I have a problem to rotate an axis. Here is the code I use where the problem occurs : the two axis origins are not aligned.
\usepackage[pdftex, active, floats, tightpage]{preview}
[/pgfplots/y=5cm, /pgfplots/x=5cm]
, x=1cm, y=1cm
, xlabel={x}, ylabel={y}
, axis x line=bottom, axis y line=left
, anchor=origin
, ticks=none
, xlabel={}, ylabel={}
, clip=false
\draw[red, solid] (axis cs:0,0) ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=1];
\draw[black, thick] (axis cs:1.5, -1.) to[bend left=-20] (axis cs:1.41, -0.487);
\node at (axis cs:1.42,-0.73) [anchor=west] {$\theta$};
\node at (axis cs:2,-1) [anchor=north, black] {$x$};
\node at (axis cs:0,1) [anchor=east, black] {$y$};
, x=1cm, y=1cm
, xlabel={x'}, ylabel={y'}
, axis x line=bottom, axis y line=left
, rotate=20
, anchor=origin
, ticks=none, color=green!80!black
, xlabel={}, ylabel={}
, clip=false
\draw[red, dashed, thick] (axis cs:0,0) ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=1];
\draw[blue, dashed](axis cs:4.,-2)--(axis cs:4.,0);
\node at (axis cs:6,-1) [anchor=north, green!80!black] {$n$};
\node at (axis cs:0,1) [anchor=east, green!80!black] {$t$};
\addplot [blue, mark=x, nodes near coords=$A$, every node near coord/.style={anchor=north west, yshift={0.3em}}] coordinates {(4.,-1)};
\addplot [blue, mark=x, nodes near coords=$B$, every node near coord/.style={anchor=west}] coordinates {(4.,-2)};
\addplot [blue, mark=x, nodes near coords=$C$, every node near coord/.style={anchor=west}] coordinates {(4.,0.)};
BUT, if I remove the line :
\addplot [blue, mark=x, nodes near coords=$B$, every node near coord/.style={anchor=west}] coordinates {(4.,-2)};
the problem disapears and the axis are aligned ... Could someone tell me why please ?
Thanks !