The font has no glyph for that character (you can see it from the “missing symbol” glyph or from the message in the log file).
Use a font that provides it. Here I use Libertinus Serif.
\newfontfamily{\libertinus}{Libertinus Serif} % a font that has ✔
\iffontchar\font`✔ \else \libertinus\fi ✔%
This is a test: ✔
This is a test: ✔
You might want to have the symbol not to change based on the current conditions. Then use
\newfontface{\libertinus}{Libertinus Serif} % a font that has ✔
\normalfont\libertinus ✔%
This is a test: ✔
This is a test: ✔
I use the Iosevka font just to see the difference in the two situations.
Missing character: There is no ✔ in font Lato Regular/OT
, so you'll have to find a font which contains that glyph.