
Showing posts with label Whirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whirl. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

TQC Journal | issue 81

Let me introduce Whirl to you, I love it!
I am so happy with the way it turned out. 
Find the last steps below so you can get yours done. 
Use the link at the bottom of this post to get caught up. 
Are you ready for the last piece of the Whirl puzzle? 
You will need to make four corners laid out as pictured above. 

Join the sections together.

Add a unit to each corner of you quilt center. This project
 has been so much fun. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have.
If you missed this project you can get caught up and start 
one of your own here. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

TQC Journal | issue 79

I can't believe it has been two years since my Delightful Dozen
Collection was released. I hope you got some. Unfortunately I do
 not have any of these fabric left in inventory, but really any little
light prints will work. Make some fabric eggs for your Easter table
 or this cute Egg Basket quilt using the free pattern below. Enjoy!

I have a little secret. I am terrible at taking my time and working
on a project over a long period. I got pretty busy stitching away
and used a combination on hand piecing and machine stitching
to complete this next section. You will need for sections like
the one pictured above. 

Make each sections color placement different and pay attention
to where they will join up to the corners of the center section.
You will have partial nine patches at the ends of a few rows. 
Here is what your quilt will look like once you add all four
of your sections to the center. The good news is I think this
Whirl thing is going to work! Can you see it starting to spin? 

Here is the first diagram with one section added. 
Right click on the image, click Save image as, 
name it, Whirl - Step Three A. Add to file or print. 

Here is the diagram with all four sections added. 
Repeat the instructions above to add to your file or print.
You will notice a row of squares around 
the edge that are not filled in. I am making my
Whirl for a specific spot in my home. It needs to measure
about 45" to 47". This layout has my project finishing
at 47" and once quilted I think it will be perfect at about 45"
If you would like a different size you can continue the
pattern out as far as you would like. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

TQC Journal | issue 77

Whirl Update
If you are sewing along with me here are the next few steps.
You will need enough red and light 1-1/2" squares to make 
12 Nine Patch blocks. Use the photos to assemble the next
round of the Whirl Quilt. 

Add the top and bottom section to your center section. 

Join the sections as pictured above. Set aside the additional
squares to finish off the Nine Patch blocks in the corners. 

Finish off the Nine Patch blocks in the corners. 
Here are a few things to keep in mind when
 assembling the Whirl Quilt. 

Hand Piecing
1. I am using a 1-1/2" rubber stamp to mark my squares.
2. I am not stitching in the seam allowances. This will
allow me to be able to add sections as I go. 

Machine Piecing 
1. Cut your squares as usual and stitch with a 1/4" seam allowance.
2. As with hand piecing do not stitch in the seam allowance. I did 
go ahead and piece a section with the machine and was able to 
get everything to go together with stitching in the seam allowances.

English Paper Piecing
1. This is probably the simplest assembly method. 
2. You will need 1" squares and 1" x 3" rectangles.
You can order the paper pieces here

This months Whirl Diagram. Right click on the image,
click Save As, name it - Whirl Step Two. Add it to 
a file or print it out. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

TQC Journal | issue 75

Favorite Fibers Pre-Sales are here!
What better way to chase away those winter blues than with a 
stack of beautiful new fabric. I have three new patterns, kits 
 and all your favorite sizes of bundles ready for you to order.
Find all the Favorite Fiber details and place your pre-order here

I have always been fascinated by this quilt from the early 1900's.
The maker and region are unknow, but I imagine she had lots of scraps
 and set out to make something interesting. I am not sure how she figured out
how to make the simple nine patch whirl, but isn't it amazing. I am going
to attempt to recreate this quilt and thought you might like to follow along. 

Disclaimer - follow or stitch along either one is great. I am 
just not 100% sure this will work. I am following the image with
blocks and spacing bars so I am keeping my fingers crossed 

I am hand piecing this project to slow the process down and allow
for a more intentional sewing experience. You could also use
English Paper Piecing if that is your thing. I am using a cut 1-1/2" 
square for a finished 1" square. Machine piecing would work as well
but keep in mind that you will need to be joining things together
a little wonkily so you should not stitch in the seam allowance. 

Step One - Center
Layout 1-1/2" squares and 1 -1/2" x 3-1/2" bars as pictured. Stitch units.
You will need about 1/2 yard of fabric for your bars, I am using Natural Linen.

Stitch the units together to make center block measuring
7-1/2" x 7 1/2" square, including seam allowances.  

I will add a new diagram to each post for you to print,
to make stitching along a little easier. Right click on the 
image, click Save image as, name it, Whirl - Step One,
add it to a file or print it out. Simple!

I will be posting a Whirl update in the third
Monday's issue of the TQC Journal.
I have discovered a typo in the Woven | Opposite Options pattern.
 If you purchased a printed copy of this pattern please take the time
 to visit my correction page and make the red highlighted corrections
 to your pattern. You can find the correction page here. 

If you purchased a kit from me I will need to send you additional
fabric. Unfortunately I already archived (shredded) my 2022 orders.
If you purchased a Woven | Opposite Option kit please email me
right away so I can get the extra fabric to you. 
Send email to [email protected]