Papers by Derin Inan

RCL — Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens Journal of Communication and Languages, 2024
Contemporary urban conditions, where different agencies are associated through various spatial co... more Contemporary urban conditions, where different agencies are associated through various spatial confrontations, are redefined as a system with all its components; socioeconomic, biological, geographical, ecological, and experiential. Incorporating these coexistences in the definition of urban conditions necessitates a multi-focal rendering of the associations and a speculative practice of a new methodological approach. This article considers the use of data-driven urban representations for achieving a 'systems thinking' approach as a new methodology to research the pluralities, contradictions, degradations, and climatic challenges of contemporary cities. In this respect, the experienced data avalanche and interaction with the large scale of bytes used for data-driven practices can be considered as a challenging transformation that proposes deep readings of cities and hence can be used in practising a 'systems thinking' approach. Mapping the information and producing data-driven urban representations can be considered a challenge in defining the systems thinking approach and responding to the transformations, definitions, and conditions of contemporary cities. This new method of engagement with data-driven practices cultivates an architectural transformation by sourcing,

PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 2024
The Bauhaus school, founded in the early 20th century by Walter Gropius, became a leading institu... more The Bauhaus school, founded in the early 20th century by Walter Gropius, became a leading institution for art, design, and architectural education. Gropius' vision emphasized abolishing the distinctions between different branches of art & design, and between artists & craftsmen. This holistic approach was encapsulated also in the school's curriculum, which sought to integrate arts, crafts, and industry. Central to Bauhaus education was the Preliminary Course (Vorkurs), which was compulsory for all students regardless of their discipline. This course laid the foundation for further education and was known for its inclusivity and the influence of several unconventional and innovative masters, including Johannes Itten, László Moholy-Nagy, and Josef Albers. Each of these instructors brought distinct teaching methods and philosophies, contributing to the dynamic and evolving nature of the course. Vorkurs underwent significant changes throughout Bauhaus's 14-year history, reflecting the varying pedagogical approaches of its masters and the political and social changes of the era. As a result, the course cannot be seen as a static entity but rather as a series of diverse and sometimes inconsistent pedagogical experiments. This article examines the transformations and inconsistencies of Vorkurs by comparing the approaches of Itten, Moholy-Nagy, and Albers. It argues that the course should not be understood as a single, cohesive course but rather as a reflection of the diverse and evolving educational philosophies of its instructors. By focusing on these differences, the article aims to discuss the changing definitions and ideals of individual creativity and traits, which still are major topics of discussion within contemporary design education.

Journal of Design Studio, 2023
In architectural education, urban-scale studies provide an opportunity for architectural students... more In architectural education, urban-scale studies provide an opportunity for architectural students to study the challenges that cities confront and their physical and conceptual frameworks with a multidisciplinary approach. The design process necessitates the critical evaluation of the inputs that define, structure, and govern the cities and the acknowledgement of social, economic, ecological, geographical, and experiential conditions. The critical reading of the city also demands an understanding of its prevailing, speculative, and emergent conditions, which can be apprised through a cohesive structure of relations shaped by directives from various agents. Advocating for a novel methodological practice in architectural education, this approach fosters the engagement of architecture students with the networks, constellations, and associations of contemporary urban conditions. With this conceptual framework, the paper speculates on the potential of introducing systems thinking as a methodology for architectural education, which encourages the study of interrelations between different parties, in diverse scales, to design contemporary urban conditions. It subjects students' works in the fourth-year architectural design studio, where systems thinking is acknowledged as a methodology to study the notion of infrastructure space. In these studies, infrastructure space is considered as the site of multiplicities, coexistences, and overlaps beyond its typical association with "physical networks for transportation, communication or utilities" (Easterling, 2014). Studying the infrastructure space through a systems thinking approach is believed to enable the integration of inchoate states and territories of local, trans-local, and global occurrences. To sum up, the paper will discuss the outputs of integrating systems thinking in architectural education, and the reconceptualization of 'infrastructure space' as an instrumental approach in dealing with the complex structure of cities.

ITU Press, Press of the Istanbul Technical University
What are the possible grounds for practicing 'research' in design studio? Design ... more What are the possible grounds for practicing 'research' in design studio? Design studios have a tendency to assume that the 'research' and 'design' happen independently and they complement each other intuitively. In this paper, this assumption will be challenged through presenting and discussing a year-long studio exercise for a house design in the second-year level, where 'researching others' design work' is defined as the fundamental component of the given design problem, as dominant over other usual ones such as program, scenario, function, context, etc. The objective is defined as a quest into the diverse and variable interrelations of practices of design and research, in which, not only the design process is defined in majorly research-based means, but research is also redefined as something designed in a highly individual and subjective act. In this frame, the paper will largely discuss the notion of 'originality' as a prominent topic in architectural design and design teaching, through questioning the varying means of referring as design actions; such as 'quoting' , 'adapting' or 'appropriating'; or even generating a 'cover' , a 'sample' or a 'variation' in design studios.

Journal of Design Studio
Commonly associated with the accurate representation of reality according to a specific ratio, wh... more Commonly associated with the accurate representation of reality according to a specific ratio, which depends mainly on measuring and precision, the notion of scale has been considered an operative tool in architecture to perceive and indicate the size of anything according to a reference system. An effort to challenge the concept of scale(ing) to include diverse reference units and their scalar articulations holds the potential of instigating novel associations in architectural design studios. Possible readings of these alternative scale(ing) conditions are discussed in the paper in reference to a series of design exercises conducted at architectural design studios. The main intention is to question these unmediated associations to the reference unit in the determination of size and proportion, thus possible scales of architectural space. This particular method of analysis aims to arrive at various scale(ing) conditions, whose internal reference system is challenged by the changes a...

What are the possible grounds for practicing 'research' in design studio? Design studios have a t... more What are the possible grounds for practicing 'research' in design studio? Design studios have a tendency to assume that the 'research' and 'design' happen independently and they complement each other intuitively. In this paper, this assumption will be challenged through presenting and discussing a year-long studio exercise for a house design in the second-year level, where 'researching others' design work' is defined as the fundamental component of the given design problem, as dominant over other usual ones such as program, scenario, function, context, etc. The objective is defined as a quest into the diverse and variable interrelations of practices of design and research, in which, not only the design process is defined in majorly research-based means, but research is also redefined as something designed in a highly individual and subjective act. In this frame, the paper will largely discuss the notion of 'originality' as a prominent topic in architectural design and design teaching, through questioning the varying means of referring as design actions; such as 'quoting' , 'adapting' or 'appropriating'; or even generating a 'cover' , a 'sample' or a 'variation' in design studios.

Journal of Design Studio, 2023
Commonly associated with the accurate representation of reality according to a specific ratio, wh... more Commonly associated with the accurate representation of reality according to a specific ratio, which depends mainly on measuring and precision, the notion of scale has been considered an operative tool in architecture to perceive and indicate the size of anything according to a reference system. An effort to challenge the concept of scale(ing) to include diverse reference units and their scalar articulations holds the potential of instigating novel associations in architectural design studios. Possible readings of these alternative scale(ing) conditions are discussed in the paper in reference to a series of design exercises conducted at architectural design studios. The main intention is to question these unmediated associations to the reference unit in the determination of size and proportion, thus possible scales of architectural space. This particular method of analysis aims to arrive at various scale(ing) conditions, whose internal reference system is challenged by the changes and shifts in the definition of the major reference unit. Each different scale(ing) condition studied through the given exercise was regarded as an act of confrontation for readings of scale as well as presenting provocative challenges to the architectural design processes. With this standpoint, the paper proposes a multilayered reading of scale that argues the reference unit’s instrumentality in the definition of architectural space and proposes an alternative methodology of integrating scale in architectural design education.

Scale, in architecture, is often regarded as a term used to indicate a certain size of an object ... more Scale, in architecture, is often regarded as a term used to indicate a certain size of an object in close reference to the categorisation of information that is expected to be transmitted through that size. Therefore it is mostly regarded as an issue related to the presentation of the object rather than an instrumental tool guiding the formation process of any object.
The scale as a topic also rarely finds its deserved attention in architectural education. The potentials the issue can provide are much diverse and therefore deserve to be regarded as a fundamental subject guiding the experience of design studios in architecture schools. In the light of these concerns a series of studies were conducted at different years of architectural design studios, where the issue of scale is regarded as the main framework for searching the formation of architectural space and students’ modes of operation with architectural space. The paper, which will present studio exercises from different years, formulated around the problem of understanding and evaluating on the idea of scale, discuss the instrumentality of scale as a tool for developing spatial strategies.
The paper will also comment on the diverse contributions of the issue to the general structure of each design studio alone. Its spatial associations will be discussed through the prominent keywords like ‘Scales of Contact’, ‘Scalability’ and ‘Correlative Scales’ as appeared in different years of the studio exercises, within their particular priorities, subjects and concerns. So the paper will not only try to trigger a discussion for understanding the idea of scale as an operative tool for design thinking in general, but will also try to discuss the ways and which it can be utilised as an inclusive and yet stimulating strategy for architectural studies.
Zeki Sayar ve Arkitekt: Tasarlamak, Örgütlemek, Belgelemek, Oct 2015

The common ground that architecture shares with other disciplines of design and planning, as well... more The common ground that architecture shares with other disciplines of design and planning, as well as its relation to all forms of visual arts, is evident and granted. This shared ground and the reciprocities that all inter-disciplinary relations suggest are being efficiently –and inevitably– utilized for educational purposes. For many courses in the architectural curricula, instructors and students find many opportunities to compare concepts of architecture with those of visual arts. However, one can also observe that such comparisons and relations mostly tend to be experienced through the products of such fields. The relation of art works themselves to architectural concepts becomes so boldly apparent that the comparison of the processes of artistic creation and architectural production remains secondary. On the other hand, architectural design also shares a lot with other compositional arts that does not operate on visual terms, such as music and literature. The vocabulary on composition shared by all these disciplines with concepts such as texture, rhythm, and etc. opens up further possibilities for educational experiences on the process of creation. In this paper, such an
Günümüzde Biçim ve İşlev Tartışmasının Neresindeyiz? , Dec 2011
İşlev olgusunun mimari tasarım süreçleri üzerindeki etkisi ve tarihsel süreçte bu anlayışın mimar... more İşlev olgusunun mimari tasarım süreçleri üzerindeki etkisi ve tarihsel süreçte bu anlayışın mimarlık pratiği alanında ürettiği açılım ve referanslara daha yakından göz atarken , işlev kavramının mimaride pek çok açılımı olduğu ve bu kavramın zaman içinde farklı değer yargılarını ve anlamları içinde barındırarak nasıl şekillendiği anlamaya çalışılacaktır. Bu tartışmanın günümüzde biçim ve işlev tartışmasına bir alt zemin hazırlamasının ötesinde, “biçim işlevi izler” ilkesinin bir tasarım prensibi olarak Sullivan’dan, 1930’ların modernist söylemine ve hatta bugüne taşınırken geçirdiği kırılım ve anlam kaymalarının göz ardı edilmemesi gerektiği öne sürülürken, mimari formun işlevselliği ile mimarlığın işlevselliği arasındaki ilişki irdelenmektedir.
Tabelalar, sokak işaretleri, ilanlar, reklam panoları. Yüzleri sivil hayata çevrilmiş çok renkli,... more Tabelalar, sokak işaretleri, ilanlar, reklam panoları. Yüzleri sivil hayata çevrilmiş çok renkli, çeşnili bir panorama. Günlük hayatta büyükkent insanının karşısındaki daimi tablo, onu çevreleyen, kuşatan, yalnız bırakmayan bir dekor.
Quadderns International Conference: The Education of an Architect
The paper attempts to map out some issues and thoughts on the emerging reality of PhDs by Design;... more The paper attempts to map out some issues and thoughts on the emerging reality of PhDs by Design; a
reality stemming from the intensive interferences between architectural research and architectural projects and, as
commonly argued, the reliance of both on new tools and techniques. The paper is a survey of the present conditions, aiming to construct a way to address this topic and develop a probable understanding of it. So, more than the issue of PhD by Design itself, it’s more about
how to address it. Therefore we focus on two issues which we propose as a way to analyse and frame this theme, the
first being the specific ‘architecturality’ of this kind of research, and the second the issue of its evaluation-judgment
as a ‘PhD’.
Book Reviews by Derin Inan
Ele avuca sığmayan büyük, şişman, ciddi görünümlü ve pahada ağır S,M,L,XL’den sonra OMA ve Rem Ko... more Ele avuca sığmayan büyük, şişman, ciddi görünümlü ve pahada ağır S,M,L,XL’den sonra OMA ve Rem Koolhaas bu sefer hafif, geçici (anlık) ve ucuzun peşinde kuşe kağıt “dergi gibi ‘kitap’ gibi dergi“ Content’i piyasaya sürdü. İçerik olarak S,M,L,XL’ den çok daha geniş bir ‘mimari’ düşünce alanına serpilmiş olan Content, anafikrinde OMA’nın ve Rem Koolhaas’ın alıştığımız tarzından çok da farklı değil. Parodi ve ironiyle zenginleşen bir dil ile, spekülasyon ve gerçeklik arasında gidip gelen mimarlığı global dünyanın bütün getiri ve götürüleri çerçevesinde tartışmak, sorgulamak.
Interviews by Derin Inan
Modernist Açılımda bir Öncü: Seyfi Arkan, 2012
Reviews by Derin Inan
Papers by Derin Inan
The scale as a topic also rarely finds its deserved attention in architectural education. The potentials the issue can provide are much diverse and therefore deserve to be regarded as a fundamental subject guiding the experience of design studios in architecture schools. In the light of these concerns a series of studies were conducted at different years of architectural design studios, where the issue of scale is regarded as the main framework for searching the formation of architectural space and students’ modes of operation with architectural space. The paper, which will present studio exercises from different years, formulated around the problem of understanding and evaluating on the idea of scale, discuss the instrumentality of scale as a tool for developing spatial strategies.
The paper will also comment on the diverse contributions of the issue to the general structure of each design studio alone. Its spatial associations will be discussed through the prominent keywords like ‘Scales of Contact’, ‘Scalability’ and ‘Correlative Scales’ as appeared in different years of the studio exercises, within their particular priorities, subjects and concerns. So the paper will not only try to trigger a discussion for understanding the idea of scale as an operative tool for design thinking in general, but will also try to discuss the ways and which it can be utilised as an inclusive and yet stimulating strategy for architectural studies.
reality stemming from the intensive interferences between architectural research and architectural projects and, as
commonly argued, the reliance of both on new tools and techniques. The paper is a survey of the present conditions, aiming to construct a way to address this topic and develop a probable understanding of it. So, more than the issue of PhD by Design itself, it’s more about
how to address it. Therefore we focus on two issues which we propose as a way to analyse and frame this theme, the
first being the specific ‘architecturality’ of this kind of research, and the second the issue of its evaluation-judgment
as a ‘PhD’.
Book Reviews by Derin Inan
Interviews by Derin Inan
Reviews by Derin Inan
The scale as a topic also rarely finds its deserved attention in architectural education. The potentials the issue can provide are much diverse and therefore deserve to be regarded as a fundamental subject guiding the experience of design studios in architecture schools. In the light of these concerns a series of studies were conducted at different years of architectural design studios, where the issue of scale is regarded as the main framework for searching the formation of architectural space and students’ modes of operation with architectural space. The paper, which will present studio exercises from different years, formulated around the problem of understanding and evaluating on the idea of scale, discuss the instrumentality of scale as a tool for developing spatial strategies.
The paper will also comment on the diverse contributions of the issue to the general structure of each design studio alone. Its spatial associations will be discussed through the prominent keywords like ‘Scales of Contact’, ‘Scalability’ and ‘Correlative Scales’ as appeared in different years of the studio exercises, within their particular priorities, subjects and concerns. So the paper will not only try to trigger a discussion for understanding the idea of scale as an operative tool for design thinking in general, but will also try to discuss the ways and which it can be utilised as an inclusive and yet stimulating strategy for architectural studies.
reality stemming from the intensive interferences between architectural research and architectural projects and, as
commonly argued, the reliance of both on new tools and techniques. The paper is a survey of the present conditions, aiming to construct a way to address this topic and develop a probable understanding of it. So, more than the issue of PhD by Design itself, it’s more about
how to address it. Therefore we focus on two issues which we propose as a way to analyse and frame this theme, the
first being the specific ‘architecturality’ of this kind of research, and the second the issue of its evaluation-judgment
as a ‘PhD’.