As the title says, the \underbrace in my code is not aligned, while the \overbrace in not creating any problems. This is visible in the first picture: enter image description here

I would like to get something like this:enter image description here

Here is the code that I'm using





            \underbrace{\phantom{a) \iff b)}}_{a) \implies b) \;\land\; b) \implies a)}}}
    a) \iff 
            \overbrace{\textcolor{black}{b) \iff c)}}^{b) \implies c) \;\land\; c) \implies b)}}    \\
    \Vimplies                                                                                       \\
    \boxed{a) \implies b) \implies c) \implies a)}


1 Answer 1


Because both the under- and over-brace labels are wider than the braces themselves, they need to be \mathclapped.





            \underbrace{\phantom{a) \iff b)}}_{\mathclap{a) \implies b) \;\land\; b) \implies a)}}}}
    a) \iff 
            \overbrace{\textcolor{black}{b) \iff c)}}^{\mathclap{b) \implies c) \;\land\; c) \implies b)}}}    \\
    \Vimplies                                                                                       \\
    \boxed{a) \implies b) \implies c) \implies a)}


enter image description here


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