Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Autumn "beauty"

Autumn is definately an awkward teenage stage in my garden, no soft golden colours and gently falling leaves. Mostly just death and decay, so I've given up trying to take pretty pictures and just gone straight for the vegetable graveyard look. It's all the rage here.

The pumpkins have just about given up after being flattened by the rain. Unfortunately there are no offspring left behind to mourn their passing. Next year I thought I might try for growing actual pumpkins, not just the vines. :/

Mildew can almost be pretty in the right light. Until the leaves turn brown and shrivel into nothing.. I've omitted that scene in case there are any sensitive souls viewing.

rip tomatoes.

Here we are, at the site of the world's largest aphid convention. Click for extra awesome detail. This cucumber vine is not long for this world, but is being given tender loving care because it also holds host to a healthy colony of these guys...

Baaaby ladybirds. They're so sweet.



  1. Oh I love the aphid convention, I wonder what they all talk about?

  2. Ours too look like a vegetable graveyard. We only have luck with one pumpkin.

  3. Hi Kat, you did real well to come up with an interesting selection of photos from your "graveyard"... well done.
    Close-up pics really surprise sometimes don't they.
    I spend the beginnings of Autumn planting out my native shrubs I've struck from cuttings over the previous few months. The soil is still warm enough for them and they seem to thrive getting brutalised by the dew and frost!

  4. Ali, I like to think they discuss rising sap prices and problems with the ant militia.

    I don't believe you MK girl, I've seen your pics and your garden looks like a green jungle!

    Thank you Susan, you must be growing some pretty hardy natives there. x.

  5. Great pics Kat.

    I read on someone's blog the other day that they got 30 pumpkins from one vine - I think they were exaggerating. I have never had more than two no matter how big the vine and often get none at all. This year I got 2 tiny ones from a planted vine and one HUGE one from a self seeded one.

  6. Hi greenfumb! Thirty pumpkins hey... sounds like a lot of soup, I wish I had that sort of problem.

  7. I have never seen a baby ladybird before, I must look out for them now, they are cute!

  8. Hi Gooseberry Jam! I'm sure I've flicked the little critters off plants before I knew what they were, I'm always happy to see them now.
