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Questions tagged [capitalization]

{capitalization} is about letters being UPPER CASE (also called majuscules or capitals) or lower case (miniscules), changing one into the other, or determining which one letters are. A special case of capitals are small caps, which have their own tag {small-caps}.

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1 answer

Dynamically create a new environment with an uppercased argument

I'm using amsthm to create theorems. Whenever I create a new theorem (using \newtheorem), I need to create an alternative environment, with the same name but an uppercase first letter. For example, I ...
Arkandias's user avatar
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How to capitalize only the FIGURE + figure number in figure titles

I want to only capitalize the figure title as "FIGURE I". I have the below code on Figures. Any help would be appreciated \usepackage[font=bf]{caption} \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\Roman{...
user337761's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Applying a Little Artificial Intelligence to a Patched Titlecaps Algorithm

This question is based on @StevenB.Segletes' patch for titlecaps found here: Reformatting a Paragraph Consisting Entirely of Capital Letters Consider the code: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \...
DDS's user avatar
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Issues with Apostrophes and Mixed-Case Sentences Using mfirstuc Package

I'm using the mfirstuc package for sentence case formatting and encountering two problems: Capitalizing Phrases with Apostrophes: I need phrases with apostrophes to be correctly capitalized, where ...
Mycroft_47's user avatar
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Reformatting a Paragraph Consisting Entirely of Capital Letters

Consider the code: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \parskip 15pt \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \large THIS IS A PARAGRAPH WHOSE SENTENCES CONTAIN WORDS COMPRISED OF CAPITAL LETTERS. THIS IS A ...
DDS's user avatar
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Biblatex and French elision in particles

When dealing with French authors who have a particle de, there is an inconsistency in treatment when the vowel is elided. Everything works as expected when the de is followed by a consonant, as in de ...
John F Rando's user avatar
2 votes
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Capitalise only first letter in list of symbols list using glossaries-extra package

I want to have the first letter of the list of "Symbols, Greek Letters, Sub- & Superscripts" also capitalised per default. With the acroym list "Abbreviations and Acronyms" it ...
Fantastic MsFox's user avatar
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Correct capitalisation of acronym with both a class word and a hyphen

I am using package acro (version 2) to keep track of acronyms on a review paper I am writing. I am using package mfirstuc-english to avoid capitalising class words (such as "and", "of&...
Alberto Santini's user avatar
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Why does combination of packages cause capital T and F to be smaller than rest of alphabet?

Today I came across a phaenomen I still don't understand, even after multiple hours of investigation. A certain combination of packages and settings causes the capital T and F to be smaller then the ...
thuettel's user avatar
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Applying \MakeUppercase on \makebox makes text disappear

Here is a MWE of the problem: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \makebox[4cm][l]{This is a test.} \MakeUppercase{\makebox[4cm][l]{This is a test.}} \end{document} Which results in: The logs ...
donjuardo's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to redefine the limit operator to print Lim, not lim?

The default limit operator displays “lim” with a small l. I wish to redefine it to display “Lim” that is, with a capital L like shown below.
Cristofer's user avatar
5 votes
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biblatex: capitalize ß to ẞ, not SS, in bibliographies

I am using a biblatex style that capitalizes authors' last names in the bibliography (ISO960, i.e. style=iso-authoryear). When an author's last name includes a ß, this gets capitalized to SS, but I ...
chsk's user avatar
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All Caps with Commands

I am trying to set some text in all caps (not small caps) using the \uppercase command. Part of the text is variable and stored in a separate command, but that portion of the text is being set in ...
bbernicker's user avatar
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I want to build a research question template with cleveref

I want to build a template for research questions and sub-questions, which I can reuse in different papers. I want it to have the following features: automatically number them, make them referencable ...
Alexander Boll's user avatar
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How to capitalize \zcref as \Cref does?

I'm trying to migrate from cleveref to zref-clever, due to the former incompatibility with pdfmanagement phase-III. Is it possible to have a variant of zref-clever and zref-vario that outputs "...
Polizi8's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I capitalize the first letter of a macro?

How do I get the below code snippet output "Myword"? \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\mymacro}{myword} \begin{document} \mymacro \end{document}
sherlock's user avatar
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Capitalizing first character of \today independently of the language

I'm writing a document class that uses the datetime2 package to write a month-year date in the title of the document. Here is a MWE: \begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{customclass.cls} \...
Pedro Pontes García's user avatar
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Capital Letters and the Space Factor

I've noticed that a capital letter followed by punctuation makes the following glue behave like the usual interword glue and does not change the space factor. This is mostly OK when a capital letter ...
User23456234's user avatar
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Different font for capital/upper case letters

Is it possible to use a different font whenever a capital/ upper case letter appears in the text. So if I have a sentence, "This is some text.", then I would like the first T to be different ...
sasaak's user avatar
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LaTeX command that defines two new commands, one as a capitalized version of the other

I wish to create a command that defines two new math operators, one being a capitalized version of the other. For example, the command \makeoperator{log} would create \log and \Log to typeset ...
btshepard's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't capitalize Swedish letters (å, ä, ö) with pdfTeX

I'm working on a Swedish language file to fmtcount and, to support some of fmtcount's commands (e.g. \Numberstring and NUMBERstring), I need to make strings containing the Swedish characters å, ä and ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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1 answer

How to capitalize the first letter of a glossary or acronym description

I'm using the glossaries package to define acronyms but in one place I want to start a sentence with the full text of the acronym: \subsection{Randomly-occurring deterministic disturbances} \acrlong{...
Bill's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Auto-capitalise lone "i" in LaTeX

Is there a package or pre-amble command which would auto-capitalise all lone 'i's within the text of a LaTeX document (i use overleaf to compile)? I find it easier to write text without manually ...
Robert Sandler's user avatar
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Not capitalized titles in headers

I am trying to write a document using the book class. I would like to have empty footers I also would like to have, on the header of each page, right-aligned, the chapter title (not capitalized) ...
José Carlos Santos's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to capitalize the first letter of the first word in the argument of "\section"?

I want to capitalize the first letter of the first word in the argument of a "\section" \command. Consider \newcommand{\hello}{hello world} I want to use \section{\hello} so that the ...
A.Dumas's user avatar
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Uppercase word in acronyms, lowercase in text

My issue is similar to this post: Uppercase word in glossary, lowercase in text I would like to do the same like Nitram provided for the glossary (, but ...
einwahlfisch's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Spacing Between Capital Letters

Many typographic and latex enthusiasts recommend using increased letterspacing between capital letters. For example, in Practical Typography, Matthew Butterick recommends 5--12% increased spacing and ...
User23456234's user avatar
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Capitalize important words using Biblatex

I am using biblatex and currently my journal titles seem to have no standard capitalization structure. For example, I have a bib file with @article{makarov2021barrier, title={Barrier Crossing ...
Shep Bryan's user avatar
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How to capitalize Algorithm when referencing an algorithm using \autoref?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[]{algorithm2e} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \begin{document} \section{Introduction} \begin{algorithm}[H] \KwData{this text} \...
Curaçao Hajek's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Capitalize List of Figures and Tables Headings

I am generating a list of tables and a list of figures in my thesis using \listoffigues and \listoftables commands, respectively. However, the titles of the lists turn out to be regular sentence cases....
Gauge's user avatar
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Force lower case page number mark in citation

What's the best way to force \pno in a citation (\textcite, in this case) to lower case when it's upper-cased automatically? MWE: \documentclass{article} \begin{filecontents}[force]{test.bib} @book{...
chsk's user avatar
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Making all ToC entries uppercase with memoir class & hyperref

I need to update my organization's style file to make it hyperref-compatible. It uses the memoir class and requires all of the table of contents entries to be in all-caps: Per Lowercase TOC with ...
amizener's user avatar
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How to Automatically Transform Specified Statements/Sentences into Capital Letters without Retyping [closed]

I have a fairly long document in which I have discovered that it may be preferable to display some statements or sentence with capital letters. There are quite a few such statements and I would like ...
DDS's user avatar
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How to get lowercase letters in "idem"/"ders." abbreviation?

When citing @inbook if the author of the book is the same as the author of the cited text in that book, the bibliography style authortitle-dw recognises this and puts out "idem". In German, ...
klalbi's user avatar
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How to make the surnames of the authors appear in capital letters in Natbib?

I'm using the code seen below and I'm trying to make the surnames of the authors appear in capital letters (with the first letter in large caps and the following letters in small caps), as seen in the ...
Moe's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Capitalize first letter in list of acronyms using the acro package

How can I capitalize the first letter in the list of acronyms with the acro package without adjusting all acronym declarations? A solution that capitalizes all first letters of all words would also be ...
Martin's user avatar
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How to Capitalize a Glossary Entry Define by Another Glossary Entry?

I have glossary entries fields (as name, text, symbol fields) define by another glossary entry like below (the compressor_motor entry is define with the compressor entry): \newglossaryentry{...
zetyty's user avatar
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How to Capitalize Symbol in Glossary Print only using a New Entry Field?

How can I forced the Symbol to be printed in capitalized form or full uppercase in the glossary print only (with non capitalized form declared in the field symbol)? The best solution for me would be ...
zetyty's user avatar
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How to Capitalize Symbol in Tree Style Glossary Print Depending On Entry Level?

How can I forced the Symbol to be printed in capitalized or uppercase form in the glossary only (with non capitalized form declared in the field "symbol") depending on the item level of the ...
zetyty's user avatar
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How to define a command in latex for capitalizing following text?

In latex there are commands that change the appearance of their argument, e.g. \textit{foo}. Other commands change the appearance of the following text, without requiring an argument, e.g. \itshape ...
Roel's user avatar
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9 votes
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replace capital ›ẞ‹ with ›ss‹ when using small caps

I like small caps for author surnames. Until quite recently, capitalized ›ß‹ – a special character that is regularly used in the German alphabet – was replaced by ›SS‹ (in headings, small caps in ...
Kubo's user avatar
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Glossaries, how to uppercase every first letter and only first letter (still supporting plural form)

From this question, how do I change it to have first letter of every word in uppercase with a command and only first word's first letter in uppercase with another command (still supporting plural form)...
AmIanonIm's user avatar
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1 answer

Capitalizing Chapter heads

how can I capitalize the chapter header in my work? as CHAPTER ONE not CHAPTER One. Here is my preamble below: \titleformat{\chapter}[hang] {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \...
A M Bello's user avatar
2 votes
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Title case for theorem argument

I would like to make the optional argument I pass to a theorem environment (which puts the argument in a parenthetical next to the theorem number - typically for naming a theorem) have title case i.e. ...
Lockjaw's user avatar
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Automatic capitalization of section headings

I have a large project (report class) in which I am importing separate files. What I would like to do is capitalise each word in the titles of chapter/section/subsection in the main document and table ...
yufiP's user avatar
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Titles of bibliography references not changed to sentence case by biblatex

I have a .bib file with items as shown below: @Article{ 10.1093/imaiai/iat004, author = {Javanmard, Adel and Montanari, Andrea}, journal = {Information and Inference: A Journal of the ...
PeterP's user avatar
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Capital letter after title of incollection item ending in question mark using biblatex' ieee-style

I noticed that the in after a title in a bibliography entry of an @incollection-type is capitalised, whenever the entry title ends in a ? or a !. It is not capitalised in any other case. This looks a ...
Markus G.'s user avatar
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How to make full-paged Table's Caption full-paged [duplicate]

My Table can show in full-paged mode. But my caption still at half-paged mode. I want my caption be centering in page. How to solve this issue? \documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{multirow} ...
Harry Tang's user avatar
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Cannot Capitalize \citeauthor using \capitalisewords [duplicate]

I am dealing with a citation author whose surname is "dos Santos". I want to capitalize the "dos" since it appears in the beginning of a sentence. Here is my code for the main ...
Karma Cool's user avatar
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Biblatex: capitalize first word with \citetitle

I would like to capitalize the first word of the title in-text with the \citetitle macro, or at least being able to use the title of a reference with its first letter capitalized. In the bibliographic ...
gwenj's user avatar
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