How can I align the contents of a multirow
cell top the top?
Here's an MWE:
\multirow{1}{*}{\LARGE\bfseries A} & foo & n. & lorem ipsum dolor sit &
\multirow{1}{*}{\LARGE\bfseries B} & foo & n. & consectetur adipiscing elit \\
& bar & v. & Maecenas sed purus & & bar & v. & at ipsum placerat luctus \\
& baz & p. & Nullam luctus id tellus & & baz & p. & Ut ac ultricies neque \\
& qux & v. & Aenean consequat commodo & & qux & v. & in sodales metus ultrices \\
& buux & n. & Phasellus tincidunt & & quux & n. & vitae pulvinar nisi mollis \\
As you can see, what I've done is use the multirow
command, but only set a row span of 1. This more or less gets me what I want: "hanging" letters, but with a couple of costs. First, I get a lot of Overfull \vbox
warnings. The second is that the tops of the large letters are not actually precisely aligned: