As you can see, the Greek letter theta which is expected to be just below the curved stroke instead takes on a completely unexpected position. What could it be due to?
\draw[gray,snake=coil,segment length=3pt] (-0.5,3.5) -- (0.75,5) node [midway, right,yshift=3px] (sx) {};
\draw[gray,snake=coil,segment length=3pt] (0.75,5)-- (2,3.5) node [midway, left,yshift=3px] (dx){};
\node[circle,draw=blue,fill=blue!25,scale=0.75,minimum size=0.1cm] at (-0.5,3.5) (A) {\textcolor{blue}{A}};
\node[circle,draw=red,fill=red!25,scale=0.75,minimum size=0.1cm] at (0.75,5) (B) {\textcolor{red}{B}};
\node[circle,draw=ocra,fill=ocra!25,scale=0.75,minimum size=0.1cm] at (2,3.5) (C) {\textcolor{ocra}{C}};
\node[xshift=0.5cm,yshift=-0.5cm] at (A) (a) {};
\draw[->] (a) -- ++ (-1,0);
\node[xshift=-0.5cm,yshift=-0.5cm] at (C) (c) {};
\draw[->] (c) -- ++ (1,0);
\draw[] (sx) to [in=255,out=-75] (dx) node [midway,below] (theta) {$\theta$};;
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