Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Round the bend

My lebanese cucumbers have developed an identity crisis, I think they yearn to be jalapenos.

Or it could be the heat affected them, but that's kinda boring.

So are photos of vegetables.

So Misha decided to enhance my shots.

There, much better, don't you think?



  1. They do look like they have jalapeno envy, who knows what goes through the mind of a vegetable when it comes to its dreams and aspirations for how it would like to end up hey.

  2. Looks much better with Misha in ;-). Ours to have jalapeno envy.

  3. Glad to know I'm not the only one with weird veggies, they all seem to have minds of their own..

  4. OOh no I love veggie photos. But cats make the photos cuter. Hmmm your cat Mischa has my son's name!

  5. Hi Veggiegobbler! What a great name! ;)
