is there a way to "break" a vertical arrow by text going through it in a flowchart? I just need a gap in the arrow for the text to go through.
1 Answer
Here is an example using the following link : path with both mark connection node and arrow tip
and here is the code :
mylabel/.style = {font=\footnotesize, midway, fill=white, anchor=center}
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 4cm, auto]
\node [block] (a) {a};
\node [block, below of=a] (b) {b};
\draw (a) -- (b) node[mylabel] {Test};
I wouldn’t overwrite the
key … Also: Should \tikzset or \tikzstyle be used to define TikZ styles? Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 19:05 -
and give it white background.\draw[->] (start) -- (node) -- (target);