Yaya Quote:

I write with humble. I scribble with passion. I doodle with emotions.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Baby Pre-loved and New Items for SALE!


I'm selling my pre-owned for babies, which are those from very good to excellent conditions. There are new items too. (Did a lot of online shopping. Sobs sobs).

Interested please email to [email protected]

Shopping preloved can save you a lot of money you know!
And all the money will be donated to orphanage. 

Aamina Doll
RM150 inc postage.

Bebe Confort Maternity Manual Breast Pump
Bebe Confort Manual Breast Pump
RM85 inc postage.

Bebe Confort Easy Clip 270ml Bottle wt Handle White
Bebe Confort Easy Clip 270ml with Handle
RM28 not inc postage.

 Bebe Confort Easy Clip 150ml Bottle-White
Bebe Confort Easy Clip 150ml with Handle
RM20 not inc postage.

Medela Swing
RM450 inc postage.
Condition : 9/10

Little Bean Sterilizer and Warmer
RM80 inc postage.
Condition : 9/10

Baby Love Grow Pants L56
RM100 for 4 sets inc postage.

Baby Love Grow Pants M64
RM100 for 4 sets inc postage.


Bebe Confort Microwave Sterelizer
RM55 sets inc postage.

Friday, January 4, 2013

How I deliver Ayesha

The title sounds simple. Hahaha. Macam letak kopi dan air panas jadi kopi O.

Tapi mmg simple pon.

A week before delivery, I have several symptoms :
- Extremely penat
- Swelling both hand and foot
- Demam
- Itchy all over body. (Terrible!)

I went to regular check up (38 weeks) on Friday afternoon with hubby. Via ultrasound the doctor said air ketuban dah kurang.

And I just remembered that my panties keeps on wetting , not much but its wet through this week. But since I am too concentrated on the pain that I have, I dont really bother on wet panty.

So, the doctor asked to be admitted and with no dilation, I need to go through induced labor.

Induced at 7pm. Start contraction at 3 am. No dilation still.  Take another induced pill.  Pain is tolerable.

Between 4am to 6am, the midwive macam panic looking at CTG. She told me that baby heartbeat is not good. No dilation still.

At 7am, doctor came and asked for emergency c-sect in order to save my baby.

I was put to sleep for the operation (since the epidural doesnt really works for me).

Bangun dah ada anak kat sebelah. hahahahhaa.

Tapi masa bangun tu agak trauma, sebab sangatttt sejukk due to the morphine I've got. But it just for a while.


Oh, I miss all the moment in the hospital!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello 2013




Happy new year!

It has been a year I havent updated my blog. Been very extremely busy. Hak hak hak.

Oh my! I miss writting! I miss blogging! I miss reading blog!!

Hope this year I can manage to consistently updating teh-tariks!

2012 is a very interesting year for me.

First, I delivered a baby girl on October.6 2012 !

Introducing you Shariffah Ayesha!

 Isn't she adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
(Puji anak sendiri)

Second, I continued my master since 2011 and hak hak dah nak abis pon!! InsyaAllah! next year grad!

Third, bought a new house and a new car.!

Fourth, been busy travelling! 9 countries in total! Backpacking while carrying Ayesha in belly.



Medan, Indonesia


(I am 7 months pregnant masa ni)



Shenzhen, China

annd Thailand.

Teramat over busy!

Hope this year will be an interesting year for 3 of us!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Life .

6.30 am : Bangun pagi. Gosok gigi. Mandi. Sikat rambut.
 7.30 am : Kemas beg. Pergi Kerja.
 8.30 am : Kerja
 9.30 am : Kerja
10.30 am : Kerja
11.30 am : Kerja
12.30 am : Lunch..........
 1.30 pm : Kerja
 2.30 pm : Kerja
 3.30 pm : Kerja
 4.30 pm : Kerja
 5.30 pm : Kerja
 6.30 pm : Kerja
 7.30 pm : Kerja / Traffic Jam
 8.30 pm : Masak (kalau rajin)
 9.30 pm : Masterchef
10.30 pm : Sleep

What a boring life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

DIY Dulang

I am now a big fan of Ikea.

Gilaa best kot Ikea.

Not that I just got to know Ikea but since I bought a house and I am so into decorating my house, I've becoming a house decorator maniac.

So every week you can see my face at Ikea.

I found this cheap candle holder at Ikea for RM1.90...

And now all I need is a plate. You can use your un-used plate or you can even buy a cheap plate from Ikea for RM2.90...

And you will be needing a strong adhesive to combined it. (You can get a very cheap gam gajah at Mr DIY for 60 cent).

So here it is..

It cost you less than 5 ringgit weyhhh!!!!!

To make it more fancy, you can spray it with your own desirable color.

Am going to spray mine soon. Maybe today. Tgk kepada tahap kerajinan.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Wall Makeover.

I have a dull laundry wall.

It makes me bored.

Wallpaper is expensive.

So, I cut a lots of  paper circles.

And paste it like this. 

Now, I am very excited to do laundry!

Oh, I did the same to my toilet wall too!

I have a happy awe-bathroom now.


And important note :
I fell down a ladder while pasting it.
And hit my backbone badly.
I did MRI and shows that I have damaged my back bone.
Now, I have to undergo lots of Physiotherapy at Prince Court.
Padan muka sama saya.

Please do take care of safety while doing kerja tukang. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

MTV Wedding Video by Us!

Our wedding MTV video... 

It is a blast to have all family members sang with us .

It is fun to see all kiddos dancing and try to sang along the song.

It is a happy moments to see all atuk, maktok, makcik, pakcik, kezen miming the songs.

I kind of loving it!! :) It makes me happy! :)

Do click here to watch the video.   (Pswd : yaya)

Some of them maybe tak hafal lagu. But it is ok. As long as they are very sporting to sing and danceee with us!!! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Of anak

Kekadang nak
Kekadang xnak.

Kekadang takut.
Kekadang excited.

Kekadang risau.
Kekadang overconfident.

Kekadang malas.
Kekadang rajin.

Apa apa pon. perut saya dah buncit.


Buncit makan.
Bukan buncit anak.