How can I align the contents of a multirow cell top the top?

Here's an MWE:


\multirow{1}{*}{\LARGE\bfseries A} & foo  & n. & lorem ipsum dolor sit &
\multirow{1}{*}{\LARGE\bfseries B} & foo  & n. & consectetur adipiscing elit \\
& bar  & v. & Maecenas sed purus       & & bar  & v. & at ipsum placerat luctus \\
& baz  & p. & Nullam luctus id tellus  & & baz  & p. & Ut ac ultricies neque \\
& qux  & v. & Aenean consequat commodo & & qux  & v. & in sodales metus ultrices \\
& buux & n. & Phasellus tincidunt      & & quux & n. & vitae pulvinar nisi mollis \\

enter image description here

As you can see, what I've done is use the multirow command, but only set a row span of 1. This more or less gets me what I want: "hanging" letters, but with a couple of costs. First, I get a lot of Overfull \vbox warnings. The second is that the tops of the large letters are not actually precisely aligned:

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


I just uploaded a new version of multirow to CTAN. It should be available in a few days. If you want it now, just send me an email (you can find a working email address in multirow.sty).

With the new version you can give a positioning parameter [t] to \multirow to give it a top alignment. However, this will align the baselines of the letters, not the top. To align the tops you have to give it a fixup argument, that is the difference of the heights of the A and the f. This can be done as follows:

\setlength{\shiftdown}{\heightof{f}-\heightof{\LARGE\bfseries A}}

and then

\multirow[t]{5}{*}[\shiftdown]{\LARGE\bfseries A} & foo  & n. & lorem ipsum dolor sit &
\multirow[t]{5}{*}[\shiftdown]{\LARGE\bfseries B} & foo  & n. & consectetur adipiscing elit \\

multirow command has two optional parameters:


the second one vmove helps you to adjust the vertical alignment.


\multirow{1}{*}[2pt]{\LARGE\bfseries A} & foo  & n. & lorem ipsum dolor sit &
\multirow{1}{*}[2pt]{\LARGE\bfseries B} & foo  & n. & consectetur adipiscing elit \\
& bar  & v. & Maecenas sed purus       & & bar  & v. & at ipsum placerat luctus \\
& baz  & p. & Nullam luctus id tellus  & & baz  & p. & Ut ac ultricies neque \\
& qux  & v. & Aenean consequat commodo & & qux  & v. & in sodales metus ultrices \\
& buux & n. & Phasellus tincidunt      & & quux & n. & vitae pulvinar nisi mollis \\

enter image description here

  • Is there a way to calculate the vmode parameter, so that its value is a function of the size of the font? I want to be able to generalize the code as much as possible.
    – junius
    Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 8:33
  • @KevinKeith Sorry, but I don't know any automatic solution.
    – Ignasi
    Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 10:01

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