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8 votes
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Question unreasonably marked as dupe

Today I asked: File `perpage.sty' not found. \MakePerPage and with the help of a commenter, answered it. A while later, the question was marked as a dupe of How do I install an individual package ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 12.6k
2 votes
1 answer

Should a question be closed based on a comment of the OP, when the best answer is not covered by the duplicate?

When search for a problem of my latex file, I found the answer in this question: ! LaTeX Error: File `IEEEtran.cls' not found The highest voted answer solved my problem precisely, and apparently ...
user000001's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Closing as dup, while the linked Q/A takes longer to decipher than the current one?

Just another beautiful day and I was thinking about what closing as duplicate means. Certainly the rule of thumb/motivation is that if a question is answered once, don't answer twice. And then there ...
Symbol 1's user avatar
  • 37.2k
4 votes
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How do I get a question re-opened with providing a reason

There is a question that I have an answer to but it has been closed by several respondents as a duplicate and pointing to an answer. In my view the source duplicate is very specific whereas there are ...
Peter Wilson's user avatar
  • 28.6k
3 votes
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Duplicate question of...?

This question: Putting the integration bounds below/above the integration operator is labeled as duplicate. However it doesn't point to any other question? How is it possible? Was the question it was ...
user1079505's user avatar
16 votes
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Should we reroute duplicates if a better fit emerges?

I was trying to decide between babel and polyglossia for use with LuaLaTeX, so I googled "babel vs polyglossia". The first result is the somewhat outdated question Decide between Polyglossia and Babel ...
schtandard's user avatar
  • 15.7k
13 votes
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Should we mark a question as duplicate if old question has no answers?

A recent question minted-make-text-non-selectable-on-output-pdf) seems like a duplicate of an older question remove-selectable-text-from-source-code-pdf-output However, neither the older question ...
James's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How similar should two questions be to qualify as a duplicates?

How similar should two questions be to qualify as duplicates? I'm thinking particularly of Add an Arab Word within an English Document and Arabic and greek inline text in russian document pdflatex. ...
David Purton's user avatar
  • 26.6k
4 votes
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What is a duplicate of what?

I'm sorry for the confusing title, but let's consider the following two questions, which are recently modified on the main site: (1) Is there any way to get real-time compilation for LaTeX? Asked in ...
user avatar
20 votes
0 answers

One 'Two figures' is better than another

I'm just offering some feedback as a person who gets a lot of assistance from the TEX.SE. There are two highly voted question regarding putting two figures on the same page: here and here. The first ...
kingledion's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Creating duplicates for easier navigation, and possibility for a duplicate tag

I was looking for an answer to my question: Plot a function between two values But searching for this didn't come up with anything, however, when I clicked 'Ask Question' and typed the title the ...
Thorbjørn E. K. Christensen's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

OP asks the same question two or three times or does the same strange things several times

While observing new questions I have found this one: Which, as pointed out in the comments, was already asked by the same user. ...
Michael Fraiman's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is my question a duplicate?

I asked a question earlier that was quickly closed as a duplicate. Looking at the earlier question, I can see that it kinda sorta technically is a duplicate. However, the other question isn't clearly ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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13 votes
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TeX questions on StackOverflow

Before you close this question as a duplicate: I know that the common sense in the meta answers is "TeX questions on Stackoverflow are on-topic there and we separately answer questions, even if they ...
TeXnician's user avatar
  • 33.9k
13 votes
3 answers

Project Reduplication of Deduplication - TeX

Stack Exchange recently started a collaboration project with the University of Melbourne, in an attempt to improve the automatic detection of duplicate questions. More information on the project and ...
Monozygotic's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Should I remove an answer which turns out to be a duplicate?

I answered a question without thinking too much, and then it occurred to me that something similar must have been addressed before, and I found it. Should I remove my answer and mark the question as ...
campa's user avatar
  • 33k
11 votes
1 answer

Non-duplicate question with overlapping answer

The question datetime2 define dates "globally" outside of \begin{document} has been marked as a duplicate of Formatting datetime2 in LaTex to 4th September, 2016 without the current day? but ...
Nicola Talbot's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Duplicates tolerance is huge in this site

Many times I read questions from Newbies (like me) that are either too basic or which have already being asked many times and have accepted answers (judging from the links shown at the right of the ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Bad link provided to a question already identified as a duplicate

Thanks to the responses from users in one of my recent meta question, I have discovered that having questions flagged as duplicates isn't always a bad thing. It's in fact a good way of adding new ...
EngBIRD's user avatar
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9 votes
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Answer in search of a question

I have again been tempted to answer a bad question with an encyclopedia-style answer. (Questions regarding the distinction between XeTeX and XeLaTeX and how they relate to TeX and LaTeX?) Would it be ...
musarithmia's user avatar
  • 12.7k
32 votes
1 answer

How to propose a question as duplicate without closing it due golden privilege?

Let's suppose I think a question with tikz-pgf tag is a duplicate of another one, but because I'm not sure about it I prefer someone else help me to decide it. The problem is that I have a gold medal ...
Ignasi's user avatar
  • 138k
2 votes
1 answer

How often may a question be asked again?

I think there must be some kind of consideration to new ways of solving old problems.
Jorge Esteban Mendoza's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

can we consider a question duplicate if there is an answer but not in this site

I'm not sure if this question has been asked before. Basically, some questions have answers in other websites which are somehow related to this site. For example, there are several examples in here ...
CroCo's user avatar
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2 answers

Asking existing questions differently to improve findability

Recently, I wondered what the algorithm for the placement of floats in TeX is. So I searched this site for "float placement algorithm" and did not find a suitable question - at least not directly. ...
cryingshadow's user avatar
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How to search for duplicates and handle them?

Finding duplicates for a question, if they exist, is not always easy. What techniques can I use to find question duplicates? How should duplicates be handled?
Werner's user avatar
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Why is this question about LaTeX posters being closed as a duplicate?

Comparison: umbcposter vs baposter vs tikzposter has been closed as a duplicate of How to create posters using LaTeX. I don't think the question is a duplicate. The answers in How to create posters ...
Adam Liter's user avatar
  • 12.7k
7 votes
1 answer

Why was this question marked as a duplicate?

Use system fonts (Mac OS) while using book template I understand that it is a question about changing the font, but the asker was using the correct code to change font. My answer explains why it ...
Daphne Preston-Kendal's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

how to handle "past" duplicates

I found that a few questions I have answered recently as "new" were in fact duplicates of old questions that were not answered at the time, or may accept alternative answers. How should I handle those ...
jarnowic's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

How can we (and should we) help new users on pushing unanswered posts?

I just noticed that it can be hard for new users on our site to push some existing but not answered question. If a new user finds such a post (maybe the first visit on our site), he will have only two ...
LaRiFaRi's user avatar
  • 44.2k
9 votes
1 answer

Question about "possible duplicate"

Today I've found LaTeX figures side by side which as you can see is labeled as duplicate but not closed. After following the link to duplicated question: Caption issue when placing figure side by ...
Ignasi's user avatar
  • 138k
10 votes
1 answer

What should I do if the question is a duplicate, but I can find a new answer?

An example: How to define a macro which does not read the next token after itself?, for which my planned question must appear here Space after LaTeX commands. What should I do to help OP and in the ...
Przemysław Scherwentke's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Duplicate vote clarification

I've seen that Beamer: including items only some slides using a relative syntax has been closed as a duplicate of How to make beamer overlays with Tikz node Would it be possible for the voters to ...
d-cmst's user avatar
  • 23.3k
7 votes
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Quality of answers for duplicate questions

I've seen this question closed as a duplicate of this. It's actually a duplicate, but... Answers in the new question are much way better, than a duplicate. So, my reason was, why to close as a ...
m0nhawk's user avatar
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How to assign credit to the original author while referencing his solution to another question incase accepted by OP

I have answered a question by referencing a solution to another question. If the original poster accepts my answer (to show others their question has been solved) is there any way of assigning credit ...
Leeser's user avatar
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Duplicate marking

When marking duplicates, shouldn't newer post be the duplicate of an older post and not the other way around? How can a post from 2012 be a duplicate to something from 2013? 2012: Putting in MATLAB ...
dustin's user avatar
  • 18.8k
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How to handle possible duplicates that treat the same thing but each a bit differently?

I was looking for coding style guidelines and came across a whole wealth of questions on the topic. It seems to me that they are somewhat redundant, although they discuss the topic from a slightly ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 20.3k
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Package loading order questions need some work

Today, this question popped up: Is there a hierarchy between packages? I was sure it was a duplicate, and found this question: What's the right order when loading packages? (First duplicate) ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 222k
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2 answers

Question about "is it possible without using specific packages"

This question has been closed as a duplicate. The OP was asking "whether it is possible to do something without the use of specific packages" and the duplicate reference only have answer about loading ...
masu's user avatar
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29 votes
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My question was already asked, but its accepted answer doesn’t suit me

I have a question I’d like to ask — and it turns out to be pretty much an exact duplicate of an earlier question, except with a very slightly different example. (Specifically, the difference is just ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
7 votes
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I've given a question two flags in one session

I've marked this question a duplicate. Then I explained it in a comment. After the submission of that comment another comment appeared above it ("possible duplicate of...") with my username. So ...
masu's user avatar
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Wrong closure as duplicate

Today I got an upvote for my answer to Rotated $\ltimes$ symbol which has since been closed as duplicate of How to look up a symbol or identify a math symbol or character? Looking at the question ...
egreg's user avatar
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Would these be considered duplicates?

Symbols for symmetric difference Vertical spacing between character and \hat Adjusting the position of \dot Should these 3 post be considered duplicates? To me, they seem to be asking the same ...
dustin's user avatar
  • 18.8k
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Resurrecting old questions without being flagged as duplicate

A few days ago I posted the question, Revisiting producing structured PDFs from LaTeX. This asked how I could generate a tagged PDF directly from latex. Fairly quickly, the question was flagged as ...
Andy Clifton's user avatar
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What to do when a 'duplicate' question and answer are better than the 'duplicated' ones?

Today I flagged Avoid height flickering in a block when hiding content with \only as a possible duplicate of Avoiding jumping frames in beamer. Some other users also marked it as a duplicate, but ...
Ignasi's user avatar
  • 138k
30 votes
3 answers

Quick & easy reputation vs. flagging a question as duplicate

I've been using TeX.SE for some time now, both for questions and answers. Although I do flag a new question as duplicate if I know that question has been posted before, I often find myself tempted, ...
jub0bs's user avatar
  • 59.6k
10 votes
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Reopen more detailed question

The question [1] Latex or PdfLatex to generate DVI has been closed as a duplicate of [2] Which graphics formats can be included in documents processed by latex or pdflatex? [1] includes more low-...
Charles Stewart's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How to deal with TeX.SE question that is duplicate of a question on another StackExchange site?

Is it possible to flag a question as a duplicate of a question on another StackExchange site (SE site)? What if the question is closed there as off-topic? For example, see this question on TeX.SE and ...
e-birk's user avatar
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18 votes
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Modifying "Possible duplicate:" links

In this question I found out that there's a better duplicate than the one mentioned in "Possible duplicate:" automatically added text. I decided to edit the question and add the other link. Now I'm ...
yo''s user avatar
  • 52.1k
16 votes
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A consolidated 'recovering material from a PDF' question and answer?

A question which comes up in one form or another reasonable regularly is 'How do I turn a PDF back into .tex?': see for example Can I recover my .tex file?. Some, but not all, of these questions are ...
Joseph Wright's user avatar
  • 265k
18 votes
1 answer

Closing questions as exact duplications: 'best practice'

One of the concepts behind the StackExchange model is that questions which have the same underlying basis can be treated as duplicates, so it's possible to have a single place where the answers are '...
Joseph Wright's user avatar
  • 265k