\documentclass[a4paper, 14pt, table]{extarticle}
\setmainfont{Liberation Serif}
\setmathfont{Liberation Serif}
\setsansfont{Liberation Serif}
\setmonofont{Liberation Mono}
\setFRMinlinestyle\setFRMfontsize{14pt}\newFRMenvironment{specialFRM}{This stuff breaks }{2}
\begin{specialFRM}First Line \\Second Line \end{specialFRM}
I have tried looking into CTAN package manual, but English isn't my first language, so I don't understand what I need to do to make this package respect line spacing: Compiler is xetex.
just doesn't want to respect line spacing and thinks it works in a one-space environment. So "Second line" that is controlled by \\ gets shifted down further than formular expects, and gets crossed by formulars line. Unfortunately, \setFRMbaselineskip{24pt} just shifts both the line and the "Second line" further down.