I'm trying to typeset some quantum circuits. Here, they provide an example:
% TikZ libraries `calc` needed now to tweak bracket.
% Dirac Kets
% `operator' will only be used by Hadamard (H) gates here.
% `phase' is used for controlled phase gates (dots).
% `surround' is used for the background box.
\tikzstyle{operator} = [draw,fill=white,minimum size=1.5em]
\tikzstyle{phase} = [draw,fill,shape=circle,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{surround} = [fill=blue!10,thick,draw=black,rounded corners=2mm]
\matrix[row sep=0.4cm, column sep=0.8cm] (circuit) {
% First row.
\node (q1) {\ket{0}}; &[-0.5cm]
\node[operator] (H11) {H}; &
\node[phase] (P12) {}; &
\node[phase] (P13) {}; &
\coordinate (end1); \\
% Second row.
\node (q2) {\ket{0}}; &
\node[operator] (H21) {H}; &
\node[phase] (P22) {}; &
\node[operator] (H24) {H}; &
\coordinate (end2);\\
% Third row.
\node (q3) {\ket{0}}; &
\node[operator] (H31) {H}; &
\node[phase] (P33) {}; &
\node[operator] (H34) {H}; &
\coordinate (end3); \\
% Draw bracket on right with resultant state.
($(circuit.north east)-(0cm,0.3cm)$)
to node[midway,right] (bracket) {$\displaystyle\frac{\ket{000}+\ket{111}}{\sqrt{2}}$}
($(circuit.south east)+(0cm,0.3cm)$);
% Draw background box.
\node[surround] (background) [fit = (q1) (H31) (bracket)] {};
% Draw lines.
\draw[thick] (q1) -- (end1) (q2) -- (end2) (q3) -- (end3) (P12) -- (P22) (P13) -- (P33);
Whose output is:
This is very nice, but now I'd like to add a kind of big box that fit several wires like this:
Do you have any idea how to do that properly ? I tought that I could use some empty nodes, and then put a fit on top of it, but it's not very practical. A syntax like the one of qcircuit would be very nice.
Thank you!