provided by Wiley for one of their journals which has its own document class and everything else as per requirement. There are two issues I'm facing: I cannot generate a ...
madmiKe's user avatar
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Why shortcite does not work as expected in apacite?

I am using apacite as shown in MWE below. However, I expect the output to be Cohen et al. when using shortcite. Instead it gives me the following output. some text (Cohen, Schvaneveldt, & Widdows,...
EmJ's user avatar
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How to use shortcite in apacite?

I am using apacite package as mentioned in my MWE. However, it does not seems to recognise \shortcite command (see the attached figure - the citation is not green as in cite). is there a way to ...
EmJ's user avatar
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Using cite with Elsevier article class

I am trying to insert citations in my text using the cite package in an elsarticle document: Classical downscaling algorithms \cite {cubic_interp, cubic_conv, lanczos} have been signal-theory based. ...
n.gaurav's user avatar
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Roman numerals in citation with cite package

Similar to this example, I am using \usepackage{cite}. Now, I need all my citations are marked by Roman numerals. This is my minimal working example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{cite} \...
hola's user avatar
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What citation package to use

As far as I can tell the three major citation packages are: natbib cite biblatex There already is a discussion on the relation between natbib and biblatex here: bibtex vs. biber and biblatex vs. ...
Thorbjørn E. K. Christensen's user avatar
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How to cite as superscripts in the text IN FRONT OF THE punctuation mark using `BibTeX` with `unsrt` style?

I want to get superscript-positioned citations in my text in front of the ".?!" at the end of a sentence. So far it appears always behind the end of the sentence: blabla. [1,2] Can someone tell my how ...
user133467's user avatar
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How to resolve \multirow{2}{*}{\cite{Smith1882}} inserting an unwanted space when using the cite package?

Using \multirow{2}{*}{\cite{Smith1882}} in conjunction with the cite package \usepackage{cite} results in an unwanted space. A minimal working example gives: LaTeX file: \documentclass{article} \...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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syntax package causes compilation to break \cite command

Adding the syntax package causes \cite commands to break with the following error: Argument of \@citex has an extra }. <inserted text> \par l.5 ...high ceiling") \cite{...
Chris's user avatar
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