When I put color definitions in the preamble, I get an error, e.g.
\definecolor{es-bg}{HTML}{e7edf4ff}% (cornflower light blue background at the top)
\definecolor{es-aqua}{HTML}{00ffffff}% (bright aquaish, matches)
\definecolor{es-lb}{HTML}{0090d4ff}% (lighter blue, matches)
\definecolor{es-db}{HTML}{003b74ff}% (darker blue, matches)
\colorbox{es-aqua}{This should be a color.}
gives an error of "Missing \begin{document}".
If I put the definitions after \begin{document}, it compiles but there is an extra line "FFFFFFFF" in the document, e.g.
\definecolor{es-bg}{HTML}{e7edf4ff}% (cornflower light blue background at the top)
\definecolor{es-aqua}{HTML}{00ffffff}% (bright aquaish, matches)
\definecolor{es-lb}{HTML}{0090d4ff}% (lighter blue, matches)
\definecolor{es-db}{HTML}{003b74ff}% (darker blue, matches)
\colorbox{es-aqua}{This should be a color.}