Expected behavior:

  • Whole ToC line becomes link to section

Observed behavior:

  • xelatex - matches expected behavior
  • pdflatex - breaks with "\pdfendlink cannot be used in vertical mode" error

Here is mwe:





     \section{Test section}

After some googling found, that \protect is needed somewhere, cannot determine where.

  • 1
    the problem is that your \hyper@linkend is issued in vertical mode and this is not allowed. It would work if you do something like \leavevmode\hyper@linkend but then you get additional spaces. Commented Aug 29 at 6:22
  • @UlrikeFischer thanks for suggestion. Do you perchance know why pdflatex switches to vertical mode before \hyper@linkend? Commented Aug 29 at 9:08

1 Answer 1


After mindlessly trying different configurations, this is most sensible thing i came up with:





     \section{Test section}

I do not understand why, but adding \aftergroup before link end and moving link end into same group as separator somehow works

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